Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

311. Hello, World! (6th Arc Epilogue)

311. Hello, World! (6th Arc Epilogue)





Snap carefully observed the group it had come to know and love, taking wide and panning shots of them traversing the plains on foot. For once, the group decided against riding its back, leaving only Carpalis, Magus, the Archivist, the Alter Frosts, and the Star Child aboard.

Frost said something about wanting to enjoy the moment.

But everyone knew she just wanted to be carried by Jury. A lot of heartfelt words were shared. Most were the same, but it was usually what wasn’t said that resonated the loudest between them.

The look of relief on everyone’s face when they saw Frost was a sight for sore eyes, and for the first time in what felt like forever, they were finally able to embrace Frost without fear of being hurt.

Jury and Frost moved ahead of the group, enjoying their time together as the others lagged, allowing them all the time in the world as they followed the trails in the skies where their promised robotic friend waited.

Suddenly, a certain wolfwoman appeared in Snap’s frame of view.


“There she goes getting swept away by Jury. Lost my opportunity to get devoured. Tch. But what. Can. You. Do~? Guess I’m just glad Frost is Frost, and not some flaming lunatic… yeah. Looking at her really does remind us of mom, huh?”

An eccentric Cer poked her head into Snap’s lens, grinning as mischievously as it always remembered.

But Cer wasn’t always like this.




Beneath that smile hid a hundred more frowns.

Nowadays, Cer was able to smile like everyone else.

Suddenly, the present Cer removed her suit, grinning at Snap.


“Pheeew! Maybe I’ll be more appetizing like this. By the way. How are you Snap!?”


“You too huh.”

“Brrrrrr~!?” Snap was surprised that Cer managed to understand its words.


“Oh, did I translate something right!?” Cer teased. “Now c’mere and let me get a handful of that fluff!”


* * *


Res walked nearby Ber, enjoying the scenery as she took a deep breath, turning to Snap with a surprised, but pleasant look.


“It’s peaceful now. You wouldn’t think that our group just came back from saving the Nex Megalopolis. Maybe even the better part of the world. Crazy when you think about it. I’m happy we can make more memories.” Res whispered to herself, her voice picked up by Snap who nodded, purring at her.




Snap came back to the present Res, whose face blossomed into a vibrant smile as she asked:



* * *

Afterwards, Ber unintentionally walked into Snap’s field of view, fondly devouring her surroundings with glistening eyes.


“You really can’t see any further into the distance. I guess height isn’t really all that. Whew~! I can finally stretch my wings, get the knots out of my tail, go for a bath, and get pampered by Frost~ Well, after we meet up with that voice in our heads~!” She hummed, thrusting a fist into the air.




Ber set her sights forward, then onto Snap again.

“What do you think she looks like? Wait, hold on. She? I’m getting ahead of myself already, aren’t I?” Ber smiled at herself.


“Also, good thing Jury has a lot spare clothing. Makes you wonder what else might be stowed away besides food. Didn’t a few of those lust nanas disappear?”

“Brrrrrr?” Snap tilted its head innocently.

“Anyway, what they do with it isn’t any of my business.” Ber shrugged but remained intrigued by the thought.

* * *

Ignis wore her usual stoic face as she became Snap’s next subject. These moments were fleeting, and Snap wished to capture their memories not only in photographs, but as a recording.

How Snap was able to see the past of the others was simple. In order to find one’s happiest moments, it must also know of their saddest. Snap could never show a person’s most despairing moments, and neither could it ever share them. They were not for it to uncover, for they were the sanctity of a person. Where happiest moments were something to be cherished and shared, these most vulnerable moments needed careful consideration.

Snap was the kind of friend who’d keep all one’s secrets safe.


“Everyone’s back. We tried really hard, and we made it all the way to the end. It still doesn’t feel real. Growing up, all I had was papa and the people of my city. Now, I think I’m getting the hang of standing up with these two legs. All thanks to them. And you too.” Ignis spoke with a sweet voice.




Before Snap knew it, Ignis placed a warm hand atop its head and began stroking his fur affectionately.


A rare smile appeared on her face as she recalled her moments spent with every person precious to her.

“Nav is going to be with us soon. I can’t wait. Can you?”


“I thought so. Good Snap.”

* * *

“Hmm? Oh. Snap! Sneaky!” Jury exclaimed, surprised as Snap suddenly nudged her from behind.

She turned on her heels, hands on hips as she gave Snap a tender smile.


“Why am I not with Frost? Because she’s with the others. I’ve had my fill. For now~” She winked cheekily, bringing a finger to her lips before she fell into a soft, silent chuckle.

Her eyes mellowed as they fell onto Frost. In the distance, she could be seen embracing the others, offering them the warmth they were starved of.

