Nameless King

Chapter 181 Defender Of Fake Treasure Mountain

A few minutes later, Wain and Vineta returned to the main hall. Vineta didn't ask any questions, as she decided she would deal with the situation later. Unlike Wain, the World of Darkness and the Seal of Darkness were new to her.

However, this place was still relatively new and almost completely unexplored, even for Wain.

"Vineta!" A voice was heard from afar.

It was Selena, waving contentedly. She and her partner had survived and managed to overpower the tin tiger.

"Selena! Where are the others?" Vineta asked.

"I don't know." Selena shook her head. "We finished the fastest and were waiting for you, but I'm sure they're all right. There are three of them, and they're fighting the Copper Tiger. It's the weakest monster."

Vineta nodded.

"Looks like we won't have to wait long." Mumbled Wain looking at the people coming out of the copper tunnel.

They were wounded but alive.

"Was the Copper Tiger really that strong?" Vineta muttered cautiously.

"Perhaps it was our fault." Wain joined the conversation. "We got carried away and killed the Bronze Tiger too quickly. Selena and her partner were waiting for the others, so they weren't slow either. It's more likely that their monster suddenly got stronger."

"Ohh... You may be right." Vineta said guiltily.

She was too focused on killing the Bronze Tiger without losses and forgot that she and Wain were a strong team and had to give some time to the others.

Selena walked over to Vineta and muttered something quietly. She asked her about Wain. How strong he was and any other information about him.

Unfortunately for her, Vineta shook her head.

"He only showed a fraction of his abilities during the battle. I'm sure of that. It's almost impossible to get any information from him. He's quite a secretive person." Vineta whispered.

Wain couldn't hear their conversation, but he understood what they were whispering about. He didn't mind, though, he even found the situation amusing.

The two girls in charge of an organization that controlled vast territories were acting like two insecure schoolgirls because of him.

"I see that our protector is still in place. He's the standard of stability." Proclaimed Wain was looking at the Golden Knight.

Even though they had defeated all the Tigers, the Knight continued to stand in one place in front of the mountain of treasure. His task, as before, was to protect the chests and the gold.

"Did we kill the Tigers for nothing? If so, we have made a great mistake. Now three people are wounded and unable to fight to their full potential." Vineta said puzzledly.

"I don't know, maybe I was wrong, but I don't think so. Something must surely have changed. I suggest we explore this room again and then attack if we don't find anything." Proclaimed Wain.

The others nodded. They had no other options left anyway, so they decided to do as Wain suggested.

Wain, Selena, and Vineta scattered in different directions while Silena's partner helped with the third team's wounds.

They tried to find any clues that might point to the Golden Knight's weakness or some hidden mechanisms, but they were unsuccessful. After half an hour, they decided that the best option would be to attack the Golden Knight again.

"I'm not sure, but there's a small chance that some change has happened to the Knight. The room hasn't changed, but he might have." Said Wain and waved his hand.

A dark sword appeared beside him. The weapon flew toward the Golden Knight the next moment like a black flash. As before, he continued to stand in place.

However, the Knight grabbed the dark sword with his hand and crushed it at the last moment.

Wain was surprised. After he upgraded this skill to First Chronicle, no creature could yet harm the Dark Sword.

The Golden Knight then glared at Wain and gripped his spear tightly. Wain prepared to dodge and used the Sign of Lightning.


The Knight threw the spear with all his might, but it changed its trajectory at the last moment. The knight was intelligent and knew he had to get rid of the weakest first, so his spear did not hit Wain but one of the wounded men.

The weapon pierced through him and went back to the knight at the snap of a finger.

"No!" Shouted the slain fellow's partners.

"It's your fault!" The girl said furiously, pointing at Wain.

She was in love with the guy, and at that moment, she couldn't hold back any longer. A multitude of negative feelings came over her like an avalanche.

"What? I didn't even touch him. If you're too weak to lay all the blame on me, that's your problem. The murderer is standing in front of the treasure mountain. You must go and kill him if you want to avenge your fallen mate." Said Wain.

However, his words only made the girl angrier. Her hands became covered with a light shell, and she attacked Wain. Selena and Vineta wanted to stop her, but they didn't have time.


Wain could not stand it and sharply grabbed the girl by the neck. He broke her left arm with a sharp movement of his hand and then pressed her head into the floor.

Despite the solidity of the golden floor, it was broken like a flimsy tile. Wain struck her in the stomach a moment later, and the girl flew aside like a projectile.

She was still alive, but she could hardly move. Wain's blow damaged her internal organs and broke several of her ribs.

Selena became alert. Two magical circles appeared beside her, and she prepared for battle. She had no intention of forgiving him.

Wain smirked, and his aura intensified several times. He used one of his Titles, and a silhouette of death with a bloody scythe appeared above him.

Even though they had recently merged, that didn't mean that a truce couldn't turn into a war in a heartbeat.

Selena shuddered as the pressure from Wain came over her. Because of her abilities, she sensed Wain's power better than anyone else and knew that she was no adversary to him.

"Stop it!" Vineta said loudly.

"But, he took and beat her! She was seriously wounded. Are we just going to pretend it didn't happen?"

"Yes." Vineta said imperiously. "I'm not happy about the situation either, but he was attacked first. We need to band together and attack the Golden Knight, not fight ourselves. Otherwise, someone else will die."

