Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

188. The Impulse Artificer

188. The Impulse Artificer

Time operated in mysterious ways. In the minutes that Frost had spent in the presence of the Site Core translated to hours outside. Her body was described to have been frozen to an observer. Like her time had stopped.

Jury was the only one who could interact with Frost. All other attempts simply caused their hands and objects to pass through the phantom Frost. This was why she had found herself resting on Jury’s lap. What she experienced was similar to whenever Jury explored the Eternal Library, except it wasn’t in dream sequences.

Moreover, the scale of time was the opposite of the Eternal Library. Jury mentioned that the closer one was to a highly dense gravitation field, the more skewed time became. The interaction left Frost in awe as her mind was filled with the entities that called themselves the Aberrations of Elysia.

It was already noon by now. She recalled having entered that strange desert at around dawn. Currently, she remained resting on Jury’s lap, her head buried deep in the soft, tender skin which radiated a wonderful warmth.

Much to the surprise of the Overseer, the 3rd Seal broke without any incident. Frost explained that she had dealt with it but did not go into detail. She wasn’t questioned any further, since the results were satisfactory for them.

This is a world of magic, right?

“I believe it is. Fire from the hands? Do you mind telling me if it was possible on Earth?”

Unless you were a magician, then no. No way. Not at all.

“Are you sure? Some prominent figures have been able to turn water into wine.” Nav prodded, causing Frost to sigh with a small smile.

It depends on what you believe. I can’t say for sure because I wasn’t around to see it myself.

“Would you say the same about prehistoric dinosaurs? Because you have not seen them yourself?” Nav countered, making her groan lightly into Jury’s lap.

She shuffled around and stared up into her lover’s eyes. They were all currently in the receptionist room waiting for the arrival of the Impulse Artificer. Jury flashed her a smile. She could have sworn she saw a small question mark pop above her head.

Nav, are you trying to rile me up? She wondered if their encounter with the Site Core had awoken something inside of Nav, because it tried to deviate away from its monotone voice but to no avail.

The ‘machine’ revelation must have deeply shocked Nav. Despite how many times it claimed itself to be no more than an AI or a machine, she realized than deep down, Nav was probably hoping that it was more than that.

“Think what you want. It does not change that I am stuck in your head.” Nav read her thoughts and answered. “Worry not. I cannot feel sorrow. The notion of ‘living’ is unknown to me. The nature of my existence is insignificant. I am content that I do exist.”

“Nav? Are you ok?” Jury asked worriedly.

< I am. Please do not worry about me. It is useless >


“That’s not going to stop us. Just letting you know.” Frost said.

The Piece of the Fallen Star’s gave them a lead for Nav’s wish. Ara was proof that one’s body could be changed by the suspected Advent. But she considered the idea of a false wish. What did she mean by a false wish?

An incorrect interpretation. For example. If one wished for immortality, then the wish could twist it and cause immense misery. In Ara’s case she revealed that she wished to become a popular conductor in the same vein as the Great Haydn, but unbeknownst to her was that her wish was granted in an undesirable manner.

She sat with the triplets and Ignis as they waited for the Impulse Artificer to arrive. The Receptionist kept watch, polishing a large, unchained crystal. That was a Sub Hyperlink, which only worked when nearby Hyperlinks were active.

The memory-devouring side effect turned out to be true. It was these Sub Hyperlinks which temporarily ate memories. What was surprising was how much of a secret these subsidiaries of the Hyperlinks were. Not even the Moons were aware of their existence.

There was far more to each Atelier. Even with everything they knew of ImpulseWorks, the iceberg sunk deeper into an ocean of mystery and intrigue. She had to wonder if every Atelier was at least aware of the Aberrations or worked with them in some capacity.

Whatever the case was, Frost wouldn’t hesitate to make an enemy of them if they turned out to be worse than the Impuritas.

Frost counted her feathers. She took out her Coat of Prejudice and stroked its ruined material as she wondered just what kind of Atelier Item would be made for Nav and herself.

