Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

281. Battling the Spade

281. Battling the Spade

Unlike last time when they had the force of a thousand to stand up against a Woe of the Fallen Star, they only had each other now. Carpalis, a Beholder of all things, could not penetrate through the Big Black Spade. The phenomenon tore apart the illusion of the Beholder’s untouchable valor.

For a deity to become incapable invited all manners of scrutiny. The trust the public once had in them quickly faltered, as they realized that they were not as safe in the Nex Megalopolis as they believed. The very city that was built to withstand a Paradise Lost event was, once again, under the ministrations of a Woe of the Fallen Star Corrupted.

But in the absence of the Beholders, and in the absence of the Ateliers arose a certain band of individuals. Who would require the cooperation of multiple Ateliers was brazenly fought by no more than 5 individuals.

And one, a woman clad in black feathers.

Suddenly, perplexed voices cut through the thick hysteria.

“Are you seeing this!?”

“It’s like a darker version of the Big Red Heart!”

“Are we… is it over for us?”

“No! Look through the damned telescopes! Be careful of the light! Just… there! Look! She has wings! Is she an Angel!? The White Wing!?”

Further within C5 was one of the few mountainous regions of Brandar. Several more ran along the lands near Sermount Ruins, just at the border of Emvita and Brandar. People conglomerated to these mountains, swarming into underground bunkers, capable of holding hundreds of thousands if required.

The mountain was hollow, and within were a series of stone labyrinths. It was built exactly for the situation at hand, carved out by the Dwarves of Caldera Industries long ago. At its summit people lamented the devastation of C3 and C4. Because it was a popular lookout place, thousands of stationary telescopes and binoculars sat along an ancient wall.

People flocked to them in droves rather than heading into the safety of the bunkers.

“What’s everyone standing here for!? Keep moving! We’re still too close to whatever that thing is!” One rational voice tried to break the crowd up, but as more voices described the abnormal scenery, he could no help but to see it for himself.

“One of them looks injured. And… a deity can’t get through to it!”

“That Anid’s one bloody speed Demon! What breed is that!?”

“Forget that! You saw how fast it was before! But it’s slowing down!”

“You can’t be serious… are they… going to try take that down? They’re just Demi-humans.”

Suffice to say, no one believed in them. Their confidence was at an all-time low. Even with the Infusion bombardment such a Corrupted remained unscathed. Nevermind that a Deity of their world was utterly useless. The blazing twister passed by the giant, and Carpalis avoided it at all costs as it gave chase to the black orb.

However, as if by some miracle, the small band of Demi-humans and Angels seemed to be able to hold out on their own. The black, whiplike cloth of the orb was avoided at all costs as beings spawned from it were obliterated by great sparks that burst like fireworks.

“… they… are just Demi-humans, you said? No way… they have to be Blessed. No. Higher than Blessed. Who else is crazy enough to slow down and fight it!?”

“They’re still alive. Doesn’t… it look possible somehow?”

“Hey. Those black feathers. Doesn’t that remind you of that rumor?”

“The Black Dove?”

“There are two Colors over there!?”

Slowly, an air of hope began to circulate. Many still believed it to be false hope. If a Beholder couldn’t touch it, then who else could? But at the same time, these people revered the Colors more in a way. They were like heroes to them. People that lived alongside them. In the past miracles were achieved by said Colors to legitimize their legacy.

And as people watched on, they wondered if the same could happen with the one they mistook for the Black Dove.

“Insane.” A guarding Liquidator commended, baffled by the sight. “A Woe of the Fallen Star that can’t be touched by a Beholder. But those morons are actually giving it a shot.”

“What magnification?” Another asked.

“Enhance to 200x vision.”

The glass eye of another’s spun as their hollow pupil contracted. Suddenly, as they steadied themselves to capture a clear view of the combatants, shock filled their eyes.

“The Jesters…?”

“I will not call them as such for attempting what we cannot. Moons will be Moons. A Woe of the Fallen Star is not something we can deal with in the current climate.” The Liquidator admitted with admiration.

“What are Moons? Never heard of them.” An entirely different Liquidator questioned, cocking their head.