Selena and Vineta continued to argue. The other members of the group joined in their conversation. Some supported Selena, some agreed with their leader's opinion.

"What a mess..." Mumbled Wain and pulled a pack of cigarettes from under his raincoat.

He exhaled a puff of smoke, and it turned into a small tornado that flew upward. Wain looked up at the ceiling and saw a strange gray glow on it.

'It's a reflection... But, of what? Isn't everything here made of gold?' pondered Wain.

Then he looked under his feet and saw the break in the floor that was left when Wain was beating the girl who had attacked him.

He leaned over and saw a gray crystal there from which a streak of energy was emanating toward the Golden Knight.

"AHAHAHA, this is crazy. Who would have thought that brutality and violence would help solve the riddle." Suddenly Wain laughed.

At that moment, Selena and Vineta stopped arguing and looked at him, puzzled. They saw the gray crystal under the floor and realized that the golden floor was unstable and thin, unlike the impenetrable walls.

"That crystal... It looks like tin in color, doesn't it?" Vineta muttered.

"Yes." Wain nodded and pointed to the knight. "The energy from this crystal is going to where this bastard is standing. We need to find the other crystals. It looks like we're close to figuring it out."

Selena and Vineta nodded. They started breaking the floor and gradually found all five crystals the next moment. Each of the crystals meant one of the metals.

"What do we do now? We found all the crystals, but what good would that do us?" Selena muttered in puzzlement.

"It's simple." Said Wain. "The Golden Knight always stands in one place, and even when he attacks, he throws his spear and doesn't move. Given that the energy streaks coming from the crystals are heading towards the Golden Knight, it's likely that they intersect there."

"I see. You think the monster would stop being invulnerable if it moved. Right?" Vineta asked.

"That's right, but I think we should break all the crystals at once. It would probably seriously hurt the Golden Knight, and maybe we'd break his defenses."

"Okay, then that's what we'll do." Vineta agreed, and everyone got into position.

Wain chose the yellow crystal because he thought it was the hardest to break. He could not trust others with such an important task.

Vineta signaled, and the next moment they attacked the crystals simultaneously. Wain struck with all his might and the yellow crystal shattered into many shards like broken glass. The others did just as well.

The next moment, the floor beneath the Golden Knight glowed brightly and went out. Then many cracks ran through his armor, and pieces of gold fell to the ground, but the knight did not die; he shed his skin. Beneath the gold armor was another armor, an iron one.

"Great, we can probably kill him now. It's unpleasant to know that all that hard work for only made him just a little weaker, but it's a big step forward." Wain said quite.

"I agree." Vineta said calmly, and a lightning spear appeared in her hand.

Selena bounced to the side, and her hands were covered in blue energy. Of the remainder, only Wain and Vineta could fight in close combat, but they also decided to start with ranged attacks.

The Ring of Damned glowed brightly, and a sniper rifle appeared in Wain's hands. He used the Distant Bullet and loaded the weapon.

"Go!" Vineta said loudly, and everyone attacked.

However, this time the Knight was not going to stand still, for now, he was not invulnerable. So he quickly bounced to the side and threw his spear at Selena's partner.

The guy was ready for it and so was able to dodge, but the spear soared into the air and began chasing him.

"Shit! Gotta shoot the spear down!"


Vineta turned into blue lightning and used one of her skills. The thunderous wind turned into a sphere, and she threw it at the knight's weapon. The spear failed to destroy it, but it flew away, and the guy was saved.


Wain pulled the trigger in the same second, and the bullet hit the knight's leg. This attack was powerful enough to tear off a limb, but suddenly the knight's body glowed brightly, and several cracks appeared on the leg.

'I see, he distributed the force of the blow over the entire area, but if I understand the sequence correctly, it will get weaker each time.' Thought Wain and moved Whisper into the ring.

The next moment Wain transformed into blue lightning and appeared in front of the knight. He attacked him sharply, aiming in his stomach. The knight took a few steps back and dodged the blow, but suddenly Vineta appeared behind him.

She unleashed a lightning spear at him with all her might. The knight was seriously wounded, and the iron armor began to shatter. Within seconds it was completely replaced with a bronze version.

"Huh, that wasn't so hard." Wain said with a smirk and punched the knight in the face with his fist.

The knight flew off to another part of the hall. Wain didn't stop there and continued to attack the knight like a wild beast.

The bronze armor was broken in time, and a pewter armor took its place. Vineta and the others helped Wain, and together they reached the copper stage. Then the knight was already very weak. Any blow could have given him a serious and almost fatal wound.


Vineta swung her spear and plunged it into the monster's heart. Electric shocks engulfed the knight's body, and gradually the copper layer began to disintegrate. When that happened, the knight died, and the pink soul flew into Vineta's body.


Simultaneously, the glass barrier around the mountain of treasures began to crack and shatter in a few seconds. Hundreds of shards tumbled down, crashing into even smaller ones.

Thousands of gold coins shone brightly. Selena and Vineta smiled at the mountain of chests.

"Great. We finally made it!" The guy from the third team said cheerfully and ran to the chests.

Vineta didn't stop him. She was glad that they could win in the end. Of course, she didn't expect that there would be so many dangers in this Dungeon, and she would lose so many of her people. It was a real tragedy.

However, some managed to survive, which was the most important thing to her. Vineta did everything to protect her comrades. She valued other people's lives, but she understood that no one was immune to death in these times.

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