Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

286. Synergized Attack!

286. Synergized Attack!

Ignis’ life wasn’t always so bright. As an only child she never really understood what it was like to be close with someone. Her father was the only person she knew, and her mother died the moment she was born.

Like Ber, she never knew the warmth of a mother. She was fascinated with the heat of fire. Subconsciously, it was a mechanism for Ignis to cope for the loss of someone she barely knew. Ignis was a needy child as a result. She pestered others in the inn she frequented with her father, asking for milk whenever they had the chance.

People in her city cared for her. They loved her like she was their own child.

Even after she set fire to the tree her mother slept underneath. Ignis remembered the flames. She remembered the people she had hurt as her sense of reality shifted. The smiles she once saw on others looked pained, and the warm fire that she used to be became one that injured others.

Ignis didn’t know any better. When her father disappeared, she could only blame herself for being so needy. ‘I Am Fire’ was better suited to belong to her. Her past was rife with broken bonds and burned bridges. It was the basis of why she became Corrupted in the first place, and it resurfaced all of a sudden, grasping at her throat and covering her eyes like her falsely perceived reality.

Ignis’ heart ached as she dabbled in these thoughts, unable to break free from the bounds of her tentacles and the Blood of the Covenant. The voices of her friends were muffled as the ribbons crawled to cover her ears, wanting to keep Ignis in this state of self-ridicule.

Her thoughts focused on her father. How he went through such lengths for her selfish happiness. For a moment, Ignis dabbled on the thought that maybe if she could just sever all bonds, then no one close to her would be hurt again.

However –

“Even though I’ve hurt them…” Her mind turned to Frost. She remembered when she was a crying Corrupted. How Frost desperately embraced her on that fiery day that began it all. She was no one but a stranger to Frost, and yet she did everything she could to save her.

“… everyone stuck by my side. I never used to speak like this. I was afraid that I’d say something selfish…” Ignis’ memories flicked through moments shared with Jury, the triplets, Snap, the Alter Frosts. Everyone.

Something began to well in her heart. Her black bonds dug into flesh, but her brewing conviction prevented it from drawing blood. Instead, the ribbons began to bleed water as fibers split.

“I am not like the kid I was. Because of them – because of all of them – I realized that I was never hurting anyone! I realized that I can do more! I have people I cherish! I can’t keep making them worry! I want to be the one who protects them! And if I can’t –!”

Ignis’ bonds were cemented long ago, and so long as she was alive, she’d never allow herself to turn against her friends. The falsehoods of her past, which depicted her as someone who could only bring harm was vanquished by the flames of her conviction.

Because so far, ever since she joined them after Divas Pass, she had been saving people. Perhaps more than even Frost herself by now. Ignis’ tentacles tightened around everyone’s waists. She knew in her heart that she was not unwanted, and so, like the Ber who relinquished her woes with a shout at the top of her lungs, she roared as the black fabric shredded entirely.

“THEN I’LL BE THE ONE THAT KEEPS US TOGETHER! I can’t do it better than Frost! But I can do it physically better than anyone else! These are my bonds!” Her voice was heavenly, and before she realized it, her tentacles were suddenly coated with a metallic deposit. “My bonds made me grow! My bonds gave me my first friends! My bonds… aren’t as easily disposable like yours!”

Suddenly, a metallic shard was spat out of her chest into the flaming Corrupted as her vision finally readjusted. More metal shards deposited along her tentacles, and some along her arms much to her surprise.

She was greeted by the sight of Frost’s inferno and the delighted faces of Cer, Res, and Jury as she gained the Blood of the Covenant’s special Condition.

< [Bonded] >


< You has become Bonded! Your stats have been temporarily sextupled for this encounter >


“Nav!” Ignis exclaimed cheerfully. “You’re back!”

< I had some altercations with my memories. Ignis. Please focus on the task at hand. Ber will be joining you shortly as a Bonded >


< Before that, I must congratulate you >


< The Fourth Milestone Level Has Been Reached >


< Candidate to become a Moon or Star >


< HP and MP have been greatly increased >

< New Professions have been granted >

< Additional Active and Passive Skills have been granted >


< However, the Nexus seem to be undergoing some form of malfunction. The rewards are incomplete. I apologize >

