Naruto System In Marvel World

Chapter 269: The breath of the golden local tyrant

Chapter 269: The breath of the golden local tyrant

Regarding Zhang Lan's attitude, Rao Yi Odinina's heart was also almost tilted his nose!

You say you are losing heart? For a while, how much power did he spend? In the end, you're fine, and you're still being exploited. Who will you show it to?

Who is it for?

Naturally, the crowds of people in the main hall looked at it.

Those who are able to participate in the celebration feast are naturally the elite of Asgard, the representatives of the gods, just like the representatives of the National People's Congress, they are the eyes of a party.

As they have been blessed and baptized, they naturally understand what it looks like to be transformed. For this scene of the sinking sea and the scene of Zhang Lan being troubled by this, this

Although he didn't dare to say anything, Odin's majesty feared a discount.

Especially after Zhang Lan showed such a breath-taking appearance, a small number of groups started to communicate simply.

On the stage, Odin naturally saw the small movements of these small groups, but he could not say anything, otherwise, this small-bellied chicken intestinal hate mark, he can sit down.

Helpless, Odin could only take out the real bottom of the pressure box and survived. I saw him take a deep breath, a golden light shining on the eternal spear, but not radiant, and the light was more dazzling.

With the dazzling light, the light spot that was originally nothingness form, slowly aggregated into a golden crystal of rice grain size, and the light emitted gradually retracted, and finally turned into a simple golden rice grain , Staying on the tip of the eternal spear, sinking up and down.

Looking at the golden yellow rice grain, Saul, who was frowning all the time underneath, immediately opened his brow with a big grin on his face.

Odin looked at the simple golden rice grain. He was indifferent and indifferent. His eyes flashed a heartache color. The tip of his nose swayed slightly, the eternal gun flicked, and the golden yellow rice grain Being thrown towards Zhang Lan, he shot accurately on Zhang Lan's heart.

Zhang Lan, who has been watching the changes for a long time, still dislikes how Odin is so stingy, even if it does not condense the energy crystals like a bead, it is just a small grain of rice.

But after this little grain of rice really entered his heart, he knew how much capital Odin had made this time!


Just like opening the seventh shock door, a huge energy coat rose from Zhang Lan's body surface, and the golden appearance looked like the super Saiyan's brutality, using energy not far from the heart of the mouth. A small grain of rice came out, but there was no slight reduction in the grain of rice.

At the same time, the system is closed as soon as it sees it. It no longer absorbs the energy flow of the outside world, and it is also rare in itself to turn on the energy system. Out, the light blue light burst out of the body surface.

For a time, starting from the eyebrows and the heart and mouth, the endless stream of energy shuttled around every corner of Zhang Lan's body. There was also a golden flow of energy in the outside world that was replenished, which was like a tsunami-like energy current Stretching a trace of scum out of his body against his body.

The system is like understanding the nature of the golden energy. The blue energy is like a saboteur. Wherever it goes, the meridians are broken, the flesh is shrunk, the nerves are broken, and the cells are also pumped away almost all the cellular energy.

If it were not for Zhang Lan's immortal characteristics, if someone else was so engaged in by the system, he would be braided directly!

In fact, Zhang Lan's heart had already been destroyed, and he lay quietly on his mouth, no longer beating.

That tastes like a thousand knives, but nothing more!

At this time, the golden energy showed his role. It gently washed away the tissue destroyed by the blue energy, and separated a trace of golden energy filaments attached to each cell and merged into it. Among them, the cells that are made are glowing, and the golden color is the cells that radiate the golden color. They start to form the golden meridians, the golden flesh, the golden bones, and even the golden bones. The nerves are all golden.

During this regeneration process, Zhang Lan, who was raised, felt that ants were crawling all over his body.

What follows is the strong energy of the body!

However, this obviously cannot satisfy the greedy personality of the system.

The blue energy swept through again, and it was the newly formed meridians, flesh, bones, and nerves that were all fragmented again, and Zhang Lan once again enjoyed the thousands of knives.

At this time, Zhang Lan suddenly missed the body's protection mechanism. The normal person suffered such a lot of pain and had been comatose 180 or so times. However, because of the reason of his death, he just stood up and failed to escape the pain!

After that, the golden energy was not bothered, and the golden cells that had just been transformed were merged into a trace of golden energy again, and then the body was generated again.

Again ~~ Zhang Lan enjoys the treatment of ant nest again.

After this repair, the golden energy is still abundant. Looking at it, Odin is preparing to increase the energy reserves in Zhang Lan's body. After all, his Chakra of 9999 is for Odin's vast ocean. As far as the Energy Sea is concerned, it is really not even a small lake.

According to Zhang Lan's calculations, these energies are enough for him to recover a dozen times!

This is a scary number!

Because, Zhang Lan is already enjoying his third trip of thousands of swords...and then the third "ant nest" treatment.

No hurry, no hurry.

The fourth time since then came on schedule, Zhang Lan endured, in order to become stronger.

On the fifth time, Zhang Lan still endured and did not resist too much.

the sixth time,

Seventh time,

The eighth time,


For the first time, Zhang Lan hated that he didn't learn math well when he was a kid!

Where are ten times?

It was twenty-four times!

After completing the transformation, Zhang Lan's cells are all shining with golden light, and the cells with cell walls and nuclei are golden and golden. The whole person is built like 1:1 with all gold .

The whole body is full of luster with power!

However, at this time, Zhang Lan felt that he was almost abolished, and he was so desperate to be immortalized by the two energies of blue and gold.

Want to come, its the month of Itachi in Naruto, but thats it!

However, Zhang Lan did not let go of his heart, because-his heart has not been repaired!

In other words, his heart as a source of power is still empty.

The real highlight of this ing!

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