Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

233. Ber, The Black Swan

233. Ber, The Black Swan

The Wharftow lake arena was identical to the real thing, barring that there were no people in sight. From the hilltop house Frost shared her first intimate night in, to the wooden harbor and the forests beyond; it was a contrast to Grandis’ mountainous backdrop.

“Childish watercolor to realism. One way to interpret the background is that she’s now moved on.” There was meaning in every fragment and every crevasse of the Corrupted. Whether it be a single stray hair or the form Ber took, they could be spun into a tale applicable to said Corrupted.

Frost marveled at the symbolism of their final arena. No longer were they stuck in the past of Grandis. They were now in the present of Wharftow, with a future Ber clasping at her mouth, her hands overlapped in the shape of wings.

“Ber’s appearance hardly resembles a swan. If I could laugh, I would be gigging right now. I do find it humorous that you have time to spend picking apart such minute details.”

“I’m just awed by her psyche being laid out like an interactive picture book. This whole ordeal’s been an eye opener for us. There’s still so much we don’t know. So much more to figure out.” Frost, her body still wracked with pain, assumed a combat position.

At the same time, Ber dropped to the surface of the lake, her hands dug deep into invisible mud as she took a sprinter’s stance. Their intentions were mutual. A head on clash course with a Moon was imminent.

“But I think understanding others matters more than the Corrupted! ISN’T THAT RIGHT BER!”

Dust and mud kicked into the air as the lake’s surface crashed the moment both charged straight into one another at full speed.

< [I Wanna Be a Swan!] >

< Striving to become what I desperately want. Whether I look the part doesn’t matter so long as I believe in it! >


< “With the dissolving effects of Serum G I strive towards a new horizon.” >


Ber’s entire being was clad in shadows. It assumed the shape of a giant black wing, and it became an extension of her right arm. It followed like a long blade, carving the lake as water gushed behind her fantastically.

The bladed wing was like a supersized version of the Accusers, save hers were covered in layers of beautiful, reflective feathers. With only 20 meters left until their inevitable clash, Frost realized that these feathers were in actuality fur shaped like feathers.

Horizontal slash. That thing’s going to pack a punch. My AGI’s still higher…

“Even in that perfect form you STILL look hurt!” Frost shouted, her emotions now strong enough to take reign over her own psyche and body.

Ber, unclasping her mouth, drew her claws and dragged them forth in a sweeping manner at the apex of their clash.

< [Futile Galvanism] >

< Reverting to the claws that defined my strength >


Frost, leaping over the wing which missed her by mere inches, flew overhead the Black Swan. Both her claws and blade had missed her a sudden stream of Liquid Fire poured onto the Black Swan, instantly causing copious amounts of steam to enshroud the lake like a smokescreen.

Frost | MP: 8,575

The Black Swan | HP: 197,500

Liquid Fire was an insanely risky move on her part. But so long as she could see the future, then she had the upper hand despite all the odds stacked against her. Frost charged through the smokescreen, reaching a smoldering, steaming Ber. Before she could even react, Frost drew steel strings from Ber’s chest and began to pummel her, as well as take several bites to replenish her MP.

Fortunately, or rather unfortunately for her, biting Ber left no lasting mark. She felt like she was eating jelly, which she realized was Ber’s mana. Black clouds stacked upon one another as Ber was inflicted with the Severe Burn Condition – a Condition that periodically ticked down her HP pool by a thousand every 5 seconds and increased all incoming ATT damage by 10%.

< Condition | Severe Burn >

< Subsides through healing or restoration potions. Deal 1,000 damage regardless of ATT DEF or MAG DEF of target. All incoming damage increased by 10% >


< But in this place, Severe Burn will disappear after 2 minutes >


“ISN’T IT STRANGE THAT THE CONDITION REQUIRES A RESIST LESS THAN 90!? IF HER RESIST IS NIL, THEN HOW IS IT GETTING THROUGH!?” Frost, practically unhinged at this point, exchanged blow after blow with the Corrupted Ber, who she kept on a metal leash as they went back and forth, separating explosively meters apart before they collided with the force of two unstoppable asteroids.

Frost | MP: 25,000

The Black Swan | HP: 172,000

< [Futile Galvanism] >

< [Futile Galvanism] >

< [Futile Galvanism] >

< [Futile Galvanism] >

< [Futile Galvanism] >

< [I Wanna Be a Swan!] >


Taking an unexpected gash from the colossal wing, which caused her cheek to bleed as strands of her hair were cut, Nav immediately answered with:

“Resist must have subcomponents. This confirms it. There may be a psychological and physical aspect. Her physical RESIST must be lower than 90, whereas her psychological RESIST is immeasurable.”

