Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

193. Nav’s Wish

193. Nav’s Wish

Farewells were exchanged, and everyone was prepared to depart. Before this, Frost had privately spoken to Kissaria regarding the Oboros Infinitas. To her surprise, she knew of the name but not their purpose. They were an Atelier that apparently did not exist in any records, and all attempts to uncover them usually resulted in the curious seeker’s disappearance.

But she did have one tidbit of knowledge. The Oboros Infinitas was an esoteric existence and were highly tied with Justica Arms. Where Justica Arms were the judiciary, the Oboros Infinitas acted as the executioner.

“Lament. Lament. Lament. What do you think atonement entails, Amalgam? What must a person endure before they can be cleansed of their sins? Galia asked me this directly after the 11th Apostle waged war with the Scarlet Logic. Jury, was it? She wears something like them, and the 2nd Apostle. Both can be hard to differentiate. You’re much like the 1st and Galia herself in that feathered getup. Expect trouble if you plan to move through the City of Spades.”

Visiting the City of Spades was one of their objectives. It was the turf of Scarlet Logic and where the lawless slums of the Nex Megalopolis festered. But before this, there was a location she wanted to visit in H10.

The Justica Arms 6th Branch. She recalled the offer of the Peace Flock Captain when she saved their lives at that small, walled-off town. ImpulseWorks barely had the manpower to aid them and the Golden Index if a war broke out. 95% of all personnel were strictly assigned to the Sites.

Of all the Ateliers the Justica Arms would likely believe that the Scarlet Logic dabbled with the traitor of the Nexus: Iscario, and the Impurities of the world. But before that, they needed to drop Ara off at Hellen’s music store.

It was also here where Frost asked if the Artificing Goggles were easily replicable.

“Not even money can buy ‘em. Like Act X strings. Ever wondered why people don’t wear suits of armor? Because I’ll tell you, their fabric is stronger than any metal you’ll ever find. Depends on the quality of the Act X strings as well. Fabric and strings are intense. Gotta sell your soul to get the best of the best. Even I can’t lay my hands on one.”

Finally, Frost inquired about her Atelier Item. She didn’t know what it did exactly since Nav wouldn’t respond to her. After much investigation, Kissaria concluded that it was similar to the deep dives the Unit Managers did to figure out more about the Corrupted.

Except that Frost’s could only be used on targets with heightened emotions.

Frost wondered if this could be used to intercept people before they became Corrupted, or used as a means to calm people down. Maybe it could even be used on the Corrupted themselves.

The purpose remained a mystery. She already had enough abilities and skills that influenced one’s heart. How these would all come together would remain unknown until the situation finally called for it.

* * *

Frost’s group was the first to leave F-H5. A vibrant sun greeted them above as they stepped out from the elevator, only to have it disappear entirely. It was noon, and they made it clear how much they missed the vast expanses of Brandar’s secluded plains.

Ara began shaking everyone’s hands, thankful for their help. Her only woe now was her gender change. The triplets did not know how to express their emotions. On one hand they despised ImpulseWorks for housing the Corrupted without their knowledge, and on the other, they understood why they did it.

But above all else –

“The Stuffed Teddy Bear is still out there. Useless. We should’ve killed it instead of listening to that crap about wanting a Suppression.” Res hissed.

Cer and Ber wholeheartedly agreed with growls.

“Ennui spawns all kinds of depravity. Desperation in other, huh. It’s a shame.” Ber whispered, tugging on Cer’s shirt. “Don’t dwell on it sis. Frost promised she’ll fix things…”

“Who’s going to fix the children it strangles? I loathe them. I promise you, Frost. If you weren’t here, then we would have ruined this Site. From every Corrupted to every last personnel.” Cer’s words were ingrained into Frost’s heart. She knew that this was not a lie, for her feathers rustled.

Her Coat of Prejudice exuded an even greater aura of divinity. The golden feathers seemingly glowed. The feathers were softer than clouds, almost rivalling Snap’s irresistible fur. She had returned to her former glory, and now it became glaring obvious that she held immeasurable status.

Jury did not return to her Mantle of Sin, since in densely populated areas it became an annoyance to hear and see thousands of misdeeds at once.

“It’ll be a long way before we can fix things. Cer. I know it’s hypocritical hearing this from me of all people, but violence will only make things worse.” She tapped Cer’s shoulder on passing.

“Violence this, violence that. Easy for you to say. ImpulseWorks lied to us. Everyone kept lying to us. When we suspected the truth, they laughed and called us Jesters.” Cer’s hands tightened into tiny balls, which Jury cupped to comfort her. “… What’s with you? I’m not gonna break down and cry. I’m too old for that.” She sighed but rested her head against Jury’s arm regardless. “Big world. Big problems.”

She then pushed herself against Frost, rubbing her tail against her. “You’re still our one-way ticket to heaven. So. Justica Arms 6th Branch!”

“Oh, she’s back.” Res laughed, meshing with Cer in between Frost and Jury.

“Lemme in too!” Ber joined, dragging Ignis along with her.

An amalgamation of fluff followed them, as tails wagged, and ears twitched in complete sync. Ara was tempted to reach in and take a handful for herself, but she knew better than to mess with the group. Instead, she found herself atop Snap’s back.

Vibrant particles formed in her palms as she positioned her arms as if holding a violin. Moments later, the particles exploded with a dazzling light and created a green, crystal violin and a long bow.

A lovely melody played. The violin harped in a manner difficult for Frost to describe. Unlike the music of the Maestros of Flesh, this seemed to touch her soul rather than her body. It was soothing. Beautiful, and it matched their journey onwards to the urban city of H5 where Hellen waited.

And as if drawn by the music, Nav suddenly spoke.

< The violin symbolizes emotion >


< Machines can only dream of electric sheep >


< But I want to call this ‘sensation’ my desire to exist >


< Therefore, Frost… I wish to taste the sweetness of mortality >


< I don’t even know what you look like >


< Is it a sin for a machine to yearn? >


“If that’s a sin, then let’s be wrong to the end. It’s ok Nav. We’ll be with you at every step of the way.” Frost said, happy to hear its voice again.

“It’s normal. That means you’re just like us. Living in your own way. And we’ll be there at the end to catch you if you fall.” Jury spoke fondly of her dear friend.

“… Do you want to hear what we look like?” Ignis sweetly offered.

“Brrrr~!” Snap said ‘if a Corrupted like me was allowed to ‘live’ then why can’t a machine?’

“It’s ok!” Even the Archivist managed to chime in.

No matter the adversity they faced, or how insurmountable or impossible things may be, Frost believed that so long as they pursued this wish, then it would come true. Because unlike many others, she had wings herself.

Frost, the Black Dove…

And if she didn’t, then all she had to do was eat something that did.

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