Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

242. Setting Expectations

242. Setting Expectations

Seeing the 15th Peace Flock and Cara’s team together alive and well was relieving. But Frost still suspected that there was a caveat hiding in plain sight. After hearing the unapologetic confessions from the Scarlet Logic personnel, the scales of her judgement tilted towards prejudice.

Jury stuck close to her as they listened to Cara, Usa, the Captain and Vice-Captain of the Peace Flock’s confessions and testimonies. Her unblinking eyes saw through all lies. The golden glow was smeared with the scarlet shade of fire. They didn’t know if it was a trick of the light from her flames, and none questioned it.

“Please believe us!” Usa begged, clasping her hands together with her only ear folded downwards. “We didn’t come this far just to turn back!”

“We are all ready to jump ship. I don’t care if it means throwing ourselves into high tides so long as we get away from Scarlet Logic.” Cara adamantly claimed, gathering nods from her personnel, who struggled to sustain their posture.

Exhaustion plagued them. The decision to abandon Scarlet Logic crippled their minds as the fear of repercussion bared its fangs. Dying or returning to Scarlet Logic now only meant a long, torturous death. Even the Scarlet Wolf seemed to bear similar sentiments, and Ignis approached it, stroking its fur like an empathetic, curious child.

“It’s understandable that you can’t pardon us after seeing the Midnight Team. There’s no shortage of lunatics in Scarlet Logic. But neither is there a shortage of people that can’t make their own choices.” Cara began, maintaining her professional demeanor, like she was addressing a high-ranking member. “Not everyone is like them. Not all of us enjoy this. But how can you resign when your soul isn’t even yours anymore? When your body has gone through so many cycles that you lose sight of who you were?”

Cara unwrapped her bandaged arm and showed the scar along her forearm. It had grown to consume her entire arm, and the coloration changed from her brown complexion to a pale, unnatural white. As though it had been blanched, and all blood flow had ceased. It was like the soft flesh of a crab moments after they had shed their shell, and in the light, Frost was shocked to find that there were no nerves in that arm whatsoever.

“Replication after replication. Dying now will mean dying another 40 times before I’m terminated for good. The longer we stay, the more we are driven to stay in check. I still don’t know if this soul is still even mine. Or if this body is. Why do we have to justify wanting to run away from this to you?” Cara scathingly returned Frost’s judging gaze. “We found an opportunity to run, and we took it. What else do you want to know? What else can we possibly tell you?”

Suddenly, the human Vice Captain of the Peace Flock, named Vei, took a stance beside Cara to cement their innocence.

“Black Dove. As members of Justica Arms, we agree that everything must have a justification. Every act, and every thought. But here, why are you judging something as simple as wanting to run? Why do you scrutinize as though you are seeking a clause to punish them with?”

“Agreed. We’d be long dead if it weren’t for them. Every single one of the 15th, 16th and 17th Flocks are dead. We arrived aware that the Hungry infestation was bad, but not this bad. Black Dove – please let us vindicate them.” The Elven Captain added, vouching for Cara’s group.

Frost dragged her all-seeing eyes like a beacon onto each and every single person before her. Their expressions were genuine, and most of all, whenever the topic of ‘freedom’ arose their hearts glowed with a subtle blue.

Scrutiny revealed a similar ember in their chests, and the rustles of her coat only further proved their innocence. Frost never intended to harm them. She merely wanted confirmation on top of Jury’s assurance.

“They don’t appear to be the materials for the Masterpiece anymore. They’ve been replaced according to the Archivist. The Peace Flock should be safe, therefore, I implore that you temper yourself.” Nav added, and after a long period of silence, the flames that consumed Frost’s eyes disappeared and she closed her eyes for what felt like the first time in days.

“Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah.” Her deepest sigh yet slipped loose as she threw her head around, and dug her face into her flaming palms.

One could imagine the shock of seeing her unscathed by these flames, which caused them to stand around drenched in sweat. The air was nigh impossible to breathe around Frost, complementing her suffocating aura.

“Good to hear you still have a sane head on those shoulders. Thank you. For helping them. Things have gone to hell here. Were you ordered to allow the Hungry to fester like this?” Frost questioned.