“We’re going to have all the time in the world after this. Frost is someone who gets carried away by duties and her sense of justice. She’s a good person. But she doesn’t know when too much is just too much. So, I think I need to be more assertive now and help her draw that line.” Jury vowed, staring at Frost as if she were the only star in a lonely night sky.




Jury cocked her head.

“Hmm? Something wrong?”


She patted Snap’s head.

“The era of Frost helping us is over. Now it’s our turn. She’s going to need all the help she can get. And I’ll be there at every step of the way. If we’re lucky, then maybe we can settle down for a while. Live somewhere nice. Have a place to call home. And I don’t mean this world. I mean a house. A cozy place we can call ‘ours’.”


“You like that idea too? Sorry. I still can’t translate ‘Snap’.” Jury sheepishly admitted before committing to embracing the giant ball of golden fuzz. “So cute!”

* * *

“Bzzt. Bzzzzt. Brrrr.” Magus began speaking the language of ‘Snap’.

“Brrr! Bzzt. Bzzzzzzt!” Snap responded playfully as Carpalis sent a sidelong glance at him, wondering how he managed to crack the code.

“Not going to give a hand to this one?” Carpalis said, waving her body around to make her sleeves dance.

The Alter Frosts became her personal bodyguards, whilst the Archetype of Desire simply watched on, happily observing everything from the safety of Snap’s back. Carpalis and Magus walked from a distance away from Frost’s group, not wanting to interrupt their precious moments.

“Another splendid knee slapper! That being said, it is but elementary, my dear Carpalis! When you ‘Bzzzt’ your first ‘Brrr’, then you’ll understand all the ‘Bzzzz’ till your last!” Magus proudly explained, only causing Carpalis’ smile to widen.

“Bzzzz?” She uttered, trying to say ‘hi’ to Snap, suddenly causing the Alter Frost’s to throw up an exclamation mark above their heads.

“That’s the spirit! Although, it’s quite rude to begin a conversation with such vulgar language!”

“Bzzzt…” Snap happily groaned, trying to access their memories.

However –


“Bzzzt. Brrrr. Brrrrrr.” Magus wagged a finger playfully.

(A fair attempt, my good friend! But if I don’t know my past, then neither can you. Do not forget that Beholders are a tough cookie to crack! Get stronger, my golden equal! The Archivist is also locked. She’s overcome her faults, after all!).

* * *

Regardless of what Magus said, it seemed to be able to gain some insight over Carpalis’ past.

The woman, her eyes perpetually closed now as if she couldn’t handle the light of the sun, turned to Snap with a subtle grin.


“Happy endings for everyone. The only ending to lift the soul. There should always be a goal that makes walking the path of tribulation and ridicule worth it. I believe I have just witnessed one. Jubilation does not begin to describe how I feel.” Carpalis silently celebrated their victory.




Carpalis spent a few minutes staring into Snap sole eye. She seemed to see right through it. Knowing what it had seen. But she didn’t complain or protest. She simply put on her brightest smile and waved her body, throwing a sleeve to pat Snap’s head.


“Each happy memory has a dark equivalent. Snap~ Hehe… do you mind giving this lady a hand? I wouldn’t want to break my fall with my face. Hahaha… Nav is just ahead.”


Frost’s Hired Arm caught the polaroid and kindly showed it to Carpalis.

“I’m not paying you, but you’re still acting as my hired arm. Haha… I will fondly cherish this gift.” She hummed. “Try not to attempt that with the other Beholders. I’m weakened, so I’m quite vulnerable right now. Ahaha… As I always was going through the ebbs and flow of the world’s whims. Such a cute Snap…” Carpalis took the polaroid into her mouth, slipping it in between her breast. “Oops… Now for the real question. Sustenance will become a problem. I ask you this: will I be fed grapes like an Empress?”

The Hired Arm only saluted, wearing a determined face.

“Hehe… lovely.”

* * *

The group moved as one, with Carpalis, Magus and the Star Child observing far away. Frost suddenly came into frame as she fondly watched over the others discuss theories of Nav’s appearance. Whether they were a girl or a boy, or just a machine with nothing in between.

“Nav’s gotta be the weirdest name, don’t you think?” Cer brought up.

“You have a three-lettered name too.” Jury defended.

“Not like yours is any better.” Cer jabbed back.

“Why pick a fight now of all times? You’ll scare Nav. Imagine being born and the first thing you see is an idiot arguing.” Res sighed.

“You say that like Nav’s going to recognize us. I wonder if they can tell our voices apart.” Ber brought up, causing Ignis to slowly nod as they reached the lip of a small hill.

Nav was just on the other side.

“Wouldn’t that be nice…” Ignis whispered whimsically.

It all made Frost laugh. They moved on ahead of her as she slowed down, turning back to Snap. Since they’d be meeting with Nav for the first time, she had removed her ruined Coat of Prejudice and replaced it with something nicer.

