Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 21: Strong Right? It Was Gained Through Pain

Chapter 21: Strong Right? It Was Gained Through Pain

In the cultivation room, as his surging vitality gradually calmed down, Chen Chu slowly opened his eyes. There was a faint gleam in his gaze, sharp and compelling.

"Is this true martial arts? It's formidable." In his admiration, Chen Chu clenched his right hand slightly. Instantly, the muscles in his entire arm swelled slightly as they tensed, and he could feel a powerful force being concentrated into his palm.

Though he could also feel that his overall Physique attribute hadn't improved much. Only his skin and muscles had become a bit tougher. However, after cultivating the Dragon Elephant Art, the nature of the strength within his body had undergone a transformation.

From its previously loose state, it had become more concentrated, domineering, almost substantial. Every movement could unleash destructive power roughly twice as potent as before. Chen Chu's morning punching strength test was 210 kilograms; now, he was capable of unleashing a force of up to 400 kilograms, a formidable increase.

And this was before practicing the accompanying martial skills of the Dragon Elephant Art.

According to the art's description, there were two accompanying skills. Each of them allowed the user to unleash power far beyond their limits, resembling the stomp of a colossal elephant.

After sensing the changes within his body, Chen Chu focused slightly and summoned the attributes page.

Level: First Heavenly Realm

Physique: 23

Strength: 24

Agility: 19

Spirit: 24

Ability: Soul Splitting

Techniques: Lotus Platform Meditation Art [Perfected], Dragon Elephant Art [Beginner, First stage]

Avatar: ...

With the initiation of the art, his Physique had increased by 2 points, Strength by 3 points, and... not much else.

"Hmm! There's no proficiency note for the true martial art." Chen Chu paused for a moment, then re-examined the notes for the Dragon Elephant Art. There was indeed no mention of proficiency progress. However, there was an additional note about the level.

After studying for a while without any findings, Chen Chu shook his head. He opened the door of the cultivation room and walked into the changing room to wash away the dried bloodstains on his body.

At this point, it was already past five in the afternoon, and the third floor was deserted. However, to Chen Chu's surprise, Pang Long was still in his office.

Chen Chu tapped on the slightly ajar door and greeted Pang Long. "Sir, I'm leaving now."

"Go ahead. Oh, Chen Chu, I remember you also chose a weapon art." Pang Long called out to Chen Chu again.


Pang Long reminded him, "The weapon art can wait. Right now, you should focus your main efforts on your primary art. Make sure to diligently practice even when you're at home.

"Remember, even at the First Heavenly Realm, you're still just an ordinary person, albeit one with a bit more strength than usual. It's only after breaking through to the Second Heavenly Realm that a significant gap will emerge.

"Of course, relentless cultivation can be detrimental. Take some time to attend the academic classes. Balance is essential."

"Thank you for the reminder, sir." Chen Chu nodded, then bid farewell before turning to leave.

At first, Chen Chu had thought the martial arts teacher would be stern and cold, but today he realized that the teacher was actually quite approachable.

Exiting from Building C, Chen Chu didn't follow his usual route through the courtyards to the main gate. Instead, he walked to the south gate as indicated by the signs.

This route to the cultivation area was much shorter, explaining why encounters between martial arts students and academic students were less common. It was almost like they were using different entrances altogether. It would be a surprise to run into each other.

When Chen Chu arrived home, it was already past six in the evening. Fortunately, he had sent a message to Chen Hu at noon, informing him that he would be coming home late today. When he opened the door and entered, he found Chen Hu cooking.

"Bro, you're back." Just as he turned around, Chen Hu exclaimed in surprise, his gaze assessing Chen Chu. "Bro, haven't seen you all day, and suddenly you look even tougher!"

Chen Chu cast him a sidelong glance. "Are you exaggerating?"

"No, really, Bro." Chen Hu shook his head, wanting to describe the feeling but not knowing where to start. Chen Chu still looked the same, but unlike the delicate impression of a handsome youth he used to give, there was now a certain weighty and imposing aura about him.