“We only figured out how bad things became a month ago. It was never, NEVER this bad!” Usa answered, shaking her head rapidly. “One second, we were fighting Meatballs along the way, and the next we got a ceasefire notice. They never touched us, and we were never allowed to touch them. The Queen just changed her mind all of a sudden.”

“Queen?” Jury asked.

“One of the Monarchs that oversees and orders on behalf of whoever’s running the Atelier. Unlike us, there’s a shortage of them. One in each site. Looking at you, I’m guessing you’re here to fulfill that vow.” Cara explained.

Scarlet Logic’s bases were scattered across Elysia. The one in the City of Spades was one of several major sites that housed upwards of tens of thousands, to a hundred thousand personnel. Hearing their sheer numbers caused Frost to scratch her head as she glanced over at the others, who were also confused by this statement.

Because there was hardly any Scarlet Logic presence here. One would think they’d levy their full strength to stop her, but for some reason they have been awfully quiet. To make matters worse, Cara’s team knew little else since they were frequently sent away on collection missions.

“She’s not wrong. The City of Spades is one huuuuuuge base. Probably the biggest.” Cer said, folding her arms as she clicked her tongue. “From what we know of. They could be hiding other places in the Derma Layer or wherever the hell they want. Wouldn’t put it past them… Tch. And if they have some predictive capabilities, then maybe they’ve already migrated?”

“It doesn’t change that they’ll be uprooted both here and from the Nexus when things die down. Besides, if you’re still afraid of replicating, then that means their tech is still active.” Res slowly spoke, her words slightly slurred.

“Meaning there’s a chance we can take it for ourselves. That’d be the cherry on top.” Ber spoke.

“If it matters to you – Getting rid of the Pool will make death relevant to us again. For our peers in the Nex Megalopolis. We replicate in the first Pool we threw ourselves into! So if you remove that, then we’ll be back to normal! I think!” Usa cried. Although it didn’t confirm this, Frost was willing to believe that there was some truth in there.

Cara sighed. “Normal? I wish. Gotta live with what we’ve become. There’s no changing that. Just keep pushing on and hope for the best.”

Ber shrugged at that notion. A part of her agreed, but another despised the idea of the inability to change after what she had gone through.

“Will… W-what I’m trying to say is – If Scarlet Logic does fall, will we be branded as traitors?” Someone asked, and the Peace Flock duo assured them that wouldn’t be the case.

Frost also affirmed this. Her authority would undoubtedly allow her to relinquish them should something arise.

This then brought her identity into question. Whilst Cara’s team knew, the Peace Flock only knew her as the Black Dove. They didn’t ask, and Frost was not eager to tell them. The less they knew the better. More than anything – they needed to head to H10 as soon as possible.

But the flames blocked their path. By now S4 had become a sea of flames. Whilst they came together to formulate a plan of escape, Usa kindly explained what the Pool was. Essentially, it was a red lake where people submerged themselves to tether their souls to it and reemerged after death. The fluid itself contained properties that allowed for the replication process, originating from somewhere deep in the recesses of the City of Spades.

There, she was likely to also find the hapless Queen.

Of course, the original tech resided with Marduk himself. Frost was certain of this. But regardless, getting her hands on a major product of that technology would undoubtedly grant some interesting powers.

And just as they landed on a dead end regarding the safety of Cara’s team and the Peace Flock – The wall of flames gave way as a certain black-haired woman with the same shimmering, golden eyes marched forward.

It was the Hired Arm, and she had answered Frost’s call.

With her help, no flame could ever dream to touch them.

The good news didn’t stop there. Because a certain eight-legged friend reported in.

“I must also add – Snap has stirred trouble along the City of Hearts with its speed. But I am pleased to inform you that it has reached Carpal Tower.”

Frost suddenly broke into a small smile at the mention of her fuzzy friend.

Awesome. Snap’s amazing, huh. Tell it I said thanks. My message… Alright. Let Carpalis know that the war has already begun.

Their next target was the Masterpiece.

And then, they’d strike at Scarlet Logic itself.

With farewells shared and a salute received from her Hired Arm, Frost set her sights to the City of Spades.

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