Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

305. Countering Greed!

305. Countering Greed!

No matter how loudly she shouted her voice did not amount to anything special. It was an ordinary cry from an ordinary girl, made special only by chance. It barely contested with the destructive blasts beyond.

But did it matter? The Archivist knew how ordinary she was. She wasn’t gifted in anything but her love for literature. Her value was no different from the rest of the swaths of wasted human life from their city of the past, which she realized was no different from this world.

Their old world, Elysia – they were one the same.

But this world – this current world she had yet to explore or see with her own two eyes – was her home. It had value that she never knew existed. She dashed down the golden lanes, which quickly turned blue.

She was surrounded by the horrors of the Midas Conversion Procedure; where people were instrumentalized, used as no more than materials to become coins.

“You hated that too. You never told me why you picked me!”

< “Even I had my biases. You had more value than they did in my mind. Unlike them, you tried to make the most out of your life. It would have been a waste to let you perish like the many that were discarded.” >


Sinder responded in a rather sane manner, causing the Archivist to clench her teeth.

“Sinder would… You would never say that! The man I knew who tried to help us would never say how useless lives were! Maybe for enemies! I know you’d call people that hurt us wastes of life! Otherwise, you wouldn’t have poured resources into my project!”

Greed was a vice of many no matter where one went. It was an unfortunate truth, but in her world and this, it had reached nightmarish levels.

< “The Ateliers. The Impuritas. The atrocities committed against the healers. The slaves of Grandis. All for what? Their lives were expendable. They carried no value…” >


“What about the Demi-humans on that night!? Nav… they’ve been telling everything about you! Because I wanted to write down a story of your life, so no one has to call you a monster! So I know about it! Did you think they had no value too!?”

The scenery at the sidewalks became the same as the one from Frost’s distant past, rather than Sinder’s or herself. It was of the moment when Frost held herself back from interrupting D-13.

Value didn’t have anything to do with it on Frost’s part. But rather, it was the other Demi-humans who did not appear to properly understand their worth, for they easily gave their lives up in the face of D-13.

In the meantime, a giant, blue crystal emerged in the distance, sitting atop a throne of much smaller ones. They gravitated around it like satellites, promising to defend it to the last person.


< “If they had or knew of their value, then why would they allow themselves to undergo such a procedure? Salvation in the form of death equates to the lack of internalized value…” >

Sinder’s words angered her.

And it caused the blue crystal beyond to tremble.

Even with manifesting the We Discarded Many, she was still as weak as anyone else.

But her true powers lay elsewhere.

Because she was not alone in this endeavor to beat Sinder!

“Need a hand, our cute, resident librarian?” A voice from above spoke.

When she looked up, she saw Galia floating upside down above her, firmly latched onto one of the Arbiter’s wings.

“Greed is a dangerous vice. I agree with those sentiments. But I warn you, do not mistake the greed of the Ateliers with necessity.” She hummed, speaking like aging woman, imparting what felt like forbidden knowledge onto her as she clicked her black, gloved hand once.

In that moment, several rotating Justica Arms formed around her waist, opening fire upon each crystal. Every single bullet ricocheted from crystal to crystal, and when they were pulverized, they bounced off each individual, microscopic fragment.

A fine mist was formed, paving the way for the Archivist to reach the crystal.

Crystalized Unvalued

HP : 1

There was a person frozen within.

It was a Demi-human with wolf-like features.

But as the Archivist drew near, the person inside began to animate, baring her fangs angrily at her.

“That does not look like something for me to deal with. But I shall watch over you like your guardian Angel. I’m elated. You’ve ‘found the courage to use your own reason.’ A dear friend of mine once said this.”

Galia did not elaborate, disappearing in an instant with another click of her fingers. At around 200 meters away from the crystal, the figure within began to utter words of self-depreciation.

< “People tried to take me for granted. I was just another broken toy waiting to be fed to hungry wolves.” >


The Archivst did not recognize this voice.

However –

< This is – It’s Cer! >


Nav recognized the Demi-human by her hollow voice alone.


< CONDITION: The Unvalued wants to know its worth >


< SPECIAL REQUIREMENT: Make it remember its worth! >


“But I – I don’t even know this –!”

< You may not… but I do! >


< I’ve heard her voice long enough to know that this is undoubtedly Cer! >


For a machine, Nav’s voiceless prompts carried an awful lot of charged emotion.

The Crystalized Cer attacked her, biting her jaws as the foundations of buildings were torn apart. The Archivist’s shield did not even attempt to save her, and she only just barely dodged it.

Galia attempted to aid her, but her attacks could not impede either the Archivist or Cer. Only the smaller crystals around them. Snap joined the fray as well, raining down a snowstorm of polaroids belonging to Cer. The Archivist captured them all, seeing the Demi-human’s most precious moments, many of which were…

… with Frost.

< “I wonder if they’ll grow sick of me like everyone else. If keep raising my antics, then I’ll see how they really think of me sooner or later.” >


Nav couldn’t help but think that if Frost had heard that, she’d weep in Cer’s stead.

