Nameless King

Chapter 284 World Of Destiny

Many Worlds and races had met each other, and it was obvious that the conflicts immediately began in this case.

Previously, members of the Pillars could fight each other in areas of the World of Darkness or by visiting other Worlds using the portal system. However, no one would ever dare attack another World. It was suicide and war without a chance of victory.

However, after the merging of worlds, the situation changed dramatically. Many were still in shock and trying to understand the situation, but it didn't matter for some. They immediately headed for enemy territories when they realized that they could now avenge or reprisal against their enemies.

The worlds were not joined holistically. The Elf World was not entirely in the west or the north. Their former World was divided into several territories randomly joined to the rest.

This made speedy conflicts between the overlapping territories possible. This didn't happen everywhere, as there was no overt hostility among the Pillars. However, this did not cancel out point battles or hidden agendas.

The only world that was carried over into World of Destiny was Wain's and the others. This was because it was pretty much wiped out except for a select few areas and because the merging of worlds began at them.

Merge Island landed on the edge of the waterfall, and the other half-circle-shaped zones were in front of the island. The four cities were the second layer of the half-circle.

The third and last were the islands behind the dark walls before the apocalypse. Powerful and formidable monsters lived there.


After the first explosion, there were several more. They were less powerful, but their shock waves were still terrifying.

At any moment, a massive war could have broken out. There were no longer any restrictions like spatial barriers and different numbers. When the worlds merged, all boundaries disappeared, but one unchanging rule remained.

Everything was decided by the strongest.


Suddenly there was a deafening roar. Everyone heard, it sounded like the call of an ancient creature capable of destroying an entire world with one move.

A massive shadow fell over part of the earth, and millions of people looked up. They saw a huge creature hovering among the clouds. Its body was covered with strong, massive scales.

It had a long tail and massive paws with sharp claws. The most remarkable detail of this creature was the vast wings on its back. It was a dragon, great and terrible.

Its eyes were as deep as the ocean and as wise as the chronicles of history. The dragon hovered over the new world and stopped the battle that had begun with its roar.

The dragon's jaw began to heat. It was filled with bright fire ready to burst forth at any second. The dragon raised its head to the sky and spewed a fiery breath.

The sky of the world turned red, fiery color. The dragon did this on purpose to get everyone's attention. It was a sign that people were in no hurry to destroy their new world, or they would have to face the dragon's wrath.

Such a threat did not frighten only the strongest, who had no intention of fighting. They knew they would always have time to tear at each other's throats. Now they needed a little patience and wisdom, like dragons.

"Huh, is that a dragon!?" Luar exclaimed.

He was shocked, but he had a wide smile on his face like a child seeing a miracle. The dragon was terrifying and could destroy an entire continent if it wanted to, but it was also a sign of magic, the kind everyone read about in books and listened in various stories.

The dragon was a sign that anything in this world was possible. Of course, it was understandable even after the advent of magic and monsters, but the dragon was a sacred symbol that nothing could eclipse.

"Well... it truly boggles the mind..." Wain muttered.

Eva stood beside him, her eyes shining like Christmas lights.

Wain also watched the flying dragon intently, but something bothered him. He didn't feel what Eva and Luar felt. Wain understood that the dragon was powerful, but he felt not admiration but a strange and inexplicable hunger.

"Wain!" Gisle shouted, running up to him.

"What is it?"

"The situation is urgent, but there is one thing I can trust only to you. Go to Overion and find Lea. I trust Elsa, but anything can happen now. Protect her and come back here. Apparently, this island is the safest place. Lea should be at the main base of Last Light, west of Overion." Gisle said seriously.

Wain realized how important the situation was and nodded. He immediately headed toward the northern part of the island. It was the border between Merge Island and the four cities.

The world had changed forever, and Lea could be the salvation for thousands of people. Now she was to have her second evolution. Of course, Elsa ensured that nothing would prevent Lea from evolving, but no one was prepared for that.

If Lea died and did not complete her evolution, it would be a serious loss at the most crucial moment. Lea was to be the first human to complete the second evolution.

Wain ran at top speed. Bony wings grew from his back, and he turned into a dark flash that swept away everything in his path. The ground beneath his feet cracked, and the grass's outgoing wind currents swayed.

He entered the city and reached the organization's main base in a few minutes. The situation was calm, but anything could happen at any moment.

Unlike Merge Island, Overion bordered the Darklands, and monsters from those places could attack the city. There was nothing to stop them from doing so.

In the distance, Wain saw Elsa and headed toward her. She, like Gisle, was giving out instructions. She was a master at that.


Wain appeared in front of her like a whirlwind.

"Elsa, where is Lea?"

"There." Elsa answered and pointed to a small building near the base's borders.

An underground vault was especially fortified for people to go through evolutions. Lea was in the most secure cell.

Wain nodded and was about to head there. His wings swayed, but suddenly he stopped.

A massive beam of energy erupted from the building, and the silhouette of an anthropomorphic creature looking like a woman with a massive hammer in her hand appeared above it for a second.

The silhouette disintegrated into many particles, and the beam gradually weakened.

Energy waves emanated from it, which attracted strong and dangerous monsters. It was a sign that Lea had completed her second evolution and that she was in danger.

Wain headed toward the building and heard the beast's roar in the distance. It was coming from the buildings in the distance.


Suddenly a massive beast like a blue tiger with strange patterns on its body ran into the buildings. It burst through the buildings and ran at full speed toward Lea.

'Damn, that tiger is definitely on Second Chronicle.' Wain thought but didn't stop. He was sure he could defeat the beast even if it outnumbered him in strength.

Even if he were to lose, he would have to wait for Lea to come to his senses. Together they could surely defeat the tiger.

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