Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

177. Instruments and the 5-Day Plan

177. Instruments and the 5-Day Plan

Relationships between Frost and the entirety of F-H5 were strained. She appeared highly arrogant in the rest of the Facility’s eyes regarding her strongarming of the Overseer. As a result, her group was quickly evicted from their appointed residential area, which belonged in the heart of the 2nd floor.

This was also due to Ara’s presence. The Workers were uncomfortably being in the proximity of a potential Corrupted, especially within their vulnerable residential rooms. They adamantly refused for them to stay as a result, leaving Frost to negotiate with the Overseer and the 2nd floor’s Unit Manager on where they could stay.

Not that Frost needed to of course. But she had come to enjoy her nightly rests now ever since their stay in Wharftow.

The reason being? Jury of course! She looked forward to resting now, or at least resting when Jury needed to. That night had brought them much closer than she realized. If Frost’s brain could be represented with a pie chart, then Jury would make up at least 50% of all thoughts.

“And not 100% me.” Nav’s monotone voice carried a sense of sadness with it. “What a shame.”

“Black Dove… I-Is there something wrong? I keep hearing your inner voice.” The Navigator said, causing Frost to laugh to herself.

“It’s nothing. Everything’s fine on our end. We’ll be taking the 2nd floor’s infirmary, correct?” Frost asked again, swiftly changing the topic as they found themselves in a single room lined with multiple beds.

It was a miniature hospital, and they were arranged close to the center like the petals of a sunflower rather than in rows and columns. This was how all healing centers were made so long as they had a dedicated on-site healer. Frost immediately figured that this was because the healer would be able to stand in the middle and heal her patients without needing to make laborious rounds.

Additionally, there were quarantine rooms separated by door and a thick, glass-like material. She had a perfect view of every bed including the ones within the rooms from the center. Depending on the healer’s proficiency, Area Heal could reach every bed.

There was no such thing as infection control, unless of course, the person in question was infected by a Corrupted illness. But if that was the case then wouldn’t it be a risk to carry an infected person through here?

“Infection control? Frost, what are you talking about?” Cer said like she spoke in a foreign tongue, and slammed at the glass walls. “This is where they sleep overnight. Isolation rooms? Huh, is that a thing from Earth?”

Apparently, Frost was completely wrong about them being isolation rooms. They were just… for sleeping in. The only quarantine room were the hallways that were immediately infected with whatever disease. In this Facility there was one Corrupted named Cellular Feast, which slowly turned a person into a slime-like amoeba over time if they contracted the fluids of this Corrupted into their bloodstream.

There were currently no injured present, so they had this entire infirmary to themselves. As the only healer on Site, Frost took the opportunity to heal the Workers and Employees when needed.

Ara accompanied them and was shocked to find that Snap was treated like a normal being whereas they believed her to be a Corrupted. Frost agreed with her to an extent, but she was curious about the Piece of the Fallen Star.

The group eventually pulled several beds together into the corner of the room as the triplets tinkered with the Cognition Receivers. This way their voices would not be heard by the Navigator and the Overseer.

“Piece of the Fallen Star or a piece of me? Can they make up their mind?” Ara complained, struggling to fold her arms due to her… heavy assets. “I’m Ara, by the way. Good to know Colors are still around!”

“The grand… daughter? Of the Green Composer, huh?” Cer didn’t know what to call her, and defaulted to what she looked with a shrug.

“Son. Grandson. I won’t have it any other way. How does a rock grant wishes in the first place?” Ara complained again, as all eyes suddenly fell onto Frost.

She could tell they were comparing them, especially with how tame Frost was compared to Ara in regards to their gender change.

“Don’t ask us. We thought it was a rumor. I guess if ImpulseWorks are actively searching for it, then it’s a good sign that it might be true after all.” Res quietly sighed.

“Which means we have another… Advent we might have to deal with.” Jury was careful with her words now that they were in the presence of an outsider.

Ara did not seem to be the kind of person who was good at keeping secrets, and more than anything, she just wanted to get out of here. But at the same time…

“Aunt’s going to be devastated when she sees me.” Ara mumbled.

“I don’t think she’s the type judge. Hellen’s kind. Trust me, she’ll be surprised, but she’ll understand.” Frost assured her.

“Dunno. She was really strict last time we met. She left for Grandis in a hurry for her husband’s death. He was one of the victims of the Paradise disaster, did you know that Piano- I mean, Frost?”


