Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

274. Along Carpalis’ Hand!

274. Along Carpalis’ Hand!

A Beholder alone was enough to shift the tides. Carpalis’ presence instilled fear into both the Scarlet Logic and those who hid in their homes, watching their skies bloom with crimson fireworks.

But unbeknownst to the Scarlet Logic and the Impuritas was that there was another Beholder who took the fight into her own hands. Running along the highway that was Carpalis’ arm was a certain Angel.

Jury moved like a bullet, shattering the sound barrier.

They were a full day behind the Scarlet Logic, and yet they were able to reach them in such a short amount of time. Her AGI was nowhere near enough to reach such a speed, never mind the others who rode along, watching the world twist into turmoil both above and below.

So, how were they able to move so quickly?

The answer was as simple as the snap of one’s finger.

“SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP! IS – THIS – YOUR – MAX – SPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED!?” Cer could not contest against the raging winds, which pelted their bodies as they glued themselves to Snap, holding on to everything they had.

“BRRRRRRRRR~!” Snap warned with a long mechanical whine, making various snapping sounds.

Ignis was their tether. Using [Weaponized System – Lymphatic], she was able to wrap each individual member along Snap, securing them all in place. The wrapped, slimy tentacles were uncomfortable, and they irritated Res whose tail was smeared by it, but Ber on the other hand didn’t mind the secretion since they came from Ignis.

“WHAT’S IT SAYING!?” Ber suddenly yelled.

“I don’t know!” Ignis replied. “C-can you interpret Snap, Jury!?”

This was undoubtedly the loudest Ignis had ever spoken. With the sight of the ending world and the winds to contest, she could not afford to let her timidness get the best of her. A flame like Frost’s burned from the bottom of her heart, but also unlike her, she did not allow it to consume her.

In the corner of her eyes, she watched that pillar of flames inch its way towards them, as if too seeking to reach the Piece of the Fallen Star.

“Something about a warning!” Jury shouted, laying closest to Snap’s head. She lifted her body, revealing a little Frost who sprouted from underneath the golden fur like an animal hiding in a stack of hay.

The symbols of a mummified little Frost appeared as she grabbed Jury’s waist, squeezing it to convey her eight-legged friend’s message. Her desperate plea to get the message across was endearing, and it spoke volumes of how important Snap’s warning truly was.

“Ignis – Hold on tight! We’re going even faster!”

“Than this!?” Cer was shocked, struggling to keep her ears facing downwards due to the turbulence. Thankfully, Ignis too suffered from this and wrapped each of their ears with a tentacle, causing Cer to unexpectedly yelp in surprise. “C-Cold! Aaaagh. Better now! Good thinking!”

“H-How high is Snap’s AGI again!?” Res cried, trembling at the touch of her ears all the while Ber savored it, enjoying it like she was being headpatted.

“ONE THOUSAND –!” Jury began, shocking the trio. It was never disclosed just how fast Snap was until now, and hearing that something possessed a thousand AGI was beyond them. “– EIGHT HUNDRED!”

It was nearly double what they first heard, and in that moment, the triplets hunkered down, yelling at Ignis to squeeze them till blood was drawn. Snap’s legs became a thousand, as it hopped rather than ran, propelling itself forward like a giant yellow frog.

Steam rose along Carpalis’ arm. The pores were like great craters, and the scars of the past like gorges. Her pale complexion gave off the illusion that they were traversing a pale, barren ice sheet. A completely different planet on the cusp of colliding with their world. A mysterious force kept them from falling, even as they ran underneath.

But this was not by the works of gravity. This was merely due to Snap’s insane speed, which allowed it to carry its momentum for extended periods of time with each lunge. The little Frost struggled to hold on, and Jury immediately collapsed onto her, sandwiching the girl between her chest and Snap’s fur.

No one knew exactly why she wished to come along. When asked, the girl only pointed at the Piece of the Fallen Star, and then at herself as she made a longing face.

Murmurs could be heard from underneath her. A vibration. The little Frost was speaking to herself in a voice and tongue that could not be deciphered nor heard. Only felt. It had been hours since the appearance of the Advent of Desire, and Scarlet Logic were already thick within C3 and C4. Compared to the other cities, the City of Clubs was significantly smaller, and its settlements were tightly compact.

If Frost was impressed by H9, districts, then she’d love the flow and passage of urban life found only in the City of Clubs. It was a shame that it found itself in the forefront of war. Jury could never forgive Scarlet Logic. Although Carpalis was larger than anything comprehensible in this world, she still had her limitations, and they rapidly approached the crevices of her wrist.

The shadow of her hand loomed over the bombarded city. Liquid magic hailed from above, many riddling Carpalis’ arm. She never winced or complained. Infusions carried the fullest brunt of a Beholder’s might. It caused her only hand to suffer further. A healer had yet to see her after her attempt to salvage Frost from the flames. It trembled like it would fall off at any moment, but even so, Carpalis continued to thrust it forward, shielding those that were still within the city.

The Midnight Elimination Teams were the first to penetrate into the urban rubble, blitzing their way towards the Piece of the Fallen Star in one major clump. They had no need to split up or assume a proper formation.

All they needed to do was reach that place, and with Carpalis struggling to reach them they had complete reign over the city.

Or so they thought.

“SNAP! DOWN THERE! CAN YOU SEE THEM!?” Jury’s pinpointed them with fantastic accuracy, pointing down at the specks that ravaged through the rubble, slaughtering the misfortunate with crimson bladed weapons.

