Nexus Awakened (An Isekai LitRPG Gender Bender Story)

162. A Night to Remember

162. A Night to Remember

A luxurious double storied lodge sat atop the tallest hill. It oversaw the sleeping town, the dimming lights flickering like embers along the calm lake. Frost followed a polished brick trail that wrapped around the hill, allowing her to see the humble city in all its beauty.

Groves of fruit trees and beautiful, luscious canopies surrounded her as overnight gardeners politely waved. They tended to the gardens of this estate, which was reserved only for the those with the shiniest coin or held certain connections.

Frost fit into both categories, but she claimed it through bargaining with the pipe smoking Guildmaster. It was the least they could offer for scrubbing their town from its relapsing illness.

Butterflies danced in her chest. Each step only further stirred them. She felt like she was stuck inside of a purgatory, endlessly looping around the hill in only the company of a cool breeze. Grapevines rattled. The leaves from the trimmed canopies cascaded like snow. Before long she was left alone.

She had this buffer period to muster up her heart.

The last time she was this nervous walking up a set of stairs was for her first job interview.

Funny how I can remember that but not my own face. Not the things that mattered the most.

Nav did not speak and refused to answer Frost. Nav may be no more than a disembodied voice in her head, but it had the capacity to understand the concept of privacy.

It was unnerving being surrounded by nothing but her own thoughts. She was a highly social person, so notions like solitude were naturally against her nature.

Of course, this wasn’t solitude at all. She was surrounded by friends and people of this world. Even in the Black Forest she had Jury and Nav by her side.

She couldn’t imagine being all alone. Not like Jury.

26 years all alone…

Suddenly, standing at the hilltop in a beautiful, pale dress was a dark-skinned woman. Her white hair danced in the wind like ribbons. Her silhouette was highlighted by the moon’s gentle light, and it bounced off her supple skin, giving it a divine glow.

Breathless. Nothing else could better describe Frost as she allowed her breath to be robbed by her angelic lover. If she didn’t know any better, then she would have believed that an Angel had descended.

Jury wore a one-piece night gown, the wind extending her hems like wings. A faint outline of her body caused Frost to stare in wonder. There was not a single flaw to be found on Jury, and before she realized it, her legs had taken her up the final stretch of stairs.

They didn’t say a single word and yet it felt as though they had spoken a lifetime’s worth. Warmth enveloped Frost’s chest the moment she finally met with Jury at the crest of the hill.

Tonight was a special night. Her body recognized this and refused to sit still. All of Jury’s features were ingrained into her mind. Her flap-like ears tumbled at the sides of her head like giant cowlicks. They flapped as Frost finally spoke.

“You’re beautiful…” Her words naturally left her lips as Frost leaned slightly closer, wanting to break the slight air of awkwardness between them. “Did you pick that?”

“Mm.” Jury shook her head. “The maids helped me. I told them that tonight would be special, so they chose this for me. Is it ok? It feels too big.”

She took the hems of her nightgown and drew them like wings all the way up to her waist. Everything beneath were still perfectly hidden, aside from her curvaceous, firm silhouette.

“How’d they know were more than just friends?” Frost wondered. She didn’t really care, but it caused her to wonder if same-sex relationships were normal in Elysia.

Or Brandar at least. Not that it mattered. If someone had a problem, then she dared them to confront her.

“Unless you told them?” She followed up.

“They knew that much. I met an Adventurer at the dressing store. Guess what they said. They saw us rolling in the grass.” Jury also leaned forward, grinning. “So the maids helped me pick out this out. It’s for tumbling somewhere else.”

Jury was innocent in more ways than one. Frost knew this, so hearing her say that instantly caused her to softly laugh.

“Do you even know what they meant?” She asked, instantly causing Jury to stare deeper into her eyes as she brought a hand to cover her mouth slightly.

“… I’ve read enough books. I think I know more about it than you.” Jury mumbled. She was embarrassed suddenly, but her assertiveness forbade her from shying away. “… Should we head inside? It’s getting cold.”

A wealth of emotions then soared through Frost as she nodded with a small gulp.

“Yeah. Let’s go. Hey… Were you waiting out here all this time?” She asked as they walked into their temporary abode and were greeted with a dimly lit hall.

The house was built like a log cabin, and a fireplace crackled in the middle of a furnished hall-like living room. It was simple, and there were all sorts of fruits and alcoholic delicacies arranged for them.

