Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 295: Glorious Crucifixion

Chapter 295: Glorious Crucifixion

[Glorious Crucifixion Has absorbed + 30Magic and +55speed]

Rezar emotionlessly watched as the barrier around the ring came down, not shifting his attention as the cross that hung the Snow elf queen dissipated into motes of light that quickly flew back into Vita Gratia. The weapon buzzed, as it dislodged itself from the ground and flew over to Rezar who held his hand out to catch it, their dirty deeds done once and for all.

[Vita Gratia has evolved! +10 to all stats! The skill [Glorious Vestment] has been created.]





[GLORIOUS VESTMENT: Vita Gratia turns into an impervious armor that constantly drains the blood and energy of every enemy within a 100-meter radius and increase attack by 500% giving all skills and strikes a soul draining effect, and increase defense against attacks of all magnitude and type by 300% for ten minutes. Cool down is 3 days]

Rezar smiled at what he was looking at, it has been a while since Vita Gratia had any sort of power up and if he was being honest with himself, it was just about time that such a thing happened. With all of the blood and souls the damn weapon has absorbed, one would think it should have been in the gold rank or something by now, but even beyond that, this was surprisingly the first time Rezar has seen Vita Gratia's new stat sheet after the Rejuvenation.

He ought to pay a lot more attention to the tools in his life, especially now that it seems as if Vita Gratia was beginning to have a mind of its own. There was no telling what could possibly happen if he did not pay attention to the blood drinking and soul draining weapon, after all; it was Rezar's symbol of authority. Speaking of which didn't he have a crown or something like that? For the life of him he really couldn't remember if he ever had something of the sort.

[Congratulations Your Majesty On your Victory Over the Snow Elf Queen. I Had Let the Elves Know I Was Willing to Accept a New Master the Very Moment You Took Care of the Golems That Were Guarding the Entrance to my Geo-Core. They Arrived Here in Record Time by Utilizing a Teleportation Formation They Had Built into Me as A Failsafe. I Have Taken the Liberty to Broadcast Your Duel, Making Sure It Has Reached as Much People as Possible. Now Your Majesty King Rezar: If You Will Have Me, Let Us Be Bonded]

At the very least its prompt were not all in caps anymore, looking at it gave Rezar a headache. From where he was standing he felt the platform shake a bit as a hole opened up in the center of it. He watched as a seamless bronze orb rose up out of the ground, floating at least a meter and a half above it.

Its form was extremely seamless reminding Rezar of marbles, it had exquisite etches over its smooth frame that seemed to catch light and dance in a variety of colors, not all different from the platform they were currently standing on. But apart from its appearance, what Rezar really noticed, was the extreme wave of power coming off it. This was an object that could not really be measured by the current ranking system.

It didn't feel as if its power had a ladder to it, but rather it was a force of nature that could beneficial to anyone, no matter how high a rank they attain. Rezar felt his skin crawl as goosebumps popped up all over it. How could a thing of such power choose to serve, rather than struggle and fight for its own control: for all intents and purposes this could be a bloody trap as it just seemed too good to be true.

Rezar could back off, he knew he could change his mind and move away from what could possibly be a mistake, but the thing is; if he did so and it turned the bloody dungeon was genuine. He would probably miss out on an opportunity and have it land right in the laps of his remaining enemies, such a turn of events was not one he thought his kingdom would ever be able to survive, and for the life of him he knew he couldn't destroy it. Not even if he used all of the firepower within Morte Bianca.

Rezar decided to roll with the punches as he stepped forwards and placed his hand on the orb. He felt a pinprick in the center of his palm as his blood began to flow in soft but steady rivulets, covering the entire form of the orb. Rezar raised an eyebrow as he felt a small suction force from the orb, the speed at which his blood was being drained increased by a significant margin, and then he felt his energy added into the mix, and that was being drained even faster.

He raised his eyebrow and then narrowed his eyes. If it was just his blood Rezar didn't worry too much about it as he could regenerate that at an infinite amount. It would not be too farfetched to say that at his current rate of regeneration, Rezar could probably bleed enough to create an entire ocean and still have enough to spear to flood the entire planet. But his energy on the other hand was finite, and having your energy bottomed out usually had severe consequences as it was directly tied to your life force.

"Are you done yet?" four words, but Rezar's voice seemed to reverberate across the entire arena. It shocked even him as he felt a connection of sorts established between him and the dungeon.

"My apologies master, I was somewhat preoccupied with how delightful your blood tasted, I will now begin the integration and upgrade process. Please bear with me, this will only take a few moments."

The sudden transition from system prompts to full blow feminine speech caught all of them off guard, it was not what Rezar was expecting and neither was Lenore, Kitagawa and Samira. Either way it was welcome change, and it seemed there was more to come. Rezar turned around and face his team as the entire dungeon began to shake, they all stopped moving as they braced themselves for what was about to come next.

The environment around them seemed to break apart. The metal beams, the platform's, the chairs, the scoreboards all of them developed cracks and began to fade away, turning into dust that slowly began to swirl around Rezar and his comrades who noticed they were being held aloft by the power of the dungeon.

They were exposed to the elements as an intense breeze blew past them and the light of the sun blazed down with even more ferocity than normal. Rezar quickly turned his gaze to Samira, worry etched allover it as they never thought far enough to think that they would emerge from the dungeon when the sun was up. However, Kitagawa had thought fast as he had his tails wrapped around her form, protecting her from the soft heat.

Below them was Necron in all of its advanced and beautiful glory. Rezar could see the sea to the west of the city and the islands with it. There was dragon island home of the undead storm dragon's temple, and then there was Isla de la Muerte. Specially named by Gynaika, and home to the temple of the goddess of death and her acolytes, a religion that was rapidly beginning to gain fame within Morte Bianca.

The blue-green sea was beautiful, it stretched to the horizon as the soft caresses of sunlight made it sparkle with a glory only Necron city could bask in. even if it was the early hours of the morning the city was very much alive, the vampires would be turning in for the day, but the orcs, humans, elves, goblins, kitsunes and a variety of other races who have decided to call this great city and the kingdom within it home came alive.

The dust that was once the Geo-core rushed down, measuring hundreds of pounds and stretching for kilometers, it would have been quite a horrifying sight for the people below to see. It looked as if Necron city was about to be buried under a wave of sand and dust, however it rushed past the people and the buildings. Sticking to a lot of things and seemingly melting into the city itself like it was stream of snow and not dust that just fell on them.

The city lit up, flashing a couple dozen times as a new entity seemed to settle into it. Rezar could feel the dungeon assimilate the dungeon core he previously owned, he felt it assimilate the city arch and every facility that helped run it. From its water systems to electricity, to the white goblins responsible for keeping the city and most households clean, to the spawning of necrotic wolves and ants for its defense. For some reason, it was at this moment that Rezar felt; that Necron had truly become complete.


"Guess we're back to the all caps system prompts. What joy."

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