Naruto: The Template System

Chapter 39: Fugaku's Suggestion

Chapter 39: Fugaku's Suggestion

Orochimaru Camp

"Mr. Orochimaru, what is it that you want to talk to me?"

After the meeting, when Kozuki was about to leave, Uncle Snake suddenly stopped him for an important matter.

"Kozuki-Kun what do you think of Raikage's son?, Can you beat him?"

Orochimaru sat at the command seat as he looked at Kozuki waiting for his answer.

"He is feared for his speed but I have a way to counter that"

Kozuki sat down while wiping the Shusui in his hands, and answering Orochimaru's question.

"I see, but I still have a piece of information here!"

Speaking of this, Orochimaru raised his head and took out a piece of paper from the bottom of the file in his hand.

Orochimaru handed the information in his hand to Kozuki, and Kozuki looked at the information carefully found that it had details on the Ninja along with A.

"This is?"

Kozuki looked at the intelligence in front of him and asked incomprehensibly.

"All four of them are very strong and I don't think Uchiha can handle them"

"If I give out this information in advance, Uchiha Kawasaki will definitely not agree to rob the supplies."

Looking at Kozuki who had puzzled look in front of him, Orochimaru explained patiently.

"Are there three elite Jonin?"

Kozuki couldn't help but fall into deep thought when he heard Orochimaru's words.

On the other hand, Orochimaru didn't speak but looked at Kozuki quietly.

After several encounters with Kozuki no one knew about his strength more then him.

The three elite Jonin will not be Kozuki's opponent.

"Three Elites Jonin, what if they run away"

After a long time, Kozuki asked the question he was struggling with. He was not afraid of the three elites on the opposite side, but he was afraid that the three Jonins on the opposite side would run away and call for reinforcements.

"We have no choice now. We can only gamble once, Based on my knowledge of Uchiha Kawasaki, he sent his son Uchiha Fugaku, he must not believe you, so I guess he will let Uchiha Fugaku take over the battle tomorrow"

"Uchiha Fugaku confronts A, he is not his opponent, but he can definitely hold on for a while, You have to solve the other three quickly and come back to fight otherwise the consequence will be terrible if they run back"

Orochimaru stopped working, stood up and walked to the window next to the tent, looking at the full moon hanging in the sky, and said with emotion.

After leaving Orochimaru's camp, Kozuki under the bright white moonlight walked to his resting tent on foot.

As soon as he reached his tent, Kozuki saw a figure in front of the tent.

When I came closer, it turned out to be Uchiha Fugaku.

"Fugaku-san, are you looking for me for something?"

When Kozuki saw Uchiha Fugaku in front of the tent, he knew he was waiting for him.

Although he was wondering what he was doing here, he still asked in a friendly way.

Uchiha Fugaku looked Kozuki and said his reason to be here.

"Ha-ha, Kozuki you know we will be teammates in the task tomorrow so I wanted to tell you something about it"

"Oh about the task'"

Kozuki had a guess already as to why he was here after his talk with Orochimaru.

"Haha! Kozuki, as you know, the task we will perform tomorrow is very important, the success or failure of the task will determine the future trend of the war, So I hope that tomorrow I can deal with Raikage's son"

"After all, there are only two of us who have the ability to fight him"

"But I don't have the ability to solve the other Cloud Ninja quickly. If one cloud ninja runs away he will call reinforcements, so leave A to me and with your Swordsmanship you can quickly finish the other Ninja"

Uchiha Fugaku did not directly say that he suspected that Kozuki could not beat A, Instead, he conveyed it tactfully, to give Kozuki enough respect and not to let Kozuki's arrogance affect the outcome of the mission.

"Fugaku-san you mean that you want to fight A and let me deal with other ninjas, Did Mr. Orochimaru agree?"

Kozuki heard Uchiha Fugaku words and found that as expected by Orochimaru, Uchiha Fugaku did not trust his strength and chose to fight the enemy's strongest elite.

"About Orochimaru, don't worry about it! The point is that you don't need to think too much! I just feel that with your strength, you will be able to kill other ninjas faster than me, so I just came to you."

"Okay! As long as Mr. Orochimaru agrees, then I will listen to you!"

Kozuki didn't care much as he knew Fugaku won't be able to handle A, if he hasn't awakened his Mangekyo already and he will fight him eventually.

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