Chen Chu shook his head. "Alright, don't think too much about it. It's probably because I've cultivated into true martial arts."

"True martial arts! Bro, did you build your foundation?" Chen Hu's eyes widened, excitement evident. "Didn't they say it's really hard to build the foundation in the first year, and a lot of people don't succeed even after a month? Bro, you're amazing! Haha... Now, let's see who dares to say that my brother can't cultivate in martial arts."

Chen Hu seemed very excited and happy about Chen Chu's success. As soon as Zhang Xiaolan returned, he couldn't wait to tell her the news.

Being an adult, Zhang Xiaolan displayed a greater sense of composure. There was only a hint of tears in her eyes, yet they were filled with a profound sense of achievement and contentment as she gazed at Chen Chu.

Because as long as one became a cultivator, regardless of the level of achievement, they had at least gained an important skill.

In this era, where personal strength had become increasingly crucial, power represented status. Many conglomerates and publicly listed companies preferred to hire cultivators at high prices, though Zhang Xiaolan didn't really know why.

However, she knew that as long as one was a cultivator, there would be preferential treatment when joining the police force and military. The requirements for civil servant examinations were also lower than those for ordinary individuals.

Initially, Zhang Xiaolan had never fantasized about Chen Chu cultivating, given how well she understood the frail physique of her eldest son. He could catch a cold at the slightest opportunity, and even a slightly more severe case could lead to pneumonia or nephritis. Just the day before the start of the school year, he had been running a high fever, to the point of losing consciousness.

Little did she know that she would be suddenly presented with such a pleasant surprise. She felt that all the hardships and exhaustion of raising two children alone was completely worth it.

After dinner, while Zhang Xiaolan was busy washing dishes and tidying up, Chen Hu excitedly dragged Chen Chu aside, urging him to showcase the power of true martial arts. Despite Chen Chu's initial attempt to decline, he couldn't resist the persistent urging and eventually gave in, going with Chen Hu into the courtyard.

In the left corner of the small yard, there was a withered peach tree. The trunk, about a dozen centimeters thick, had cracks in some places, and its branches were sparse.

Chen Chu walked up to the tree, motioned for Chen Hu to step back, and took a deep breath. Lowering his body slightly, he shifted his left foot forward by half a step and turned his upper body to the right.

It was already seven o'clock, with the setting sun casting its glow to the west. Several elderly neighbors, already finished with their dinners, had come out for a walk. When they saw the Chen brothers in the yard doing something unfamiliar, a few of them curiously approached to take a look.

Then, with a low shout, Chen Chu's entire body seemed to swell slightly as his muscles tensed. The potent Dragon Elephant energy surged through his body as he pivoted at the waist, and his right leg swept across like a battle ax.

Upon completing his Foundation Building, Chen Chu's kicking force had reached 290 kilograms. In the afternoon, after cultivating the introductory stage of the Dragon Elephant Art, the nature of his entire body's strength had undergone a transformation.


His foot, generating a force close to 600 kilograms, ripped through the air and crashed into the tree trunk. There was a creak as the withered peach tree was strained to a point it couldn't withstand, and with a sharp cracking noise, it was kicked in half at the waist.


The tree trunk, standing several meters tall, crashed to the ground along with its branches, emitting a deep and muffled sound.

Zhang Xiaolan, who was still washing dishes inside, immediately became alert at the loud disturbance. She joined Chen Hu in astonishment, both gazing at the broken peach tree.

The neighbors, both the ones still strolling and the ones watching, also jumped.

They could not believe that the person who broke the tree with a single kick was the sickly child from the Chen Family.

As the onlookers gazed in surprise at the shattered tree on the ground, Chen Chu smoothly retracted his leg and assumed a poised stance. With a calm demeanor, he observed the unfolding scene, exuding a subtle air of martial prowess.

His right leg, however, was trembling. That had been painful.

Despite the enhanced toughness of his skin and muscles since mastering the beginner stage of the Dragon Elephant Art, his current strength was still limited, falling far short of the point where he would become impervious to blades and spears.

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