My Wives are Beautiful Demons

Chapter 12: My Beautiful Demon Wife.

Chapter 12: My Beautiful Demon Wife.

Katharina tilted her head slightly, a mysterious smile forming on her lips.

She seemed to ponder the words for a moment before responding, as if deciding exactly how much to reveal.

"Ah, Ada," she murmured, her voice tinged with a sickly sweetness. "Always so straightforward. But you needn't worry about her." Her tone was cold.

She leaned even closer, her eyes locked on his with an almost manic gleam. Her touch on his face became more intense, almost possessive. "You were hurt... severely. There was a battle, and you lost your life. But I made sure you were brought back. I wouldn't allow anything to happen to you... ever." Her gaze was piercing, filled with obsessive adoration.

"It was a desperate situation, but I took care of you. Ada and the others were just... details. I did everything for you, and now you're here, with me, where you belong. Where you will always be." She said, almost dismissively.

"That I know. I want to know why," Vergil said, deepening his gaze. He didn't realize it, but his eyes glowed dangerously.

Katharina's smile widened, now clearly revealing a more disturbing side. "Those answers will come when I deem the time is right, dear. For now, you don't need to worry about anything else. I take care of you, and that's what matters. You are under my protection, my control. Nothing and no one can take you from me." Her voice, heavy with obsession and love, clung to Vergil's ears.

'Yandere...' he thought.

"I see you're just as I thought... so dominant..." She sighed with passion, seeing the man trying to oppose her, even if so directly...

'So beautiful... so cute...' She appreciated his attempt to appear stronger, but... she couldn't deny...

"As I said, you don't need to worry," she said, moving closer and suddenly pressing him against her breasts, her eyes locked on his with an intensity that seemed to consume everything around them. "I have everything under control, and you are safe here. By my side. Forever."

The way she touched him, how her eyes followed every movement of his with an almost sickly obsession, was both comforting and terrifying.

He felt trapped in a web of conflicting emotions and possessiveness that crossed any reasonable boundary.

'The same thing happened to Ada... the shared feelings...' Vergil thought, but he would not yield to this woman so easily...

"Tell me everything," he said in an authoritative tone, and she simply laughed, finding it cute... truly... it was very cute...

Katharina laughed, a sound resonating with disturbing pleasure. "Oh, dear, you're so cute when you try to be so assertive. It's truly lovely to see you like this."

Her smile broadened, showing a sickly glow in her eyes.

She seemed to find his attempt to maintain control simply irresistible.

Then, the demon Master-Servant mark on Katharina began to glow with a sinister light.

The energy of the mark manifested tangibly, and Katharina felt an intense pressure in her own throat, as if the mark were trying to dominate her back.

"Hm? Kyaaa!" She moaned, feeling a tingling between her legs... Well... suggestive temptation, lust, she started to pant as her body burned with a sadistic pleasure...

She tried to maintain composure, but the sensation was unavoidable. The pressure felt like an invisible hand squeezing her throat, a force reminding her of the domination and control that the mark demanded. It was a forced sense of submission that challenged her desire to maintain absolute control over Vergil.

Katharina closed her eyes for a moment, struggling to maintain her calm expression and control, but the force of the mark was undeniable. Her influence was being pushed back, and she needed to act quickly to avoid losing her superiority.

"Are you going to talk now?" Vergil asked with a smile, as sadistic as she was, maybe even more.

"Do you see, dear?" she murmured with a voice trying to keep its softness despite the evident tension. "The Master-Servant mark is not just a guarantee of control, but also proof of our connection. Even when I feel the pressure of the mark, the bond between us remains."

She moved closer to Vergil, her eyes shining with a mix of possessiveness and determination. "I will always be here, even if the mark sometimes reminds me of the need to maintain order. There is nothing you can do to change this. We are bound, and that is something that cannot be undone."

Katharina made a visible effort to calm the pressure in her throat, her expression hardening with a cold determination. "You are destined to be by my side, exactly where I want you to be. The mark is a constant reminder that there is no escape for you."

'She's crazy, crazy...' Vergil thought, seeing her losing herself in her own character.

'Is she... enjoying it?' he murmured, noticing the woman clearly panting with her tongue out, her face completely flushed.

Vergil watched the scene for a few seconds before finally stopping. She would not admit to losing in front of him, even if it was possible. He continued to observe, feeling a strange satisfaction at seeing her this way. After all, she was a beautiful woman.