Before long, the elevator was activated. Its metal doors sealed shut as the compartment shot straight up with a soundless whine. Frost instantly shot up from the couch and began dusting herself. She wanted to present herself well before this person. They were, after all, a good friend of Carpalis.

Jury quickly joined her, as did the others, including Ara since the Overseer strictly prohibited her from being left unsupervised. They were briefly warned by the Receptionist to make some room, indicating that a large entity would soon enter.

She expected them to be large. Massive. Eldritch, and full of tentacles just like the Retrofitters so she set her gaze high and prepared to meet with the Impulse Artificer.

“Keep a leash on Cer.” Frost begged Res. “You too Ber. Don’t get wrapped up in her antics.”

“Yes Ma’am~” Ber cracked her knuckles.

“Maybe she’ll listen to you.” Res sighed, wringing a finger into Cer’s collar. “Be respectful. But just so you know, Frost. We’re still not happy with ImpulseWorks and their dabbling with the Corrupted.”

“I know. It’s dangerous. But it’s even worse if we step in knowing so little about their operation.” Frost said, acknowledging that she only knew so much. “Cer. Please. Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Yeah yeah. I’ll keep my mouth shut this time.” She irately dismissed.

The whining approached. Frost sensed a presence behind the metal doors as her group fell silent. They took a dignified, presentable stance as Frost took the center stage, preparing to greet the Impulse Artificer personally.

However, as the doors opened, she was surprised to find that no one was there.

No. It wasn’t that no one was there. In fact, there were dozens of people crammed within the elevator shaft! Children similar to the Little Frost, all with pale bodies and red hair funneled out with a permanent smile affixed to their face.


Re-entry Worms

    < Impulse Defenders | 1 >
Soul Rank: White | Atelier: ImpulseWorks
LEVEL : 125  ORIGIN : Aquatid

  HP : 6,500 

ATT : 1,200 MAG ATT : 100
ATT DEF : 1,200

MAG DEF : 1,200 

MP : RESIST : 70 AGI : 5

They made cute, squirming noises as they flocked towards them, quickly surrounding them like a band of curious cats. They brushed by, nuzzled against their apparel, and studied them with child-like curiosity.

It was fascinating. But what made them so strange was that they did not have legs. Rather, their bodies were connected to the floor, and they somehow phased through the thick sheets of metal like it did not even exist. She was slightly frightened when one suddenly rose up to her face, then offered her hand for a shake.

Frost gladly took the tiny palm, causing its smile to widen as is silently giggled to itself.

So cute…

“You’re with the Impulse Artificer, I believe? Were you escorting them?” Frost asked, and they all began to nod rapidly as three more figures emerged from the elevator.

It’s like a circus car… Nav. What’s a Siboglin… Er, whatever that is?

“Tube Worms. It would explain their weird appareance and touchy nature.”

Why’s that?

“For starters, they are drawn to you because of your breath. It is how they feed. They convert carbon into sugars and nutrients.”

Frost held her breath the moment Nav revealed this, and in that moment, the few that surrounded her frowned dejectedly and wandered off to Jury. As it turned out, Ara was highly popular with them, much to her dismay.

The three figures that entered were none other than Eclipses. One was a male, humanoid jellyfish with a transparent cap and near invisible strands which dropped like vines. Another was a female giant isopod, who wore a shell on her back. The last was a one-eyed squid woman whose hair extended into tentacles lined with razor-sharp barbs.

But there was still not an Impulse Artificer in sight.

She could immediately tell that there was tension in the air. Moons for whatever reason, did not take lightly to others. It was either this, or the fact that normal Moons were found within a Site, which was normally prohibited.

The Elipses didn’t say a word and merely glanced at Frost and stepped aside, allowing the same Herald they met back at the Retrofitter’s hideout to emerge with a script in hand and an overly friendly smile.

“Black Dove! It’s me again! Haha, what a coincidence. No, what am I saying. It’s all written here. Please excuse the Moons there, Eclipses. They’re with the Black Dove.”