That was the kind of person Frost was deep down, and more than ever, as if possessed by a spirit, Nav’s prompts finally carried her voice.

The Archivist, whilst narrowly dodging Cer’s attacks, shouted everything Nav showed her word for word.

“You’re not valueless! Remember when Frost listened to you on that moonlit night!? How everyone was worried and tried to reunite you with your sisters!?”

100 meters.

Cer’s attacks became far more vicious.

“From the bottom of their hearts, they love you more than you could ever think! I (Nav) still want to see you! To receive those hugs you promised! You’re a Demi-human that made it out against all odds! Galia – a Beholder – saw value in you!”

The Archivist, sweating profusely, saw her life flash before her eyes multiple times. And just when everything seemed like it would end right then –

– A collection of glowing children and a burning man whose right shoulder was made of wax-like feathers appeared.

//////// < WARNING > ////////





Asterism and Iron Candle have come to your aid!


< Effects of an Awakened Floor of Civilization are in temporary effect! >


< Individuals may manifest the archived books of Corrupted Personas! Remarkable! Can you imagine the implications of this!? >


The Archivist did not manifest them to her knowledge.

However, more than anything, it seemed like they were here to simply help.

The onslaught of electric bites was blocked by a miniature, painted cosmos as a wall of fire pushed onwards with the Archivist, shielding her from the rest of Cer’s attacks. They were fleeting existences, but their help was the world to her.

“… thank you...” The Iron Candle said.

“Why are you thanking me?” The Archivist blurted out, as the collective of children also offered their thanks.

“Because felt like you needed it. Good luck.” She felt a hand tap her shoulder. It wasn’t hot like she expected. Rather, it was a fatherly warmth she had all but forgotten about.

“Good luck!” The children chimed in, their voiced fleeting like those she loved in the past.

“… these personas… even though you’re Corrupted you’re… sane…” Frost was the only other person to experience this phenomenon.

She felt honored to be able to hear these sincere voices from nightmarish monsters. It caused her to power through, using what was left of the flaming barrier until she reached the crystal.

“Cer… CER! You are not valueless! Remember! You were empowered! I (Nav) shouldn’t be telling you what you’re worth to begin with! Because only you can decide that!” The giant blue crystal resonated with a single touch.

A tiny crack formed.

< “That’s right… I’m the only one who can…” >


< Memories are returning to the Unvalued! >


< “Does it matter what happened in the past? I have friends now that’ll tolerate me. People who won’t look at me with a price tag in mind.” >


With each spoken word, and each memory that returned – and each polaroid that perfectly landed in front of her crimson eyes – the cracks grew larger until suddenly –!

< “Don’t tell me what I’m worth. I knew from the start I was not valueless. Only a proud wolf like me –!” >

– The crystal shattered. A mesmerizing sight befell the world as Cer leaped forward, parts of her hair glowing blue as one hundred blue hands protruded from her back.


Her appearance was similar Frost’s when she manifested the Greed Counter.

And funnily enough…

< Cer Has Manifested as the Greed Counter >


< So many layers of meaning hid behind ‘Greed Counter’. Such a pun is beyond my comprehension >


Indeed. Cer manifested as a being that countered greed.

And to prove it…

< “Preposterous. Greed is not something you can be immune to. I’ve seen you myself. The casino you robbed…” >


“What a dumb, bullshit assumption. Something’s wrong with your brain. What makes you think that I would’ve kept gold on me when I never had a single fucking coin on me outside of that one-time Sana game me one!?”

Cer was right. When they were sent off on their mission to find Frost, they never possessed any more than a single coin.

//////// < WARNING > ////////




< [Diamond Greed] >

The blue crystals fired their beams one last time before they perished for good, allowing Sinder to create his colossal, blue, diamond-shaped crystal. The city lights went off again as the crystal shone like a moon in their eternal night.

< “Nonsense… then prove to me that your greed and value are as you claim!” >

“See what the fuck I mean!? You don’t know who the hell I am! And right now, I don’t know who the hell you are!” Cer’s one hundred ethereal hands reached for the skies as the crystal was hurled in their direction. “I’m only going to ask this once you fucking lunatic!”

And with seemingly utter ease, she caught it, skidding backwards only slightly.

“GIVE!” She reeled it backwards.

“ME!” So far in fact it nearly touched the ground behind her.

“BACK!” Then, like a catapult, she launched it forwards with tremendous force.

“OUR” Sinder was paralyzed in place by chains, the Arbiter’s wings, black holes, and all manners of paramount magic.

< [Empowered] >

ATT : 50,000,000     MAG ATT : 50,000,000

< EFFECT: Ignores all DEF stats >

The crystal hurled back into the air, carrying Cer’s battle cry that came from the bottom of her heart.


It collided with him cleanly, dragging him across the city floor, shaking the entirety of the Nexus before the lights returned.


HP : 330,000,000

< “… so that is your value…” >


< “… thank you…” >


It was unclear whose words they belonged to.

But for a moment, as a red path opened for the Archivist and Cer, they both couldn’t help but feel like Frost had come back for just a brief moment.

< Onto the Hearts now! >

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