But the two were not hungry, nor in the mood to snack. A different sort of hunger festered between them as they guided each other up a staircase, caring little of their luxurious surroundings.

Nothing mattered more than each other.

“I’m used to waiting.” Jury whispered. “That’s why I want to walk with you at every step of the way.”

A thick appendage suddenly slithered around Frost’s waist as they reached the second floor. The sound of the rapidly creaking floorboards was in tune with their beating hearts.

“I wouldn’t want it any other way. Sorry. For making you wait. But you know, you didn’t need to wait for me.” Frost said as they approached a pair of doors at the end of the corridor.

“Like you wouldn’t have waited.” Jury said cunningly as they both took a handle each and pushed the doors opened.

“Haaah. Yeah. Alright. You got me there. I can’t talk, but you know what I mean, right?”

“I do. I really like that part of you.”

“Do you think you can tell me more things you like about me?” Frost slyly asked, causing Jury to bump her head against hers.

“Everything. Every. Thing.”

They were greeted to a warmly lit room, which housed only a single bed. A romantic red glow painted the windowless walls, evoking emotions of love. Jury’s tail squeezed her slightly as they stood at the foot of a giant, square-shaped bed that sat in the center of the room.

Pillows of all different shapes and sizes were arranged into a giant love heart. It was tacky, but they adored it. One giant, red blanket covered half of the bed as Frost finally realized why people called this place the City of Lust.

Jury froze suddenly, as did Frost. The final stage was set before them and yet neither of them moved.

“It’s lovely…” Jury was breathless.

“It is…” Frost similarly trailed off.

A stagnant air enveloped them, their hearts racing so fast that Frost could audibly hear those ticks ringing like a bell.

She then glanced over at Jury and realized that she wasn’t the only one who was wracked with intense emotion. It felt unreal. Like they’d be trespassing into forbidden territory if they went any further. The sensation was indescribable, and Frost could tell that Jury felt the same way.

And so, Frost made the final push.

“Whew. Alright.”


“I’m gonna test the quality. Don’t mind me. If it’s anything subpar then we’ll have to remove another hill.” Frost joked with renewed vigor.

She fiddled with the buttons of her coat, causing Jury’s to watch with her heart practically beating out of her chest. The black coat was thrown into the corner of the room as Frost was left in a casual black-fabric shirt. It was neither tight nor too loose, and it just managed to reach past her hips.

“So pretty.” Jury uttered.

Then, with one big leap, Frost threw herself onto the bed as if diving into a pool. Jury’s grip had weakened significantly as she lost herself in a dazed trance.

“It’s so soooooft!” She exclaimed, shattering the silence as she tumbled around, practically swimming in the pillows. “I approve… Jury. You said it was cold, right? There’s a free warm spot right here.”

She invited her partner with open arms.

Jury crept towards her like a cat. Her arms and legs sunk deeply into the soft quilt, and before long, she fell prey to Frost’s invitation, like a fly to a Venus fly trap.

Except that this fly was far too big of a prey for her to handle and instead, it was Frost who was devoured.

Jury’s floral scent dominated her senses. Their heats exchanged beats as if attempting to converse.

“Hahaha. I’m ticklish there.” Frost giggled as Jury nuzzled right against her neck like a cute animal desperate for attention.

“It tickles? Is your neck your weak spot?” Jury hummed as she held onto Frost from behind, her hands wrapped along her waist. “I’ve never been… or we’ve never been this close before.”

“It was hard to. Because I don’t normally sleep… And we have never been able to catch a break. It was Corrupted after Corrupted.” Frost stated as she felt her lover's warm breath blow over her ears.

“Mm. I wish you’d rest with us. I know your body doesn’t need it, but I feel like your heart does.” Jury ran a hand up to Frost’s belly, taking care to not overstep her boundaries.

… although… As strange as it sounded, Frost wouldn’t have minded if she touched her a little. She didn’t say this. Not yet. Jury still wanted to talk and so, they laid side by side and stared up at the dark ceiling.

They were shoulder to shoulder, hand to hand.

“I’m always reminded of the Black Forest whenever I see something black. The ceiling wasn’t different from its skies.” Jury whispered. “I didn’t know how much I suffered until you saved me. 26 years came and went, but sometimes I still feel like I’m dreaming. I never knew how much I was missing.” Jury said, interlocking her fingers together with Frost’s.

