Nameless King

Chapter 389 White Spirit

Erza moved forward through the maze following Wain's words.

'Damn, I thought this would be so much easier.' Wain thought as he watched the maze change next to Erza. Wain could see where the exit was, but that didn't mean finding the right path was easy.

Every time Erza moved forward a few yards, the walls came into flux, and new rooms, enemies, and traps appeared.


"Got it." Erza turned and saw an old wooden door, she opened it and went inside. It was a room with traps, moving saws on the walls, pits on the ground with long spikes, and traps on the ceiling with retractable spears.

"You didn't make a mistake?"

"No, this is the best option. There are only rooms with traps around you now, the labyrinth is rebuilding, and sometimes you have to choose the lesser of evils."

Erza nodded and headed to the edge of the pit. She looked around and wondered how she could overcome all the obstacles.

"Before you start, put your finger on the saw."

"What? Why?"

"I want to check something."

Erza frowned but did as Wain said. She approached the saw, and the blade left a small cut on her finger from which blood flowed.

"Hmm?" Erza was surprised.

"I see. I will only be wounded during special battles when you fight for my chosen reward. Anyway, be careful, traps are the least dangerous of all in this maze." Wain said calmly.

Erza nodded and jumped forward over the pit of sharp spikes.

Wain thought he was lucky to be in a guiding role, and this challenge was much easier and safer than the last one, but in time he realized that was not the case.

The White Spirit didn't answer his questions and only explained important points like the Exchange Table and not completely. Wain tried to explore the ordeal and see how he could use the rules.

"You're a pretty risky young man." White Spirit said.

"Why is that?"

"The saw blade could have been poisonous, and the girl could have been poisoned, didn't you think of that?" Spirit smiled.

"Huh, the last Spirit was right about something."

White Spirit was puzzled.

"Erza is actually much stronger than it shows, and there's a room ahead with the Exchange Table. I had nothing to worry about, information is more important." Wain said seriously.

"Whew, it's done." Erza said as she passed the trap room, she headed forward, and suddenly a click was heard.

Erza thought she had activated the pressure plate again, but suddenly the ground beneath her fell through.

"What?" Wain exclaimed.

"Oh, did you really think it was that easy?" White Spirit smirked, "Why are you standing there? If you don't go after her, she might die."

The White Spirit swung his hand, and the room's glass floor partially shattered.

Wain frowned, but he decided to waste no time and jumped down and followed Erza.

"How quick. He's weaker, but he still made the decision instantly, others in his place would have delayed, and it would have been a mistake." White Spirit looked at the shining white star in the distance, "They would have died."


The star exploded, and a wave of lava erupted from It, flooding and destroying the maze.

White Spirit snapped his finger, and the hole in the trap room was restored, preventing the lava from flowing down.


"Fuck! Where am I?!" Erza shouted irritably into the void.


He dropped down beside her with his wings open.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know. Why did you follow me?"

"Are you really more interested in that than the present situation?" Wain sighed, "Ah... Whether I want to or not, you and I are partners now, and we have to help each other. That's the key to effective teamwork."

Erza remained silent and lowered her gaze. Earlier, Wain had first experienced a sense of caring from a woman, and now the situation was repeated, only by Erza.

For the Inerians, it was unacceptable for a man to take care of a woman, it was against their rules and traditions. Women were supposed to be strong and unwavering, while men were supposed to rely on women for everything.

Wain looked at the brooding Erza and headed forward. He decided not to disturb her.

There was darkness, and only a thin road of dark stone led forward like a mountain range.

At the end was a thin passageway from which emanated a white glow.

"Erza, let's go."

"Yes." Erza nodded and followed him. They entered the passageway together and were blinded by a bright flash.

Suddenly they were on top of a white mountain. They looked up at the beautiful blue sky and the clouds below the mountain, covering the earth like a veil.

"Where are we?"

"I don't know, but it looks like we've reached the end." Wain pointed to the center, there was a stone altar with a sword hole.

"Great. That's what we need." Erza stepped forward confidently, and the ring on her finger glowed, and a stone sword appeared in her hands.

She took a few steps and stopped, gripping the sword tightly.

"I see... It was to be expected..." Wain muttered.

p A White Spirit appeared beside the altar. He was wearing ancient armor and had a long sword in his hand.

"What's going on?"

"He helped me during the last trial, but it seems the situation has changed now."

"Yes, you're right." The White Spirit changed, "I'll tell you right away, you can't beat me. The energy of the Spirit Temple fuels me, and I'm practically invulnerable here."

"What kind of nonsense are you talking?" Erza frowned.

"You cannot defeat me, but that is not your goal. You have to put a sword on the altar, isn't that the perfect test for the team?"

White Spirit stepped forward and swung his sword. He created a white wave of energy that rained down on Wain, and their battle began.


"How interesting. Maybe I should get involved, too." The white-eyed Demon smiled. He and the other main Spirits watched Wain and Erza closely.

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