< The cause cannot be determined >

< A new title has been granted >

< The Symbiote >

LEVEL : 200  

< The Symbiote >

NAME : Ignis HP : 380,000 ^20/Min

MP : 35,000 ^10/Min

AGI : 65 RESIST : 550
AGE : 0 ATT : 2,700

ATT DEF : 7,500

O : 170 D : 40
ORIGIN : Original MAG ATT : 2,400

MAG DEF : 6,500

S : 40 E : 0

< These are you base stats unaffected by the Bonded Condition >


< The most notable Active, Passive and Ability you have gained is as follows >


< Symbiote has become Budding Symbiosis >


< ABILITY: Budding Symbiosis >

< Rather than devouring and being many encompassed into one, the organism sought to selflessly spread itself to others >

< EFFECT: Weapons created with Weaponized System may be used by others. Items created by your cells may also be used by others. Use with caution >


< PASSIVE: (S) Detoxification >

< To remain as pure as possible >

< EFFECT: Minerals from unprocessed Biomass can be deposited to increase the quality of your accumulated Biomass. Higher quality Biomass will open pathways into other Systems >


“So that’s what the metal is!” Ignis shouted, grabbing a shard of pure iron. It was far harder than regular iron, for she struggled to crush it in her bare hands.

“First you can summon skeletons, now metal. Later, you’re going to be riding a metal skeleton into battle. Heh. I can get behind that!” Cer grinned.

“… for once, I think I agree with that stupidity of yours.” Res reluctantly admitted, finding a metal skeleton cool.

“Really!? Took you long enough to get in tune with us!”

“Cer. Stop it. Res’ brain is turning into mush by the second.” Jury ordered, glad that Cer was still comfortable to bring humor even in their most dire moments.

An electric spark jumped onto the piece of metal, causing Jury to squint as she stared back and forth between Ber, Ignis and Frost.


< ACTIVE: (E) Gene Expression >

< Machinery of life >

< EFFECT: Create basic organic items using your Biomass. Simple organs may be created >

< COST: 30,000 MP per 1cm3 >


Suffice to say, Ignis didn’t understand a single thing other than her new Passive. Consulting Frost would be a necessity to get the most out of her Skills, as well as the plethora of others she previously possessed but never really dabbled into.

That being said –

 – Ber, just like Ignis, had an unrivalled affinity for becoming ‘Bonded’. The cocoon of red and black that covered Ber was split by rays of light originating from within. They quickly became a dark colored light as Ber screamed at the top of her lungs:


Ber was furious. Her voice caused the air to shudder, their apparel to flutter, her sisters to stare in awe as the White Wing eagerly waited for her to hatch from her cocoon.

“Ber…” Res whispered, her eyes becoming moist.


< [Resounding Voice] >

< [Roost of the Knowledgeable Swan] >

A black, oversized wing suddenly protruded from the top of the cocoon. Ignis’ tentacles were miraculously spared. The blade-like wing was easily in excess of 30 meters. It unceremoniously fell like a guillotine, splitting the cocoon into two as a pair of wings dragged the angelic-like Ber into the darkness of their world.

Ber’s wingspan was as long as her bladed left hand, and her right hand was an oversized, feathered claw. Now that Jury realized it, the claw was similar to hers. Moonlight dazzled from each individual feather as Ber became the artificial moon of their false night.

The stray feathers that fell instantly became black javelins – the Shackles Removed – which perished at the mere breath of Frost’s flames.

“Is that what a full manifestation looks like? It’s… it’s beautiful.” Cer was at a near total loss of words.

“Like a black-feathered Angel. Jury. Anything you can tell us about Ber!?” Res was flabbergasted. A part of her wanted to celebrate. To throw a first into the air in excitement for her sister.

But the aura of Ber’s form caused her to hold her breath.

Jury briefly passed on Nav’s explanation. Ber had fully manifested the might of the Black Swan, meaning she had full reign over its Corrupted Skills, as well as looking the part. Ignis did not need to hold onto her any longer, for she was capable of flight. Ber essentially wielded a Corrupted part of herself, and because of this, there was a risk of it consuming her if handled poorly.

Basically, it could take over Ber and temporarily turn her into a true Corrupted until she could be stimulated awake. The ultimate power of an Eternal Night Corrupted came with its caveats, but it was hardly a hurdle, for Ber wielded all the conviction in the world.

The Blood of the Covenant’s speed increased all of a sudden as the False Spade melded with Frost’s flames, making it nigh impossible to approach even for Ber who thrusted her oversized wing into the flames, only for it to catch alight.

“DAMMIT FROST! GET THE HELL OUT OF OUR WAY! One second we have the advantage and the next we lose it!”

Ber’s stats took upon a temporary form.

