Naruto: The Hidden Protector

Chapter 55

Chapter 55

As soon as Minato opened the seal gate two red blurs rushed towards each other. One was a red haired woman who had 5 golden chains coming out from her back while the other was a big fox who has nine tails.

As soon as they met each other they started their Brawl.

While the duo was duking it out with each other Izanami and the rest watched the fight with interest as they ate some popcorn. Well it was only Izanami who was interested in this as the father and son duo were catching up with each other.

“ Man those get along with each other so well “ Izanami commented as she ate another handful of popcorn.

Minato, hearing her words, twitched his eyes as he thought, ‘ If that is called get along then I wonder what she considered to be the best of buddies ‘.

While he was thinking this he heard his wife's voice ,

“ Is that the best you could do you damn fox? “ Kushina said arrogantly as she immobilised Kurama with her chains. She had a condensing smirk as she showed her superiority.

Kurama glared at her with hatred. ‘ Damn Uzumaki ‘ he cursed as he tried his best to escape the Adamantine Chains.

“ Heh face it Kurama you can’t defeat me. “ Kushina taunted as she puffed her chest.

“ You little” Kurama glared at her. In his anger he tried to squash Kushina with his tails.

This was of course was dodged by Kushina. But due to the sudden movement her hold on Kurama was loosened.Kurama used this chance to break free and make some distance between them.

And like that both of them started their second round. This went on for a few minutes until Izanami got bored of it. So she just waved her hand and the next moment wood roots came out from the ground and retained both of them in a minute.

“ “ “ Wood release “ “ “ Three voices said in shock. It was Minato , Kushina and Kurama.

“ Oh please it’s just wood release, nothing too big of a deal, “ Izanami said, shrugging her shoulders.

“ Big sis how are you even able to use Wood release. If I remember correctly only Ashura’s reincarnation has the ability to use it. I clearly didn’t remember you being able to use it before. “ Kurama asked the question that everyone was curious about.

“ Hmm it’s quite simple actually. All you need is to find out the right chakra amounts and elements and mix them in a suitable ratio. If you get that right then boom. There you have it, Wood release.

The only reason only Ashura’s descendants were able to use Wood release is because they instinctively know how to do it. “ Izanami explained to the clueless crowd. “ And besides there are more than one person here in Konoha who could use wood release without being Ashura's descendant. “ Izanami added.

“What who is that? “ Minato asked in shock. When he was the Hokage he didn’t know anyone like that.

“ Well there is this kid called Tenzo from the root. And besides them there is Obito. Both of them have Hashirama cells on them. This allowed them to use wood release while using the cells as a catalyst. Although they couldn’t be compared to Hashirama’s wood release it is quite decent. “ Izanami said while nodding her head.

“ Wait, as in Obito Uchiha Minato’s student, isn't he supposed to be dead? '' Kushina asked in shock.

“ Nah Madara saved him so he survived that day. But you might as well think of him as a dead person, “ Izanami said, making Kushina puzzled and Minato frown. Then his eyes widened as he realised something.

“ Well anyway naruto it’s way past your bedtime. So you should sleep. Tomorrow we will start your training so you need to be in top shape, “ Izanami said, making Naruto sad.

“ But big sister can’t I stay here for a bit longer? “ he asked hopefully. He wanted to spend some more time with his parents.

“ Don’t worry, tomorrow I will teach you how to enter your mindscape without needing me. That way you can come here anytime you want “ Izanami said, making him think about it before nodding in agreement.

And with a wave of her hand Naruto disappeared from his mindscape. After he was gone Izanami turned to the rest and asked, “ Hey since we have nothing to do wanna watch some anime “

“ Anime, what's that and why are you here? I thought you would also leave with Naruto, “ Minato asked with a puzzled expression.

“ Huh why would you even think that, you know, the me here is actually just a remnant of my soul. My originally made me to protect Naruto in case she is busy. So from today on I’m staying with you guys.

So anyway want to watch some anime. I got a tone of things for you to choose “ Izanami said as she materialised wide variety of animes for them to choose.

“Ohh let’s watch this “ Kushina said as she selected one particular anime.

“ Excellent choice. Well then people take a seat this one is going to blow your mind “ Izanami said as she snapped her fingers.

A huge screen appeared in front of them and the lights began to die down. And with everyone seated the anime about a boy who wanted to become the pirate king which is also known as One piece began.








The next day Naruto woke up with an excited smile. He couldn’t help it. Today was the day he was going to train his chakra. And furthermore his big sister promised him to teach him how to go to that place so he can meet with his parents anytime he wants.

When Naruto came downstairs with such an excited expression the other’s couldn’t help but crack a smile. Naruto is like a bundle of joy that makes other’s involuntarily cheer up.

Tsunade seeing Naruto like this coldn’t help but ask, “ Hey brat are you that excited to train ”

Naruto nodded excitedly “ Mmm you bet I do. I’m gonna train really hard “

“ hahaha I sure hope you can keep that spirit after today “ Tsunade said sarcastically. She heard how much of a torture Izanami’s training could be. It was said plainly in the diary.

“ Well you might have to wait for your training Naruto “ Nanami said as she looked in a specific direction.

Soon a knock came and a voice was heard, “ Excuse me could I speak to Miss Izanami , Hokage sama has asked for her presence in his office. “

Hearing those words everyone in the room frowned. ‘ What did the Third Hokage want this time ‘ the grown ups thought.












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