“She – He sees people very differently, I assume.”

I’ve been called a donkey before. An igloo, and a donut as well. But never a musical instrument.

“Let’s just say Hellen’s in the know about certain things.” Frost didn’t wish to elaborate, and only drew a finger to her lips to signify its importance. “And well… I’m kind of in the same boat as you, so at least there’s that.” She sheepishly admitted.

“No waaaay~! You’re also –!?” A bright flame flashed in the girl’s emerald eyes as she leapt across her bed and onto Frost’s, hugging her waist as she fake-cried. “– Just like meeeeee~!”

Nav. I refuse to believe that people act like this normally.

“You’re saying that after all this time?”

Frost could not refute this, and especially not when it occurred right in front of her face.

“Y-Yep. Hey – Ugh – Alright, it’s ok.” She tried comforting her, but before she could even place a hand onto her, the… woman shot up and clasped onto Frost’s shoulders with starlit eyes.

“A comrade! A friend! So you get it right!? How your shoulders get all stiff and your back hurts, and your chest gets all achey when you wave your hands like this!?” She hopped right off and began swinging her conducting wand.

And with it swung her enormous assets. Cer and Ber’s heads bounced in tune with it, as if fascinated. Then, they turned over to Jury, and then Frost herself with their thoughts written all over their faces.

“I get it now. Frost is a Piano because she’s flatter than a key. So Ara must be a pair of bongo drums.” Cer said, her eyes similarly sparkling upon reaching this epiphany.

“Ooooh! Bongo drums! And a piano key! Jury! Is that right!?” Ber inquired with urgency, like she was asking for the defusal code of a ticking time bomb.

“Don’t even try to imagine it. I’ll personally punish you both.” Jury warned, policing even their thoughts. If they weren’t careful, then they’d set a different kind of time bomb right off. “Frost is 100% mine. Get her out of your mind. Honestly, what wrong with you two? Isn’t there a day where you can just be normal?”

“Ber… please don’t say something dumb.” Ignis urged, but her voice fell onto deaf ears.

Rather, Ber smirked as if to go against Ignis’ warning.

“Then is Jury a pair of war drums?” Ber couldn’t help herself, instantly causing Res to smack them both at the back of the head.



“Well, you three are a bunch of lyres.” Ara stated, instantly causing the two wolves to stare at her, shocked that she would even call them that.

“HUH!?” Cer exclaimed.

“Instrument…” Res hissed at them both.

“I-I knew that.” Cer groaned.

“We just met and we’re already being called a liar.” Ber’s ears collapsed, prompting Ignis to pat her.

“It symbolizes moderation and wisdom. That’s what I’m sensing!” Ara exclaimed as Frost forced herself to swallow her laugh. “You! Red haired cat-girl! You’re a war horn! I can tell you got lots of feistiness in ya!”

She was somewhat accurate with the meanings behind each instrument. Frost found it really interesting to hear, and she was surprised to find that Snap didn’t have an instrument of its own. She just made a ‘Brrr’ sound, and Snap replied back, tilting its head in confusion.

Then, she explained why she called Frost a piano.

“Did you know that pianos can create entire symphonies on their own? Like how they mimic pieces of every other musical instrument? You’re the first I’ve seen! Kinda cool that you also have a Violin in you! I like that.” Ara approached Frost, studying her before she placed both hands on her hips and smiled. “I’m getting that there’s two complementing instruments in you. Colors are full of surprises!”

Piano. Amalgamation. That’s pretty cool, huh.

"But the violin is for what?"

“Emotions. Deep, really deep emotions. I love the violin so much. It’s kind of my staple… If it wasn’t confiscated! Do they know how hard it was to get some of those blue strings!?” Ara suddenly complained, kicking one of the beds only to send an oversized boot flying. “DAMMIT!”

“And me?” Jury eagerly asked, wondering just what her musical instrument was.

Ara recomposed herself and took a good look at Jury. She was visibly perplexed for a moment, and she shuddered suddenly as if she was met with a horrifying realization.

“What’s wrong? Ara, say something.” Frost asked.

“N-Nothing… You all didn’t hear anything, so that was all just in my head.” She said, slowly sitting back down beside her trusted companion in arms Frost. “First time I’ve heard that one too. I thought a Corrupted just broke out.”