Jury turned out to be everyone’s mobile wardrobe. It became clear that Frost’s body had seen some new changes. Her height increase was negligible at best, but her chest had increased in size, and the intensity of her eyes seemed to be greater.


“Not something I’d wear normally since it’s so… tight around my chest, but right now, all I can think about is Nav. Hey. C’mon. Let’s go meet them.” She extended her hand, waiting for Snap to catch up with them before she began moving again.



“You’re so cute, Snap. But you can’t keep observing forever. You’re with us. I’m sure Nav would want to see us all together.”

* * *

Finally, they reached a secluded place. The mountains of Emvita formed a wall along the backdrop. Beneath their hill was a small lake which connected to a long stream that ran from the mountains afar. It was shallow, and so clear that one could make out each individual pebble within.

And down there, they saw someone standing in the middle of the lake, frozen as if unable to move. Their eyes were transfixed at something beyond as they kept their backs turned against them, unaware that they were even present.

No one uttered a word. Their approach was silent as they scaled down the hill, brushing past natural gardens of roses in this untouched sanctuary. When they reached the shore of the lake, Frost glanced at everyone, and they all stared at her with expectant eyes.

Of course. There was no better person to greet Nav other than Frost herself.

Carpalis, the Archivist and Magus watched from above the hill, keeping themselves mostly out of the picture. They simply wished to observe. Snap would have taken their position, but Frost insisted that it join them.

Snap was one of them, after all. An irreplaceable friend who stuck by them through thick and thin.

“… green… blue. Trickling…” The short, pale blue-haired figure whispered in disbelief.

She wore something in between a dress and a laboratory coat, her fair legs exposed to the elements. Her bare feet were submerged until her ankles, and she was about as tall as Frost. Maybe a little taller. Frost couldn’t tell. Her heart was racing far too quickly for it to matter as she took a deep breath –


– And took her first step forward onto the lake.

“A voice…?” Nav whispered, locking up before suddenly shaking her head. “Am I detecting auditory hallucinations? Impossible.”

“Nav. It’s me. Frost. You’re not hearing a hallucination. I’m right here. Waiting right behind you.” Frost began, her voice again causing Nav to lock up in place as she struggled to comprehend this.

Her body moved stiffly, but it was simultaneously like watching a child try to move for the first time. Nav didn’t turn back. She became incapable all of a sudden. No matter how hard she demanded her body to move, it just wouldn’t budge.

Fear took root in her chest. She didn’t understand why, but the closer those footsteps became the more she thought how devastating it would be if this turned out to be an illusion. Like a human, Nav was just searching for excuses. A way to rationalize this improbable moment.

As a machine, these emotions should have been impossible. They were small, but they were all Nav knew. She was a seed. A small sprout with loose roots and in foreign soil.

Frost promised to plant those roots into the best soil she could find with each pleasant word that left her lips.

“Nav? I guess it’s shocking for you to hear my voice. I’m a bit scared as well. Because I don’t know if you really do recognize my voice. And I’m dreading if you also don’t remember my name at all.”

“… that’s…” Nav suddenly spoke out, her voice unwillingly parting with her. “Not true… My parameters are off. Sensations are off as well. My calculations and knowledge don’t match with what I’m experiencing right now.”

Nav admitted, unable to properly convey how she felt.

But in truth, the reason why she didn’t want to turn was simply because she wanted to hear more of Frost’s voice. That one voice she had known since the start. Her memories of the distant past did not trouble her like the others. As a machine, there was only so much that could get to her.

This? This… was enough to melt through her cold, iron heart and beat mortality into it.

“Sensations feel different to expectations. The water that should be just a mere liquid is ‘cold’. Your voice sounds like its all around me. I don’t know how to describe this feeling in my chest. It wants to burst. Am I infected with Aspirating Aspirations…?”

Frost stopped in her tracks, her gaze becoming so tender that it could disarm the most violent. Suddenly, the triplets inadvertently began snickering, holding back their laughter. It wasn’t in a mocking or ridiculing manner.

Rather, it was warm. They were taken aback by Nav’s questions. Her innocence was jarring when one remembered how she’d sometimes take jabs at them. But more than anything, their laughter caused her hands to limply rest by her side as she realized that Frost wasn’t here alone to greet her.

“What you’re feeling is nervousness. We’re not going to disappear on you.” Frost took another step forward, a ripple passing by Nav’s feet.

This served as proof that they were truly here.

“… can you introduce yourself… just so I can confirm it auditorily?” Nav politely asked, and Frost complied.

“My name is Frost. It’s weird name, and you’ve given me flack for how bad my naming sense is. We’ve been through hell together. From the Black Forest, Divas Pass, the Derma Layer, and now this. But I’m certain we’ve also gone through all kind of things in the old world.”

