Necron: The Legend Of Rezar DeathWind

Chapter 269: The Banquet (IV): Animosity

Chapter 269: The Banquet (IV): Animosity

Rezar had both his eyebrows so far up his head they seemed to disappear into his well combed hair. It was crazy and completely insane what he was hearing, but if this was true, then obviously he would be doing much for his kingdom other could get his hands on that bloody blueprint. This would give Morte Bianca an edge that the rest of Elysium would be unable to match up with, the idea of vampires being capable of walking and fighting in sunlight just like Rezar was an advantage that could not let go of.

"The blueprint seems to be quite particular then, what do you want in return for it. If it's targeted at me, then obviously I must have something you want. So princess, what would it be?"

The Banquet hall was silent, but Rezar did not think for one second that the people here would let him have the blueprint just like that. But then again that depends on what the snow elves wanted in return for the blueprint. If it was something only he could provide, then there wouldn't be a problem, but if it was money, then he would be in a bit of a pickle as any other faction would be able to purchase it from the snow elves and use whatever is manufactured from it to hold the Biancans by the balls.

"What we ask for in return is land, all of the territory that encompasses the area where the BOA empire base you found was located. Which actually covered a significant part of the Breone mountains and the canyons of Toromont." Rezar raised an eyebrow and then leaned back, there was a look of fury and where on Lenore's face and Alistair wasn't too far behind.

They were trying to take advantage of Morte Bianca, what they were asking for was too much, way too much in fact. And while the ring meant that the vampires could walk in sunlight, it was only for a limited time, and there was no telling if they could actually follow the blueprints to make the Day-Walker Cross. There could be requirements that they would be unable to meet, This was not a gain; and frankly speaking the snow elves never had any intention of selling it to Rezar.

The lands they were asking for did not just encompass the Breone mountains and the canyons of Toromont, it also covered much of the great plains. The area that used to belong to orc hordes, but now belongs to Rezar ever since he became their king. If not for the fact that the orcs weren't farmers or miners, all those stretch of land would have made them quite rich as it was beyond rich in natural resources and extremely fertile. There was a reason why even with it's proximity to the extremely cold Breone mountains, it still had extremely beautiful meadows of colorful flowers and wild crops growing all year round.

It was valuable, and exchanging all of those lands for a chance for vampires to walk in the sun was pretty much...stupid. And as badly as he wanted it for his vampires, Rezar wasn't so stupid that he would make such a deal. He would very much rather let it go. They already had an army that was nigh unstoppable in the daylight, and the vampires themselves were all females and a part of the sisters of eclipse. Their numbers were limited and they were dangerous enough as it is, if there were too many, and could walk in the sun, it might become a little too hard to control them, not with someone like Gynaika about to become queen.

"Well I guess we won't be having a deal today oh glorious princess of the snow can shove-!"

Rezar felt the hilt of a sword bang hard against his knee, cutting the words he was about to say short. He gave a pained smile to the princess as he attempted to rearrange his vocabulary and not chase a diplomatic incident for being so crass. Obviously both mother and daughter monarchs of the snow elves had a stick up their ass and only knew how the try and take advantage of people they saw as weaker and lesser than themselves, Rezar has learnt his lesson.

"We're not interested in that blueprint princess, please you can go ahead and sell it to any other faction." Rezar said as he gave a gracious smile.

"Very well then, this blueprint is up for sale for 1 gold coin! Who wants it!" the princess called out loudly to the people in the banquet, causing an awkward silence at the price she actually just called out, as without a doubt it became obvious she had it out for Rezar and his Kingdom.

"Ill give you a 10 gold! No more, no less. And if the rest of you think you can challenge the church of Yahweh, then by all means bid a larger price." A familiar voice called out from a seat with a sinister smile on his face.

Rezar couldn't help the disappointment he felt, no one seemed willing to stand for him or his Kingdom, they were unwilling to get in between him and the snow elves and Malik. Not even when he was a slave, Rezar had never felt so unfairly treated. He didn't do anything to offend any of this factions, they just wanted what he had or in Malik's case himself under the control of some convoluted religion. Guess there was no other way to solve it, there would be a disagreement.

Rezar got up from his seat, making sure to scrape it across the ground as loudly as he could, causing a screeching sound that forced everyone to pay attention to him. The Banquet hall was silent, many of them thought that Rezar was actually about to leave and wanted to make a scene to deal with some of his grievances. But Rezar was nothing like that, he had a temper that couldn't be matched by most, and he had having to play politics even if he was a little bit good at it. But the time for politics is over, these people will keep fucking with him, unless he laid down the law.

"You snow elves are total bitches and assholes aren't you?" Rezar asked as Lenore, Kitagawa and Alistair took their place behind him.

"Your Majesty I know that you're upset and I apologize for how my daughter acted, please have a seat let's enjoy the rest of the auction I'll have her give you a personal apology after the event is over." The snow elf Queen said from her perch on top of a throne at the end of the hall. Rezar cocked his head to the side smiling as he said.

"Half the people in this room are going to die! I don't care if your innocent or guilty of the humiliation I've just been forced to endure. And you will all die and I'll leave this place completely untouchable, and if any of you feel you can argue with that, then by all means try and fight me. But since you all want to desperately to paint me as a savage and evil necromancer who wants to world to run red with blood and to take everything you've built and burn it to the ground. Very well then, you've all gotten you wish granted."

"Your Majesty please calm down! I know we've been a bit unfair to you, please let us know how we can make it up to you, there's no need to make any sort of extreme choice." The snow elf queen said as she got up to her feet, yet Rezar could see her secretly signing to her guards, he shook his head and looked at the grinning Malik and the hard faced princess. Then he too started Grinning and then he blasted out into a full blow laughter that shook the halls and gave everyone chills.

"Give me both arms of your stupid princess, and I want it now! And also she gets on her knees and apologize for her treatment of me, and I might consider sparing you all. If not then...I hope you're all ready to go to war."

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