“Huh? Wait, what did you hear? Don’t lead us on like that.” Jury pleaded, now invested with her musical attunement.

Ara rubbed her wrists as the room fell silent, and when only the sound of Jury’s ticking heart could be heard, she uttered:

“A trumpet. I’ve never seen or heard of one before. I thought I was hearing the Arbiter’s Trumpet play! Don’t scare me like that, um… Jury, right? That’s awesome!”

Once again, another mystery had arisen, this time due to a gender bent conductor. There was no telling just what the instruments meant, or if any attention should be paid to them. But the fact that the specific quirk of a piano was its ability to mimic other instruments was what made her believe that there may be a deeper meaning behind it.

Afterall, Frost didn’t believe in coincidences, and information as small as this meant the world to her. So, she kept a mental note and pushed herself from the bed. Now that the group were acquainted with Ara, who would be staying with them for the next 5 days, she began to go over their tasks.

* * *

Frost cooked a small meal for them, and an especially large serving for the hungry Ara. She used the infirmary as a kitchen, and utilized heavily sterilized tables to organize things. Her fire magic was put to good use as she roasted meat.

The fine level of control she displayed using her magic was abnormal for someone who was only a beginner, but she pushed that all aside and explained what would be occurring in the next 5 days until the Impulse Artificer arrived.

Firstly, today had no planned events. The number of available floors was an indicator of how many tribulations a Site would face on a weekly basis. 7 completed floors meant that they’d be facing all sorts of events every single day of the week. Here in F-H5 they only had 3 days they needed to worry about.

Tomorrow was the start of the 3-day cycle. Apparently, the Site was predicted to be invaded by Impuritas entities. This grew stronger depending on how much liquid Nex was stored for the daily quotas, and the invasions would cease when the liquid Nex was shipped away.

The Impuritas likely required this Nex as well, but Frost did find it strange how they only arrived on specific days, and how it all depended on the number of chains destroyed. This was largely due to another assortment of entities called the Aberrations, which was what they were going to face on the 5th and final day, when the 3rd Seal would be broken to expand the Site and its Risk Level.

They were expected to fight against the 3rd Horseman, as they’ve called it. Failure would cause the Overseer to be terminated on the spot. Frost didn’t know what to expect other than to prepare for a violent encounter.

This was the primary reason why Frost was sent here in the first place. As the Site currently was, they’d lose around 40%-50% of all workers, if not total failure during the 3rd Seals opening.

From the 1st to the 4th Seal a Horsemen in the order of white, red, black, and pale would challenge the Site for an unknown reason. It left Frost all the more curious since they were documented to also despise the Impuritas.

Interesting things were ahead.

Furthermore, as they gobbled up a delicious, pulled-beef stew and a side of skewers, they discussed the topic of Mimicry. Apparently, Mimicry was a real Corrupted that had escaped and disappeared alongside the Heart of Ours. It was unknown if it was still in the Derma layer, but it seemed like ImpulseWorks had reason to believe it was somewhere in the Nex Megalopolis.

And then, for the final topic –

“The Piece of the Fallen Star.” Jury mentally spoke to Frost, Ignis, Nav and Snap.

“Leitmotif wanted to become a Corrupted. They wouldn’t stop talking about wishes either. If the Piece of the Fallen Star can grant wishes, then it’s possible that they’re after it.” Frost explained, linking these two vital pieces of information together.

“I can’t believe people want to ruin themselves all for power…” Ignis lamented, having been a victim of a Corruption Event. “Don’t they know how horrible it is?”

“Yeah. I can’t even imagine the despair of becoming a Corrupted. They never struck me as a sane bunch. And it thankfully doesn’t seem like anyone knows where this Advent is. So how did Ara know what it looked like?” Frost wondered as all eyes suddenly fell onto her, and coincidentally, so did the triplets who wondered what was going on.

“Mwhat’s Mmwrong? Morry Mime Mwa Mwessy Meater. (What’s wrong? Sorry I’m a messy eater).”

“Can you tell us something about the Piece of the Fallen Star? You said you found a rock, right? Do you know where it is?” Frost quietly asked.

“I saw it in the skies! At night! I saw a weird rock shooting past and BAM! My vision went blind!” Ara unfortunately didn’t know much else, and the group were left wondering if this Advent was currently in Brandar.

There was a rumor about granted wishes here in the Nex Megalopolis, after all.

And Ara’s existence proved it was true.

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