This Liquidator has only just begun their line of work. Moons, Stars and the Exalted had a literal meaning outside of those who knew of them. To call someone a ‘Moon’ was a bizarre expression.

And so, their superior spoke, watching those Moons challenge the Corrupted.

“They face what we fear head on with unquestionable conviction. They are the slayers of the Corrupted. A Woe of the Fallen Star is out of their reach, however… you cannot help but to hope for the best. We’ve befallen an unnatural night due to the shadow of the Nexus. But even though there is no moon in our sky… we have them at the very least. Carry hope. I believe the Golden Index’s Beholder is contributing. I believe in the Beholders. Let’s not forget that we are but spectators.”

* * *

< [Bond Splitter] >

The Blood of the Covenant lashed its many black ribbons in their direction. The equivalent of a thousand blades attempted to sever their ties from Ignis, splitting red tentacles as she desperately tried to keep everyone attached.

She had become their heart. Without her, all would be lost.

Each one that was split another two was sent. It reached a point where Ignis needed to replenish a tentacle each few seconds ahead just so no one would be left behind. Her Biomass reserves were immense, and she could hold out for days, maybe weeks if need be.

But judging by the speed of the Corrupted, it would reach the Piece of the Fallen Star within the next 6 hours. Snap, encased in a cocoon of red, increased its acrobatics. No longer did it move in a straight line. Now, it zigged left and right, bouncing into the air as the others were dragged along for the ride of their life.

“It’s silent…” Ignis whispered to herself, doing everything in her power to keep her tentacles up as hatred threaded through her head like a burning needle.

Without Frost or Nav they could no longer hear voices of the Corrupted. The White Wing on the otherhand seemed to smile, as if she could hear their woes. And in a soft voice, she recited tidbits of them to Ignis.

“Did they have a choice? People are driven to embrace the worst of themselves to live. Others take delight in it. Mix them together and it’s no wonder bonds were so easily broken.”

< [Corrosive Binding] >

This was the Corrupted Skill responsible for summoning the black ribbons. Scarlet Logic forces were dragged along like animals on chains. Thousands upon thousands smeared flesh and blood along the grasslands. Their bodies were used like crayons.


Watered Bonds

HP : 20,000  ATT DEF : 1,000   

MAG DEF : 1,000

ATT : 15,000

Res’ [Electric Lance] whittled them down where possible as they gave chase. Due to the relatively open landscape, their maneuverability was tested to the highest degree. Res, Cer and Ber spread themselves thin enough to ensure they could not get in each other’s way, but also close enough to offer a hand when necessary.

Cer relentlessly bit her way through, chewing at the tentacles as they fought a defensive war. The only thing they could feasibly rely on is the Condition that demanded for the ‘Bonded’ to take it down.

“Isn’t this… FUCKING ANNOYING!” Cer screamed, one of the ribbons slicing her cheek as her heart roared with furor. “Stupid fucking Conditions needing a specific task! But hey – that makes us better than a Beholder if we of all people can fulfil it, huh!? Arrrrrrgh~! THIS THING REALLY WANTS ME TO SEVER IGNIS AWAY!”

< [Assimilating Assimilation] >

This Corrupted Skill sought to destabilize one’s heart. To dominate it and break all bonds. It was like a chain that aimed to collar the hearts of the animals it saw them as. Cer knew her value enough to remain unhampered by its effects, and Res resisted it too. Ber on the other hand, and Ignis in extension struggled to fight the war regarding ‘bonds’ in their chests.

“I’m more shocked that Carpalis can’t do anything about it! BER! ARE YOU OK!?” Res shouted out to her sister. In her slight lapse of focus, a hand was severed, causing her to grimace in pain. “Agh – SHIT!”

“RES! KEEP YOUR EYES ON IT! DON’T WORRY ABOUT ME!” Ber shouted, echoing the same words that had previously led to her becoming a Corrupted. Knowing this, Ber, for a split second, grinned at Res to assure her that she truly was fine. “I appreciate the concern. I know how you feel! Because I felt the same way when you both fought your inner anguishes against the last few Corrupted! BELIEVE IN ME! Just stay alive!”