Nav’s body began to move slowly as she prepared to turn.

“But this world is the only world that matters. So please turn around so we can see you… Nav. We’ve been waiting for you to stand with us for a long time now.” Frost’s voice shuddered as Nav finally turned around for the world to see.



Frost smiled through her tears.

“I’m so happy that you’re here. Nav. It’s crazy that this is the first time we’re meeting face to face… after everything we’ve been through together. You’re not alone with that pain in your chest. Because I also can’t believe it…”

Suddenly, Frost threw herself forward, embracing Nav with open arms as she cried into her shoulder.

“We can finally see all the sights together. Like we promised with Jury.” Frost was moved beyond words. Soon, her words were lost in translation as Nav allowed her warmth to permeate through her body.

Nav’s eyes twinkled.

An unknown moisture coated her eyes.

They stung for no apparent reason to her.


She felt the dampness of Frost apparel.

The vibrations of Frost’s body.

And the sincerity in her voice.

Then, she looked upon the others who beams smiles brighter than the light that granted her wish, and she formed a smile of her own.


“You’re finally here~!” Jury cried, also shedding tears as she rushed towards Nav. Her larger size allowed her to embrace them both, never mind her tail which wrapped them tightly like a giant cocoon. “Finally. Finally! We’re all here! We can experience all the things together!”

“Jury…” Nav recognized her by voice alone.

After all, she was the second person she heard the most while stuck in her void.

“Mr. Nav is really Miss Nav… Wow…”

“Ignis…” Nav whispered, her eyes moving to the red-haired, cat-eared girl whose eyes glistened at Nav’s recognition.

“Heh. So that’s what you look like! 10 out 10 in books!”


“So much smaller than I thought! You look just like a human! What’s up – er, wait, I shouldn’t say that, should I – ouch!?”


“Don’t say something so stupid on your first meeting. Geez… Nav. It’s an honor and a privilege to meet you in person. Thank you. For everything you’ve done. Even for people who couldn’t hear your voice.”


The Alter Frosts threw heart emojis up, and the Hired Arm showed a rare smile. Nav had never felt so… loved before. If this was love? She didn’t know, but this feeling welling in her chest extinguished every fear and ever worry in her heart as she fondly absorbed their appearances with vibrant eyes.

“I’ve finally managed to join you all…” A tear fell from Nav’s eye, but her expression remained the same despite the tears that fell. “None of my parameters can calculate the happiness I must be feeling right now. I may not have awoken to a sight of mountains, but I believe that I’ve been gifted something a thousand times better.”

“Mhm!” Jury agreed as Snap suddenly came into the fray, offering its fur to Nav who curiously touch it.

“So soft… Snap…” She complimented, adoring its sensation.


At the end, they all set their sights to the skies. The horizon couldn’t be any clearer. Nav inhaled the world like a newborn child, unable to properly express how much she adored these people she had only known by voice.

Then, she set her sights on the Archivist, who happily waved, surprised that she somehow managed to recognize her by sight alone.

Finally, all eyes fell upon the Nexus.

A new chapter in their lives awaited.

Things will never get easier.

But so long as they had each other, then that’s all that mattered to them.

With one last cheer, everyone threw their hands into the air in celebration for Nav as Snap took a photo of everyone’s happiest moment.

* * *

“… Damage report?”

“70,000 injured. 130,000 dead. Another 20,000 missing. A third of all healers are either missing or dead.”

“And the state of the Nexus?”

“… Genesis Stones were scattered around the world after the encounter with the Apocalypse Corrupted. Minimal damage to the Nexus as far as the reports show. Moons are going to have difficulty navigating the world as a result.”

“… Caldera needs to clean this up thoroughly. But the city has become a new priority. We’re expecting major internal reform.”

“The Archetype of Amalgamation…”

“Indeed. The cleanup will be immense. It does not help that we have shown our weaker side to the world. No doubt that people will take the opportunity to stick their noses where they don’t belong.”

“Trouble’s calling.”

“There are rampant Corrupted in the city. Many of which seem sane. Scarlet Logic remnants have been captured, as well as other offenders. It will be dangerous for Stars and Moons to move through the city with the Genesis Stones. These people will be put to good use. We first need approval from the Amalgam.”

“A forbidden Site is being reinstated as well.”

“Against everyone’s will. That non-existent Site will also be a focus for us to find and destroy. A shipment was sent recently into Emvita. Investigation will immediately commence.”

“Beings will take form from the Genesis Stone as well. Another focus for Caldera Industries…”

“It seems that one Atlier cannot do all the work. This reform will decide the direction we will take moving forward. However.”


“If there is one thing this event has solidified, it is who we can and cannot trust. I pity those impurities. They’ve only rekindled the bonds of the Ateliers when it was so close to being broken.”

“They shall know hell.”


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