LEVEL : 200  

The Black Swan>


NAME : Ber HP : 320,000

MP : 60,000

AGI : 75 RESIST : 700 
AGE : 43 ATT : 7,500

MAG ATT : 6,500

O : 200 D : 150
ORIGIN : Trauma ATT DEF : 5,000

MAG DEF : 5,000 

S : 50  E : 210

She was recognized as a Corrupted through and through. Her stats were insane, and combined with the sextupled multiplier, Ber was an unstoppable force. However, it did not change that she failed to penetrate through Frost’s flames. Both she and Ignis were more than capable now of eliminating the Blood of the Covenant in one fell swoop. Its Big Black Spade was insignificant to them.

“Shows just how hot those flames are. WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO FROST! GET AWAY FROM THE CORRUPTED! JURY! DO SOMETHING ABOUT HER!” Ber’s emotional swings were like Frost’s. As unstable as she appeared she was completely in control of her Corrupted, and she shot several glanced at Ignis, as if to check if she was ok.

Ignis responded with a beautiful grin; the kind that could make anyone blush. Ber took this as a good sign and wrapped her tail around the bundle of tentacles that were still coiled around her waist.

“Bonded in here!” Ber punched her chest, then plucked the tentacles with her tail like a guitar string. “And right here! Ignis! I might look cool and all, but Frost’s making it impossible to get anything through!”

Suddenly remembering the metal shard she spat out, Ignis shouted:

“Wait! I can make metal! Spears! You can use the electric metal attack!”

“You’re a genius!” Ber grinned.

The metallic deposit oozed from Ignis’ chest. It opened like the maw of a colony of worms, reminding all and Ignis herself that she was no longer a Demi-human. Just a biological replica of one. It did not hurt, but the sensation was akin to someone tickling her ribs.

Her skin lost a little of its reddish hue as she formed a 20-meter spear made from the deposited iron.

“Is this going to work!? If a Beholder couldn’t get through, then what makes you think that can!?” Res argued, but Ber wanted to try it first.

She held it over her shoulder, the claws wrapping it loosely as it hovered perfectly centered with her fingers. Black electricity bounced from each feather as she conjured a spectacular lightning storm.

“IT JUST NEEDS TO PRICK IT ONCE!” Ber let loose of battle cry as a concussive explosion threw her feathers in all directions like shrapnel.

“SNAP!” Res took cover, with Cer diving deep into Snap’s fur. Ignis created a protective shield using bones, only barely catching the black thorns and her stray, serrated feathers.

Unfortunately for them, the spear dissolved halfway through.

If only they had an extra split second for it to reach the Blood of the Covenant.

Jury deeply inhaled.

Snap’s maneuvering was second to none. The fact that only so few were embedded into Ignis’ shields was a testament to its speed.

By now they were less than an hour away from reaching the Piece of the Fallen Star. The White Wing’s attention befell the growing tower of reaching, putrid hands that sought to taint the Advent. On occasion, she’d turn back to face the embryotic Frost with fond eyes.

“Let’s hope this Faux Angel comes from the Advent of Wrath.” She wore a serious look for once.

“Hmm?” Res turned when she felt Jury touch her shoulder.

“YEAH JURY!?” Cer cried.


“We do!?” Ignis lended an ear, watching Cer and Ber place their hands onto Jury’s body.

“… fuck it. FUCK IT! TO HELL WITH OUR NEX! Frost’s going to be in our debt for the rest of her life after this!” Cer, after a short moment of reluctance, transferred everything she had to Jury.

“If Frost is going to take over the Nexus, then we can trust her that we’ll be allowed in without paying. Get ready Jury! A hundred million Nex is coming your way! What’s the plan!?”

Every last drop of Nex was left in the process of transferring. All they had to do now was wait. Jury did not require all of it. She just needed enough to fulfill the need for one of her newest Skills.

“I can make the next spear invulnerable! If one second is all we need, then I can grant it! Don’t worry about the details! Just trust me!”

No one said another word. They exchanged glances and immediately knew what needed to be done. A spear was quickly constructed as Jury was brought to hang alongside Ber.

“Are you going to be ok!?” Ber was worried. Her lightning could severely injury Jury, but the woman remained determined, placing her entire faith in her abilities. With a smile she hummed:

“What do you think Frost would say if you said that to her?”

“Hah! Alright. You’re the Beholder, not me!”

Black currents filled the air once again. Ignis positioned them as close to the Frost’s flames as possible. Jury leaned against the furthest end of the stake, and with Ber primed:


Jury planted a kiss onto the metal spear, and then, onto the back of her own palm.

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