The monocular lens twisted, its dark ‘pupil’ tightening as Snap locked its gaze onto them. Now passing by Carpalis’ wrist, they followed the streams that were her sweating palms, blistered by the hardships of life, and scarred by her one desire to save these people.

Her Faustian Bargain collided with the world, but it did not damage the surroundings. It was like an illusion, and pale wispy strings followed her hands, like she had taken the souls of countless. These souls belonged to the Scarlet Logic, and they were devoured as she silently mourned the sight, wishing she could hide her gaze away.

The Scarlet Logic Midnight Team did not wear the red that their peers did. Rather, they mobilized in civilian wear, likely to allow them to infiltrate even deeper. Or to simply sew as much chaos as possible. Some even wore the blue robes of the healers and other Ateliers. Jury did not pick this up on her own. Cer bit down on her lip, and Res’ eyes widened in shock, failing to believe how skewed they were.

They were irredeemable. Condemnable, and if she could have it her way, then she’d have them become the fabled Condemned. Ber grasped Res’ hand, comforting her at the sight which was all too familiar to them. The sight resonated the deepest with Res, striking all manners of chords, for in the past, she had witnessed something similar.

“… It’s no wonder Frost became like that.” Res hissed, and was immediately reprehended by Cer, who barked: “FROST ISN’T GONE YET! She promised us that she wouldn’t lose her mind! Res… she’s not like mom! She won’t lose her mind! Frost is – She’s just waiting for us!”

“Mhm. I also believe that Frost is watching over us. From there… Nav. Is Frost ok?” Ignis too was worried, torn between Cer’s assurance and the uncertainty in her heart.

“Frost is going to come back.” Jury adamantly claimed, spying on the dozens of Midnight Team units as Snap ran along the edge of Carpalis’ arm.

She was reaching her limit, her fingers cramping as blood poured like a waterfall. An illusionary red mist covered the skies, all the while the Demon stared at them with nothing but an encouraging smile.

“… and if she can’t?” Res uttered.

“Then we save her!” Ber shouted. “Frost is… Res, how can you say that when you’re probably the one who wants to save her the most!”

“… Don’t say it like I’m trying to make amends for what happened to mom! I just – I just… Don’t want to keep losing people! How many of our friends are still around anymore! I… I…!” Res shouted at the top of her lungs before her voice trailed off, her tears stolen by the wind.

Ignis comforted her with strokes along her head. Ber clasped onto her hand tighter, and Cer bumped against her. Jury also offered her tail to pat her back. Their affection only further cemented her desire and exacerbated her fears.

Res had only just recently begun smiling thanks to Frost. Like Ber, the ice of Serum G that had encased her heart had steadily melted away… even before Frost devoured the Heart of Ours.

“Frost really is special to us.” Jury sincerely spoke as the little Frost emerged from her bosom, staring up at her with the same golden eyes as her lover’s. “She’d cry if she knew how much she was loved. I don’t believe she struggled to get this far only to lose it all at the end. So many of us were saved because of that hand. That small… small hand.”

Jury grew emotional as she brushed a hand along the head of the little Frost.

“I regret that we couldn’t save her. I’m ashamed that we couldn’t help Frost. After everything she’s done… the sleepless nights, the tiresome days. Who… else do you know can stay sane after standing for days straight of having your heart taken away from you? Frost… she never gave up on us. That’s why I’m so ashamed we couldn’t do anything.”

The others bared similar sentiments and recalled the agony Frost embraced with open arms just to help them. Jury remembered the Black Forest and the Derma Layer as Frost waited for her to become Determined.

Jury, from the bottom of her heart, vowed that she’d succeed at saving Frost. All they had to do was reach the Piece of the Fallen Star.

Snap remembered Frost’s kindness as it captured every moment, moved by her heart.

It sung with a high pitched, mechanical whine.

Ignis recalled Frost’s embrace for the one who could set fire to those she loved. The reason why Ignis appeared so disheartened was because she was the reason why her mother died. The reason why her mother, who slept beneath the tree of her backyard was set alight… and the reason why her father became a Corrupted. She was the root of painful memories that she sometimes wished she could burn away, but Frost showed her that people will endure hardship if it means staying with the ones they love.

Her father loved her very… very much, as did Frost.

Determination filled Ignis’ eyes suddenly.

Cer saw Frost as a mother figure and was thankful that her influence had steadily been chipping away at their impenetrable exterior. The maw of the Amalgam truly could eat through all things.

Electric sparks ran along her teeth as she grinned.

Res opened her heart to the nonjudgmental Frost, who struggled to achieve the things she desperately wanted. She abhorred the death of the innocent, but as a Moon, it was only natural that people would die around her.

Frost brazenly waved around her ideals and succeeded in the Derma Layer. But here, it fell apart… Still, she did everything she could to save however many lives as possible through her black feathers, as well as mobilizing Justica Arms. Additionally, Res too saw Frost as a mother figure, however embarrassing it would be to openly admit it.

Res’ eyes sparkled.

Ber’s was self-explanatory. If it weren’t for Frost, then she’d be just like her. In a way, Ber suffered the biggest blow as a result. Like Jury, she vowed to bring Frost back.

And as a result, her emotional levels further rose to the Fourth State, causing her dress to emit a subtle glow, like moonlight was bouncing off her. She was one State away from completely manifesting the Black Swan.

As for Nav…

Nav didn’t know.

As everyone prepared to take their leap of faith, Nav sensed the light of the Advent, and it wondered but one thing as it futilely attempted to speak with Frost.

“I have no memories. I do not remember the life I once lived.”


“However, as we approach that light, I begin to hear people call out a name I do not understand.”


“They speak to me. And they call me…”


“… what do they call me…?”

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