Mythical Era: My Evolution into a Celestial Beast

Chapter 204: An Adventure with King Level Colossal Beasts (II)

Chapter 204: An Adventure with King Level Colossal Beasts (II)

As the Thunder Beast approached, it saw an orca laying horizontally in the shallow waters, forty meters in length and covered with thick black armor all over its body.

The Single-horned Orca had gone through a significant transformation this time. Not only did its entire body turn black, but the fins on its back had also turned into horn-like structures, with rows of triangular dorsal fins running down its back to the tail. At the same time, the small fins on its abdomen had become long and big, giving off an illusion of wings that could spread out to fly.

In addition, its head, which used to be relatively smaller compared to a blue whale, had become wide and massive, and its slightly opened huge mouth resembled a black hole.

Plus, the slightly upturned single horn on its head made the Orca look even more domineering and ferocious, with a slight resemblance to a Kun[1].

Or perhaps the ancient gene activated this time was that of Kun. Not only had the Orca’s body size increased drastically, but it had also gained a king-level bloodline.

The Orca had reaped big rewards this time, too. It had gone from being an elite monster to a now top-level boss.

As soon as the Thunder Beast's head emerged from the water, the Orca exclaimed excitedly, Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Brother, look at me, am I ugly now?

The Thunder Beast was taken aback by such as dumb question. Roar! Ugly?

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! They say I’ve become ugly. The Orca felt a bit hurt.

Its wife, the female orca, was swimming leisurely not far away, watching over the three playful little orcas. Occasionally, when she glanced at the Single-horned Orca, a hint of disdain flashed in her lively eyes. It seemed that she thought that the Single-horned Orca didn’t look as good as before it had become a Kun.

This briefly left the Thunder Beast speechless. Roar! We've all evolved into mutated creatures, who cares about looks anymore? Besides, you weren't as good-looking as me even before you mutated, so there's no need to worry about these trivial matters.

The Orca widened its eyes, looking incredulously at the Thunder Beast. Squeak! Squeak! Squeak!! Brother, I didn't expect you to be even more shameless than I am.

Roar! How am I being shameless? I'm just stating the facts, aren't I? The Thunder Beast felt a bit irritated.

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Look at you, with those four ugly claws, that small and pointed tail, and such a long neck. How do those look good? The Orca argued.

Roar! What do you know about aesthetics? How can I be ugly like this? I’m extremely handsome, alright?

The Thunder Beast sneered, then let out a low roar. Roar! Alright, enough nonsense. We've both reaped decent returns this time. Let's go, we have something big to do together.

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! What big thing? The Orca was puzzled.

Roar! We’re going to the deep sea to find some good stuff, of course! You can use your treasure-hunting ability to bring back more to eat, and we can also take down a few high-level mutated creatures as appetizers.

Raor! Didn't you want your wife to break through sooner? And those three little guys of yours, they haven't grown much even after all this time. You're useless as a father.

Previously, the Thunder Beast had advised the Orca to take it easy and not be greedy, reminding it to also pay attention to safety. Now that it had evolved a king-level bloodline and increased its strength, however, it was time for the Thunder Beast to push hard.

It had realized that, compared to just hunting and devouring mutated creatures, its strength would grow much faster by seizing transcendent resources.

These transcendent resources were also often guarded by powerful mutated creatures. So, they could hunt down and eat those mutated creatures, and then consume the resources after. It was killing two birds with one stone.

Hearing the fierce and mighty Thunder Beast taking the initiative to team up with it, the Orca suddenly felt a strong sense of security, and its motivation surged.

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Let’s go, brother! Let’s tackle something huge together.

After the Single-horned Orca... or, rather, the Single-horned Kun finished speaking, it swung its tail with force and swam toward the open sea. Its proud appearance gave the impression that it had brought along a bodyguard.

... And it did look like it had a bodyguard.

As it passed by the female orca, the Kun emitted squeaking sounds, greeting her.

The female orca responded warmly. Although her partner had become somewhat less attractive this time, none of that mattered. As long as the Kun returned alive, everything else was secondary.

The two had just swam a hundred kilometers when the Thunder Beast let out a low roar.

Roar! Big Horn, come this way first. We're going to get the other fellow.

With that, the Thunder Beast turned its body and headed toward the Coral Canyon, intending to call the Dragon Turtle as well.