Being in the Fourth State was still nothing compared to the Woe of the Fallen Star Corrupted. It was far more manageable than the Heart of Ours due to the lack of a Corrupted Zone. Ber was equipped with nearly all of the Black Swan’s Corrupted Skills.

One gargantuan arm in the shape of a bladed wing cleaved the approaching ribbons; [I Wanna Be a Swan], and her other clawed hand; [Futile Galvanism], shredded them. At the same time her voice caused the ribbons to passively take damage. There was never a moment where her battle cries failed to inspire them.

[Transpired Instincts] caused her body to create an afterimage that blended in with the ribbons. Her battle form was like a delicate dance. A ballet of death. Her long hair followed gracefully, and her black dress glowed with the light of a moon as her emotions rapidly climbed.

Unlike the others, Ber actively sought after Ignis’ tentacles. Ignis did not attempt to tether her directly. Ber was too fast. Rather, she sent her tentacles where she believed Ber would be. The two, however little they actually knew each other, were frighteningly in tune.

It was a certain bond that caused the Blood of the Covenant to unleash a barrage of attacks.

< [Bond Splitter] >

< [Bond Splitter] >

< [Bond Splitter] >

< [Bond Splitter] >

< [Assimilating Assimilation] >

< [Impassioned Rally] >

< [Corrosive Binding] >

“For family. For survival. Currency was of the same blood that ran in our veins. We turned on one another for the sake of ideals. We knew it was wrong, but we were too blind to see it. Consequences… were only seen at the end of one’s life. Poetic.” The White Wing recited, adoring their battle prowess. “You’re exemplary Moons. Ignis…”

“Please… Let me focus!” Ignis growled, humoring the Angel.

“You are quite close to level 200. I suggest immediately reaching it however you can. The Nexus is generous for those that reach the same heights as the Moons. Although…” The White Wing placed her bare hand onto Ignis’ head. Not in a distracting manner, but rather, in a motherly kind of way. “… I am eager to see if you can go further than being on par with a Moon. Weaponized Symbiote. You would be the first of your kind if the Archivist were to ever invite you into her Library.”

“I am not eager to become a Beholder! I just… want to keep being with everyone else!”

“Keep my words in mind. Maybe one day it’ll be a necessity~ Your bonds are strong but look closely. It has yet to test it to its fullest capacity. No one alone can beat it. That much was proven by… What a terrible time to recall it.” She shuddered as the black ball took upon its spade form.

< [Collective Illusion] >


“We’re all fundamentally the same thing. It’s a shame that we value each other so differently. I won’t say there isn’t truth behind it, but the way they did it was despicable.”

The Blood of the Covenant hollowed itself out, the blood pouring from its pores becoming water. Suddenly, a ball of barbed wire was spat from its hollow center, fired far ahead of Snap.

It steered clear, fearing for the worst.

Moments later, the ball exploded with thousands of ribbons, each carrying the body of a Scarlet Logic force along its tip like a harpoon. Unlike the deranged ones they dragged along…

“Help us…”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”

“Please… just end this misery.”

They were alive. Their mouths were slit wide, and their jaws were rearranged to match a shark’s. But they were still very much alive, and they despaired over their blindness. They were used unwillingly to fight, both in the past and in the present.

“Isn’t it sorrowful? They’re blinded. Many know it’s wrong but they’re under the misconception; the mass belief that everyone around them agreed to it. But in reality, many do not.” The White Wing explained, grinning at their misery.

Barbed wire wrapped them in their false bonds. It was sewn into their skin, organs, and bones like serrated string. Each movement they made caused it to dig deeper into their flesh as screams suddenly filled the air.

Res was the first to begin eliminating them. Without remorse of course. Even if they were technically victims, it did not dismiss from the fact that they had committed irredeemable crimes.

She could not take them all down.

And so, Ber, turning towards them in the height of her swing, unleashed a spectacular, black slash.

[Singing Wingslash].

She bisected hundreds in one fell swoop, and their bodies dripped with the most watery blood they had ever seen.

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