“Welcome and thank you for calming them down. Pleasure to meet you too, Herald. Re-Entry Worms. Eclipses.” Frost began, hiding her confusion well as she tried to wrap her mind around how so many people were able to fit inside of the elevator.

Jury nodded, as did Ignis and Snap. Snap’s appearance caused the Eclipses to glance at each other as their eyes fell onto her companion, causing it to shiver. They certainly suspected it for a Corrupted.

“Please don’t mind our companion. We’re here to talk as fellow friends. Let’s not cause this Site any more problems.” Frost did not want them to take any action against Snap, or even begin to conceive of it for that matter. “You’re here to escort the Impulse Artificer, I presume?”

They nodded and pointed at the elevator.

“Impulse Artificer. Inside. Said urgent mission here. Friend of Carpalis. Big persona.” The isopod Eclipse spoke in the equivalent of broken English as she studied Frost. “But look smaller in person. Moons mission if ok to ask?”

Res presented herself professionally, relaying the same information as she did to the previous Eclipse. This seemed to satisfy them.

“Last Mission. Assassination of Scarlet Logic Star. Reason: Impersonating Healer. Still have head inside. Want see?” The man spoke, pointing at his chest.

Ara shuddered.

“… A-Aha… Eclipses. C’mon now. They’re not real, right?”

“Please shut up and stand there like a good girl.” Cer hissed, causing her to gulp.

She was easily the only person out of place here, and the information she overheard was never meant for the ears of an outsider.

“No thank you. Please, continue.” Res politely ordered as the Herald stood in the elevator passageway.

Frost could have sworn she saw yet another figure hiding behind them.

“10 days ago for last mission. Current mission: defend Impulse Artificer. Very easy. Cognition Filter make it easy. D-5 say ‘hi’ along way.”

“D-5? The Wandering Healer?” Frost raised a brow. The Herald nodded.

“Isn’t she so nice?” He said half sarcastically. “Haha… hah… Um… I should deliver this now. It was nice seeing a familiar face for once.” He was awkward, to the point where Frost could tell that his conduct was not normal for someone of his ranks.

Cer grumbled, using ever ounce of her strength to refrain from responding with an offhand comment. The Herald brandished his Script in hand and was about to leave until a voice shouted from behind him.

“Forget the Wandering Healer! Can you move already!? I’m here on borrowed time!” The voice of a woman cut through the air, startling the Herald who instantly tripped into a couch aside, revealing a human fitted in what appeared to be a metal working harness.

But she was not a human, despite her appearance. And neither was she huge much to Frost’s disappointment. The person before her was a muscular woman with white skin, red eyes, and blonde, messy hair. She wore a spiked helmet with goggled resting atop her head. The color scheme of her outfit screamed ‘penguin’ to her for some reason, and sure enough:



Impulse Artificer


< Tempered Aspirator | 0 >

Soul Rank: Violet | Atelier: ImpulseWorks

LEVEL : 100   ORIGIN: Aquatid

HP : 4,500

ATT : 30 MAG ATT : 0
ATT DEF : 6,000

MAG DEF : 6,000

MP : 15,000 RESIST : 150 AGI : 12 (Ice: 20 Water: 40)

“So you’re the client I’ve been hearing about! Black Dove. Black getup. Black heart I’m even willin’ to bet! And waddaya lookin’ up at the elevator for!? Never seen a short penguin before!?”

Nav. Is there a species of violent penguins?

“There is. The short statured Adelie Penguin. Known for slapping.” Nav said, just in time for the Impulse Artificer to slap her hands together.

“But looking at you, I can tell that Carpalis thankfully wasn’t losing it. With that kind of soul –”

She approached Frost with both hands on her hips. They were both perfectly matched in height, but even so, the woman lowered her gaze to study Frost’s eyes, then dragged them down to her chest and stomach like a dissecting blade.

“– It’s easy to tell that you’re exactly as she claims, Archetype!

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