This was the answer Frost desired, and the one that made the most sense. For a Corrupted, it was only natural that all psychological interventions and alterations would be rendered ineffective. Physical on the other hand, depending on the Corrupted, was entirely valid.

Suddenly, through the explosions of water, and the walls of black clouds that devoured all that so happened to touch it, both Ber’s arms were augmented by the giant wings, which then suddenly split into five digits each.

< [Desperate for Love] >

< The only way for one to achieve what they want is to grasp it firmly with both hands! >


They were essentially supersized claws, and it reduced Frost’s margin of error as she struggled to dodge these given the sheer speed Ber could swing, compounded by their relatively similar AGI stats.

< “Adoration of the Black Dove. Little by little, I learned that many more special people exist. It was just a matter of finding them. They heard my calls. But will they be able to react to them, I wonder?” >

“MORE THAN JUST REACT!” Frost’s emotions finally reached a unique threshold.

< You are in the equivalent of the Second State. Several Corrupted Skills have been unlocked! >


“Although, they are Passive Skills. Any two from your Corrupted Persona collection may be chosen!”

What about active skills!?

“None I’m afraid!”

Each swing caused the feathered fingers ran underneath the water like sharks. They smelt Frost’s blood in the water and assaulted her from all angles, attempting to ensnare her like a beartrap. Somehow, it was as if The Black Swan was aware that so long as Frost had direct line of sight with something then she’d be able to read the future.

Frost suspected this and managed to avoid certain death.

“Tch – Don’t think for a second that you can stop me!” Frost roared. “NAV! Any suggestions for this encounter!?”

“You wish for me to decide?”

“I have bigger things to worry about right now! The prompts are only going to distract me!”

After much silent deliberation, Nav selected the only two that it believed mattered the most.

< PASSIVE: Star Cycle >

< Your stars will explode after taking enough damage. The resulting nebula will temporarily prevent the death of all those within >

Suddenly, the stars from their world began to fall upon their battlefield. The reflections of the lake were no more as the glowing, spherical objects hovered like will-o’-wisps, illuminating all in a spectacular fashion. Their battle suddenly felt like a theatrical. A show. A dance almost with all the lights.

Frost | MP: 23,500

The Black Swan | HP: 142,300

< PASSIVE: Nature’s Compass >

< Various stars will twinkle in the eyes of certain individuals. They will guide them when all seems lost >


< “With wings I choose not to fly. I realized that the paradise we’ve lived, and the paradise that’s so sought after is plagued with suffering.” >


< [Transpired Instincts] >

< What was lost and wrapped in secrecy shall now be known >


Ber’s appearance had been changing the lower her HP dropped. Her hair went from a tomboyish cut to now reaching just past her nape. The black, silky strands were utterly beautiful, and they swayed as she pounced at Frost, incorporating twists and spins into her attacks as though she were dancing, like an eccentric swan along a lake. Her movements shifted from animalistic and rash, to precise and radiated pure femininity.

In some instances, Ber targeted the stars, and Frost quickly realized that they could be used as decoys. A quarter of the fight had gone in mere minutes, but to them both it felt like they had been fighting for hours on end.

Frost continued to bleed from her unhealable wounds. Underneath her Coat of Prejudice were cuts so deep that she needed to wrap loops of string to keep her innards within. But even so, her conviction saw no bounds as she desperately sought to rescue Ber from her Corrupted state of mind.

I’ve dealt with worse. So much worse. I stood up day after day watching my heart burst from my chest… This… This is…

“THIS IS NOTHING! JUST WAKE UP ALREADY BER! EVERYONE – WE’RE ALL WAITING FOR YOU! NO ONE WANTS TO SEE YOU LOSE YOURSELF BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!” Frost, clasping on her stomach, shouted at the top of her lungs and in that instant, The Black Swan froze momentarily.

In that instant, their eyes locked, and she saw the real Ber underneath before she was consumed by the Corrupted.

And as though it never occurred, The Black Swan continued the endless head-on clashes.

Frost | MP: 19,500

The Black Swan | HP: 127,300

< “This future of mine I want. This beauty of mine I wear… I won’t allow it to be sullied ever again!” >


< [Singing Wingslash] >

< My reach must go beyond what it once was. No longer must I be stunted by Serum G >

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