They exchanged a heated gaze. Jury cupped her face, stroking her cheeks with a thumb. Her gentle touch caused Frost to melt away as her eyes narrowed, her body becoming hot with love. Or was it lust?

She desperately wanted to find out.

“Saying thanks isn’t enough for me.” Jury whispered, pinning her down from above. “I want to thank you a hundred times in a different way. I love you. I love you so much. My heart hurts so much when I’m around you. I love it. When I’m with you I’m reminded that I’m never alone.”

The thick appendage wrapped them both as their lips met for a passionate kiss. Frost gladly accepted her, embracing Jury with open arms. Her body was instantly smothered by her lovers as the tail glued them together.

The kiss lasted longer this time, and before long, something warm knocked against Frost’s lips, begging for entry. She didn’t have to think twice, and she opened wide for her lover’s tongue to begin exploring her cavity.

A dumb part of her mind joked about eating Jury, but she paid no mind. This was too amazing for her to care about anything other than the moment at hand. The warmth. Her touch. Her scent… It was all deeply etched into her body, and Frost found herself making cute noises inadvertently, much to Jury’s delight.

It was weird being on the bottom if that made sense. Her male instincts screamed at her, but Frost indulged in the moment and shoved those thoughts aside. Her body loved every moment. The contrast put her mind on edge, but so long as Jury was here whenever she opened her eyes, then she couldn’t care less.

A single strand was all that connected them as Frost was left there, grasping onto the pillows. She had surrendered herself entirely to Jury, who placed both hands against her belly again, her thumbs kneading her flesh as if waiting for approval to go further.

“Are you ok with me?” Frost directly asked.

“If you are… then so am I. I’ve always… Always wanted to touch you. But I was afraid.”

“That I wouldn’t like it?”

Jury nodded, her hair tumbling like a silver waterfall along Frost’s face. It tickled.

“After I tried making you wear that maid outfit, I realized just how much your change mattered to you. I’m sorry I didn’t notice. That you were struggling to understand yourself.” Jury apologized.

Frost lifted a hand and touched Jury’s face, smiling up at her with a reassuring smile.

“It’s ok. Really. What are you doing apologizing now of all times?” She hummed. “… A guy. A girl. Does it matter to you?”

“No. Never. Never with you. But… How do you feel?”

“It’s still weird for me. I won’t lie, I’m nervous and a little scared. Still, what’s this compared to fighting the Corrupted? My mind’s screaming at me. But my body’s aching in so many ways that I can’t keep up… And my heart’s racing. For you.” Frost took one of Jury’s hands and guided it towards the center of her chest. “Can you feel it? Nnh…”

She winced a little. The sensation that struck her was so foreign yet unbelievably pleasurable that she let loose a quiet moan.

“Jury. Please. Don’t be afraid of touching me. I also… want to touch you. So…” Frost continued.

Their gaze hadn’t broken since they kissed. Jury couldn’t believe that this person, who was the Amalgam of the Nexus, presented herself as nothing more than a woman in desperate need for love.

She was happy. Jury was so elated as Frost then lifted her shirt, showing Jury her supple flesh that hid underneath. She pulled it up to her chest and allowed Jury’s hands to roam freely.

“So… how about you help me get to know my body better. Help me… understand why everything feels like it’s on fire. I want to get intimate. And if it’s with you… then there’s nothing for me to be afraid of. What about you, Jury? Are you afraid?”

Jury answered by suddenly kissing Frost’s bare stomach.

“I’ve always wanted this. You have no idea… how happy I am.” Jury spoke as if on the verge of tears, laying her head on Frost’s belly. Every word she spoke caused vibrations to run across her entire body. “It’s a dream come true. Frost… Let’s find out whose more ticklish.”

“… haha… Hm~ You’re on.”

* * *

It was a night that Frost could never forget. The pleasures of a woman were permanently ingrained into her body, and she physically grew closer to Jury. It was the happiest moment of her life thus far. After the heartaches, the devastation, the despair… Frost could not believe that she found true happiness.

She was elated beyond words, and her smile the next day was telling of what went down last night. There was no way that smile was going to disappear, and in only three days, they managed to cleanse Wharftow’s lake to safe levels.

It would soon be time to depart to H5.

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