"Okay, I retract the order," he said, and the mark immediately vanished, causing her to almost collapse onto the disheveled bed.

She was gasping as if she had just experienced an intense and indescribable moment. "Mmmm..." she moaned in pleasure for a few seconds, her voice a subtle murmur full of desire.

Katharina tried to compose herself, but the effect of the mark seemed to have left a deep imprint on her body and mind. He could still see her shifting her hips and squeezing her thighs, her breath irregular, and her eyes shining with a mix of pleasure and confusion.

"Ah..." Katharina sighed almost as if it were a moan, looking into his eyes with a gleam of satisfaction. "I'm so glad I chose the best husband ever!" she exclaimed, her tone filled with a sickly, possessive joy.

Vergil, still a bit surprised and uncomfortable with the intensity of the situation, murmured, "I thought you would be angry..."

"Hm? You are my husband," Katharina replied with an enigmatic smile, her expression full of a possessive and not entirely healthy love. "How could I be angry with you? Everything I do is for us both."

She moved closer, touching his face with a disturbing tenderness. "I love you, and nothing will change that. No matter what happens, you are mine. We are destined to be together, and I will do whatever it takes to ensure that."

Katharina leaned forward, her eyes locked on Vergil's, with possessiveness and devotion visible in every movement. She seemed to be struggling against the need to maintain absolute control, but at the same time, she expressed a devotion so intense that it almost felt suffocating.

She sought his approval, her expression conveying a deep need to be accepted and loved by him, even after the torment she had experienced.

Katharina leaned in, her lips curving into an eager smile as her eyes locked onto Vergil's, waiting for a sign that he was willing to yield.

'Damn woman... Damn desire... Damn wife!' He cursed, not against her but trying to hold his mind together. Being a demon was new... very new...

He saw the vulnerability and genuine love in her eyes, and somehow, it touched a sensitive spot within him.

'Play the fool, and screw it!' He heard his mother guiding him in his mind...

Vergil decided to take a step toward acceptance. He leaned in slowly, his lips meeting Katharina's in a tender and comforting kiss. The touch of their lips was soft and gentle, a contrast to the intensity that had marked the previous moment.

Katharina immediately relaxed, her kiss responding with a tenderness that reflected the joy and satisfaction of finally receiving the affection she had longed for. She wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer, her body molding against his with a look of contentment.

The kiss deepened, evolving into a gesture of mutual comfort and understanding.

Vergil, feeling Katharina's warmth and body, recognized that even amidst her madness and obsession, there was a love that couldn't be easily ignored.

After the kiss, Katharina pulled back slightly, looking at Vergil with an expression of pure adoration and relief. "My dear..." she murmured, her voice thick with emotion. "You will be only mine... My dear... my husband... my everything..."

Vergil, looking at her, saw not only the intensity of her possessiveness but also a deep need to be loved...

'There's no turning back now... I accepted a Yandere, but if it's going to be like this... then it's better... Yes... she wanted it to be this way...' He thought as he felt the warmth coursing through his body. He accepted it completely...

"I think you misunderstood something, my beautiful wife," Vergil said in a dictatorial tone, looking into Katharina's eyes. "I am not just yours. Ada will also be mine, and the third woman too. I will not be a man of one woman, but my women will be only mine."

Vergil's words cut through the air, and Katharina was momentarily paralyzed, her expression slowly turning into one of shock and disillusionment.

The idea that he would share his affection and commitment with other women seemed devastating to her.

Katharina's smile instantly vanished, her eyes widening in a mix of surprise and pain.

The intense, possessive gleam that had once filled her gaze was now replaced by a fragility and sadness she couldn't hide.

"You... you are like me..." She murmured, her voice trembling and almost inaudible. Shock and realization mingled on her face, and the mask of adoration and control she had carefully built began to crumble before Vergil.

"Damn Yandere!!!!" She screamed, but before she could throw one of the nearby vases... Vergil appeared in front of her, holding her back and overpowering her.

"You didn't think I'd let myself be controlled like this, did you? I'm quite greedy when provoked..." He said, and Katharina began to melt, his touch, everything about him was so...

'M-Maybe I'll get used to it...' She thought immediately, as her thoughts were seemingly manipulated just by his touch...

"Y-you" She stammered, yielding to his sensual touches, which focused specifically on her head. Just as she had done to him, he embraced her while stroking her dark red hair...

"My beautiful wife, Demon," He said... "You are mine."


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