My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 82: I Accept This Challenge

Chapter 82: I Accept This Challenge

"If your mom, the cop's wife, would have been uncomfortable with ever having any physical relationship with your father, then would he have stopped loving her?"

Chance's question hit Samantha very hard as after Sarah's death, Bill lost the purpose to live, she was the only reason that kept him alive as he had to live to take care of his daughter.

She knew if she wouldn't have been a part of Sarah and Bill's lives then after avenging Sarah's death, Bill would have committed suicide as he was highly capable of doing it.

So, she couldn't answer Chance's question as Bill still loved Sarah. Everyday, he places a bouquet near her tombstone without fail and spends time at her grave. He truly loves her and if Sarah never wanted any physical intimacy then Bill would have been fine with it.

Therefore, she was speechless and couldn't answer Chance.

"Samantha, I am still waiting for your answer" Chance reminded her.

She wanted to lie but she couldn't, her parents were her life and she could never lie about their pure love, "No, he would have loved her no matter what"

Chance was glad she truthfully answered him, he smiled at her, "Then it means that you were lying, you do believe a man can love a woman no matter what"

Samantha was not sure how to argue back with him, she didn't speak for a few seconds but after a while she said, "My dad is the only person who can truly love my mom without any expectations. Men like him don't exist anymore."

"That's not true, they exist."


"I love you Samantha, and if this is what it takes for me to be with you, then this is it. I don't care about having no physical intimacy with you"

Samantha was shocked, "You are lying, now you will say this but in future you will cheat on me with someone else."

"No, I won't"

"So, you are saying from now on you are fine with living a life of celibacy?"


Samantha rolled her eyes, "I don't believe it"

Chance was not surprised as he understood she might have developed some trust issues in life, so he didn't pursue or try to convince her further.

"Samantha, give me some time, spend some more time with me. Give this Chance a chance, if in the next one month I am not able to prove it to you that I really love you and can spend the rest of my life with you in celibacy then I'll leave San Diego and will never show you my face but if in this one month I prove my love to you then"

"Then what?" Samantha folded her hands in front of her and seriously looked at him.

"Then, you will marry me"

Samantha laughed when she heard his words, "Are you kidding me?"

"Why? You scared I will prove my love and you would have to marry me?" Chance countered her.

Samantha frowned at him, "No, I am not scared because I know, you won't be able to prove it"

Chance chuckled, "Then you should not be worried about agreeing to this challenge"

"This challenge is ridiculous"

"Then do you want to make changes to this bet? I don't mind that."

Samantha thought for a while and wondered what she should say she liked the fact that in thirty days if he is not able to prove his true love to her then he will leave San Diego forever and will not show his face.

It would be great if he does that as she doesn't want to be associated with him anymore.

"The first part is fine but if you are able to prove to me in a month that you truly love me and can lead a life of abstinence with me then at that time, I will decide what we will do"

"That is unfair" Chance protested.

"Fine, then forget me and move on"

"You are so stubborn" Chance gritted his teeth in frustration and Samantha smirked at him.

"Fine, then I accept this challenge but I have a few conditions" Chance said.

"I am the one who is supposed to put conditions" Samantha argued.

"Fine, we both can put our conditions forward"


Chance said, "My conditions are: 1) We will spend the next thirty days together. We won't be away from each other even for one day. 2) For the next thirty days, we will have breakfast, lunch and dinner together. 3) Every day you have to spend at least three hours with me."

Samantha was surprised at his conditions as she might have to go on missions in between and can't spend all 30 days with him.

"I might go on trips, so I can't spend the next thirty days with you. Having breakfast and dinner is fine but having lunch can be difficult as I would be busy with work and so would you be. Spending three hours is too much, let's spend only one hour together." She negotiated with his terms.

'As expected of you, how can you agree to my conditions without negotiating' He helplessly shook his head.

"Fine, I too might have to go on business trips. Let's do one thing, if we have any commitments, we will fulfil them but we have to ensure to spend thirty days together and it not need be continuous. Also your second point is fine, we will have lunch together on weekends and on holidays but not every day. One hour is too less, we will at least spend two hours together and it is non-negotiable"

"Fine, I agree with your conditions and now you need to agree with mine"


"1) You will never touch me and you would always maintain at least 1 meter distance from me. 2) In this one month if I go on any trip, you will not ask me any questions about it and neither will you insist on tagging along. Don't come on my trips to surprise me, I don't like it. 3) You will not ask me any personal questions, if I want to share something then just like today I will."

Chance understood why she was keeping such conditions forward; she was protecting her true identity from being exposed.

"Fine I agree with all the three conditions"


"Good night love" Chance went to collect his tray.

"My fourth condition, you won't address me with cheesy names" Samantha added quickly.

Chance smiled, "Why not?"

"I don't like it"


"Also, leave those dishes, I'll wash them" Samantha offered.

"No need, I can do it myself"

"You cooked for me, let me wash the dishes, please" Samantha insisted so Chance let her be.

"Okay then, my fourth condition is every work will be divided between us"

"Hmm I accept this condition"

Chance then went back to his house, feeling victorious as after thirty days she will be his.

He was lying on the bed, recollecting the events she went through in the past.

His heart really ached for her, he too had a difficult childhood but his scenario was different from hers and he had an uncle to take care of him and he never had to stay at any orphan relief programs.

He was thankful to Bill and his wife to show up and take care of Samantha.

When she told him of her discomfort around men and how she would spend the rest of her life in abstinence, Chance was indeed shocked and for a moment he had no idea what to say.

Chance, had been sexually active and he was physically attracted to her. 

It would be a lie that Chance never thought of her in a sexual way, so he was surprised when she said she would never be comfortable with it.

For one moment, he even wondered if he would like to spend his life with other women with an active sex life but no love and spend the rest of his life with Samantha, the love of his life but no sex.

When he compared both the scenarios, he too was surprised when his heart wanted Samantha, irrespective of anything. 

He was fine with giving up on sexual desires to have Samantha on his side. He himself was surprised at what he desired and realized how deeply he fell for her.

Not once he wished to make her do something against her will and he was genuinely fine with being with her without having any expectations from her.

He did wish to help her get over her trauma, but not for him to be with her but for her sake as he could understand how disturbing it must be to live with this kind of trauma always haunting her.

Chance was happy about the decision he made and decided to express how truly he loves her without restraining himself.

He slept with a smile on his face, as he was looking forward for the next day.

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