After retrieving the ancient blood on their last mission, the Thunder Beast had realized the benefits of having more allies. Although it meant splitting the resources, the advantages were clear.

When encountering groups of mutated beasts or discovering top-level resources, having two companions with draconic and king-level bloodlines to share the load would give the Thunder Beast more of a chance to wreak havoc.

Moreover, the ocean was vast, and resources were plentiful. It wasn’t like the Thunder Beast would be able to consume all of them alone anyway.

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Who are we getting?

The Kun, somewhat puzzled, followed behind the Thunder Beast. After this evolution, the Kun had not only become more formidable in size and appearance, but could now also swim faster in the water. Soon, they arrived at the Coral Canyon.

More than three thousand meters below the pitch-black depths of the ocean, a winding crystal valley stretching several kilometers appeared.

In the middle, a forty meter Deep Sea Dragon Turtle laid quietly in slumber, its fierce head tucked inside its spiky shell.

In a corner of the canyon not far away were two skeletons; a sixty-meter metallic one, and a new skeleton of a colossal beast measuring thirty meters in length.

Apparently, while the Thunder Beast had been away, an unfamiliar level 7 creature had attacked, only to be killed by the timid Dragon Turtle.

This came as a bit of a shock for the Thunder Beast. It had never thought that the Dragon Turtle would even dare to engage in combat with a mutated creature of the same level, let alone manage to defeat it.

The Kun and the astonished Thunder Beast approached the canyon. Sensing the two powerful auras, the Dragon Turtle awakened, its head emerging from its shell.

Roar! Thunder Fiery, you’ve come to see me. Seeing the Thunder Beast, the Dragon Turtle beamed with joy.

The Thunder Beast glanced at the skeletal remains of the mutated beast. Roar! Nicely done. Baxia, let me introduce you to Big Horn. Big Horn, meet Baxia, my other friend.

Roar! Thunder Fiery, what is Baxia?

Roar! It’s the name I gave you. From now on, you’re called Baxia.

Roar! Baxia, that’s my name now. Oh yeah, is it called Big Horn because of the horn on its head?

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! You know, I didn't even notice I had a name. By the way, buddy, so you're called Thunder Fiery, huh?

The Kun and Dragon Turtle then exchanged a few roars and squeaks, happily chatting away. As for the Thunder Beast, it had long since stepped aside, not wanting to be part of this conversation.

These two colossal beasts seemed to have had little interaction with other creatures. After getting acquainted, they talked endlessly, roaring and squeaking. This gave the Thunder Beast a headache.

After half an hour, the Thunder Beast interrupted them with an impatient roar.

Roar! Enough chit-chat. If you have anything to say, say it on the way. Let's go get things done.

Squeak! Oh, right, I almost forgot what we came here for.

Roar! Roar! Thunder Fiery, what happens to this place if we leave?

The Dragon Turtle had been guarding the coral reefs in this area for over half a month. Looking at the little silver fish swimming in and out of the coral, it looked reluctant to leave.

The Thunder Beast let out a low roar.

Roar! Forget about the fish. Eating them won't help much, and even if they're taken over by other mutated creatures, it's fine. We'll just catch and eat them when we come back. Let’s stop wasting time and go. And, Baxia, you better keep up. If you move too slowly, I’ll leave you behind.

Squeak! Squeak! Squeak! Let’s go! Let’s get to the good stuff, let’s kill them all!

Roar! Roar! Kill them all, loot it all!

The Thunder Beast had a somewhat dumbfounded expression as it glanced back at the Dragon Turtle, whose spirits had been lifted after just chatting with the Kun for a while.

Led by the Thunder Beast, the group of colossal beasts disappeared into the dark depths of the ocean.

This time, the Dragon Turtle frantically crawled on the seabed, its speed surprisingly on par with the Kun. Perhaps it feared that the Thunder Beast would despise its slow speed and make good on the threat of leaving it behind.

It was apparent that the Dragon Turtle wasn’t slow. It had just been sluggish last time because it had been afraid that the Thunder Beast would kill it.

Unexpectedly, this seemingly simple and honest creature was actually quite clever.

1. In Chinese mythology, the Kun was a giant fish that could transform into a similarly giant bird called the Peng or Dapeng ☜

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