My Wife is A Sword God

Chapter 13: Heavenly Astral Essence Slash

Chapter 13: Heavenly Astral Essence Slash

Qin Feng leaned against a nearby door pillar, panting heavily, his face alternating between red and white.

He had miscalculated; he hadn’t expected this narrow-bladed knife to be made of meteorite iron. It looked small, but in reality, it weighed hundreds of kilograms!

Blame it on his younger brother; he wielded it with ease, leading Qin Feng to a wrong judgment and confusing his assessment!

It’s all the Second Brother’s fault, waving it skillfully, and giving me a wrong perception and misleading my judgment!

“Big brother, are you alright?”

Qin Feng cleared his throat and hastily hid his trembling right arm behind his back. “I’m fine. I just stayed up late reading last night and got a bit tired. I just didn’t have a good grip for a moment, that’s all. Younger brother, what do you mean by asking that? You don’t think I can’t even hold a knife, do you?”

Qin An held back a smile and effortlessly picked up the narrow-bladed knife again. “Of course, I trust you, big brother. Come, demonstrate the technique for me.”

“Keep the knife away from me!” Qin Feng jumped in surprise, quickly stepping back.

Realizing his own lack of composure, he pretended to ponder deeply. “I thought about it carefully just now. This technique is extraordinary, and merely demonstrating it won’t help you understand its essence. How about this: I’ll draw the moves on the ground, and you follow along. If there are any shortcomings, I will point them out.”

“Thank you, big brother.”

“Hmm.” Qin Feng glanced at the courtyard and saw a tree branch on the ground. He was about to bend down and pick it up with his right hand when he suddenly froze and switched to his left hand.

Damn it, his right hand had been strained since yesterday when he composed the verses. He hadn’t expected to worsen it today!

Little right, I’ve let you down.

Gripping the branch with his left hand, Qin Feng had assumed his drawings would be crooked since he wasn’t left-handed. To his surprise, he found that his left hand was just as skilled as his right hand!

Could this be the effect of the Literature Saint Dao Lineage?

In no time, vividly detailed human-shaped diagrams of the techniques appeared on the ground. If someone compared them with the illustrations in “Heavenly Astral Essence Slash,” they would be astonished to find them exactly identical!

“Younger brother, these are the moves from the first stage of the technique. You can learn them; just practice freely.” Qin Feng, who had read extensively, understood that Heavenly Astral Essence Slash was an extraordinary technique. Although the moves seemed simple, they held many subtleties, emphasizing the technique of exerting force. Therefore, Qin Feng didn’t expect his brother to master these moves in a short time.

Qin An stared at the lifelike diagrams on the ground, seemingly lost in thought, as if he hadn’t heard a word.

Seeing this, Qin Feng didn’t disturb him. After about half an incense stick’s worth of time, Qin An, who had remained motionless, finally moved.

He opened his eyes wide, raised the sword in his right hand, and then began to demonstrate the technique in the courtyard.

The sound of the wind roared, Qin An’s movements became faster and more proficient. By the third repetition, his technique was exactly the same as the one shown in the diagrams!

This damn envy-inducing talent, Qin Feng muttered to himself.

“Phew!” Qin An exhaled deeply, placing the sword down. His eyes gleamed. “Big brother, this technique is amazing! Where did you learn it?”

“Heh, your Big brother’s mind encompasses a multitude of things. This is just a technique, nothing worth mentioning. Wait until I explain the key to circulating the energy in the first stage of this technique to you. Try circulating your internal energy and performing the technique again.”

“Alright!” Qin Feng explained the content he remembered once without missing a detail. After listening, Qin An meditated for a long time before starting to demonstrate the technique again.

Although the external moves seemed the same, when he simultaneously activated his internal energy while wielding the sword, the energy consumption was far greater than before. After just one round of the technique, Qin An was panting heavily, drenched in sweat.

Seeing that he was about to stop, Qin Feng found a palm-sized stone in the courtyard and threw it three feet away from him.

“Younger brother, this technique is called ‘Heavenly Astral Essence Slash.’ It emphasizes four levels of internal energy. Try to see if you can shatter the stone three feet away. If you can do that, it means you’ve successfully entered the first level of internal energy.”

“Alright!” Qin An responded, gripping the knife handle with both hands. With a loud shout, he slashed out. However, the expected situation of the stone shattering didn’t occur. There was only a shallow sword mark left on the ground between them.

It seems there is still a long way to go.

But that’s understandable. If it were easy to enter the first level of internal energy, this martial art technique wouldn’t be worth much.

“Younger brother, don’t be discouraged. Proficiency comes with practice. Keep practicing, and you’ll improve,” Qin Feng said.

Qin An looked at the narrow-bladed sword in his hand and frowned. “Big brother, I’m not discouraged. It’s just that I always feel like something is lacking when I perform this technique. It’s as if there’s a problem with the circulation of my internal energy.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Feng pondered for a moment. The key to internal energy circulation wasn’t something that could be grasped simply by verbal explanation. Great teachers produced outstanding disciples because they could identify the deficiencies in others based on their own experiences and guide them onto the right path.

But the problem was, I don’t have internal energy. Even if there’s an issue with his internal energy circulation, I can’t help him.

At that moment, something struck Qin Feng, and his eyes lit up.

“If I remember correctly, when I examined my younger brother’s body before, I saw countless tiny golden meridians in his muscles. Combined with the description of the eighth-grade Qi cultivation and seventh-grade breath suppression in the Divine Martial Dao Lineage, those golden meridians must be condensed internal energy! If that’s the case…”

Qin Feng had an idea and immediately said, “Younger brother, activate your internal energy again and perform Heavenly Astral Essence Slash.'”

“Alright.” Qin An didn’t hesitate and started wielding the narrow-bladed sword again.

At the same time, Qin Feng focused his attention on his younger brother, and with a flash of golden light in his pupils, everything changed once again.

At this moment, he could see every change in Qin An’s body—his blood, flesh, bones, and breath—all were laid bare before him.

Especially the golden meridians in his muscles were incredibly clear.

Qin Feng stared intently as his younger brother performed the technique. The moves were halfway done, and there hadn’t been any issues with the circulation of golden internal energy until…


“What’s wrong?” Qin An placed the knife on the ground and turned his head to look.

“When you were wielding the knife just now, did you feel like the internal energy circulation was particularly smooth?”

“I did feel that way. How did you know, big brother?” Qin An looked curious.

Because I have a pair of X-Ray eyes. “I have my methods. The problem with your internal energy circulation lies in the moves you just executed.”

Although he said that, how do I correct his mistake and guide his internal energy in the right direction?

At this moment, Qin Feng thought of the Literature Saint Absolute Art, “Heavenly MIrror,” he had encountered the day before. Since Literature Qi could guide external manifestations, could I infuse my Literature Qi into my younger brother’s body and then guide his internal energy?

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