My Wife Is A Secret Assassin

Chapter 76: Neighbour

Chapter 76: Neighbour

'Maybe he will come after some time' She wishfully thought and looked at the other four people as she was waiting for their answer.

"What happened guys?" Carol again asked them.

Abigail looked at Jack and Mia at David, the two women felt bad for Carol.

So, Jack stepped forward, "Actually Carol"


It was Saturday morning and Samantha was still sleeping.

In the last few days, she had been sleeping late at night and waking up late.

Andy was responsible to go to the florist shop in the morning and she was allowed to leave soon as Samantha took the responsibility to stay till late.

So, she was peacefully sleeping when an annoying noise disturbed her sleep.

Drrrr Drrrrr Drrrrrrr

It sounded like someone was inside her room and is drilling a hole in the wall, the sound was that clear.

"Ahhhhhhh" Samantha grunted in frustration and sat up.

It took her a few seconds to figure out that someone shifted to the apartment next to her.

"Fuckkkk" She cursed after realizing she has neighbours.

The apartment she lives in, is decent, modern and classy. 

The locality she stays in is very safe.

Every floor in this apartment has only two houses, as these flats are really huge.

Samantha intentionally bought a flat right next to the house, whose owners live in San Jose.

Her neighbours bought the house next to her only as an investment and never planned to move to San Diego as they permanently resided in San Jose.

Samantha loathed having neighbours as she saw them as the people who would invade into her space and privacy.

So, she was frustrated when she heard the noise of a drilling machine coming from the house next door.

'I never knew the walls of my apartment are so thin' She cursed her faith and got off the bed.

She went to have a bath and after freshening up, she again heard the noises of furniture moving next door.

'I have to shift from here as soon as possible' she thought to herself and after having her breakfast, she decided to head to her florist shop.

Samantha's house was at the end of the corridor and she had to pass her neighbour's apartment to reach the elevator.

She was walking in the corridor and when she was just passing by the apartment next to hers, suddenly some man came out the door.

The two people bumped into each other.

Samantha who was looking at her phone while walking, lost the hold on it and her phone was about to fall when the man she bumped into quickly bent down in reflex and caught her phone before it touched the ground.

Samantha who was panicked and looking down at her phone, sighed in relief when a big hand caught it.

"Thank you so much" A relieved Samantha lifted her head to look at the man who saved her phone only to get shocked.

The man she bumped into was smiling and his smile turned into a grin when he saw how shocked Samantha was.

"Chance?" Samantha spoke after a few seconds.

"I am glad you remember me" He joked with her.

"What are you doing here?" 

Samantha and Chance were standing in front of his apartment and subconsciously Samantha looked into his apartment.

He was moving furniture, so the couch was randomly placed on the floor.

Samantha then looked ahead and saw a big box next to the elevator, it looked like a wrapped television set. 

She again looked at him as he still didn't answer her.

"After seeing all of this, now you guess what I am doing here" Chance pointed at the furniture which was still packed.

"How did you manage to rent this apartment?" 

It was no brain teaser that Chance shifted into the empty flat next to hers.

That's why she was curious to know how he managed to shift here as her neighbours were very cranky and they are very difficult to deal with.

In the past, Samantha contacted them as she was interested in buying their flat.

She just wanted to be on the safer side, so she intended to own this flat to avoid any future surprise neighbours.

But those people refused to sell the flat to her in spite of Samantha offering them a prize higher than the market rate.

Later, she realized they are so annoying that they would never sell this flat to anyone and neither give it for rent.

So, Samantha peacefully lived here without any trouble.

She anyway decided to move away from here if in case anyone moves next door but that didn't happen and eventually Samantha got used to this place.

That's why she wanted to know how Chance managed to rent this place as she was sure those owners would never sell it to him.

Chance chuckled when he heard her question, "I am not renting this place. I bought it" He informed her.

Samantha was pissed, "Those cranky owners sold it to you, seriously?" She was really annoyed as she told them in advance to sell this apartment to her in case, they ever change their mind.

But now those people didn't even contact her and sold it to Chance.

"Yeah, why?" Chance looked at her amused as she was very angry.

"Never mind" Samantha was in no mood to tell him anything.

"It seems, you are upset to see me here" Chance frankly told her what he could see.

"Why are you here?" Samantha directly questioned him and didn't hide her annoyance.

"I love you so I am here" Chance casually confessed to her and smiled brightly.

Samantha was furious, when she heard his words, 'He keeps saying it as if it is a normal thing to say' She scolded him in her mind.

"Chance, was I not clear? I am not interested in you" She lied to him.

"It's okay, you don't have to be interested in me" 

"Why are you here?"

"Because you are here and you would never move to New York. Also, I am the one in love with you so expecting you to shift so far is ridiculous so I shifted here"

"What the hell do you mean by you shifted here? Don't you have your own company to manage?"

Few days ago, when she saw him in the conference in Austin, she realized the importance he holds in his company.

She couldn't believe he left everything to come here.

"Of course, I have. I acquired a small real estate company in San Diego. Soon it will merge into Avenue Real Estate. Since, we are setting up a new branch here, one of us had to be present in San Diego." 

Chance explained while moving his furniture inside his house as some of the stuff was still lying outside.

"David couldn't come here as Mia is in New York. Carol is still learning a lot of things and she can't handle setting up an entire branch all by herself. So, I sacrificed my life in New York to be here" Chance sadly informed her.

Samantha didn't fall for his pity face as she understood he was acting; she was right now more focused on the fact that Chance shifted here.

It was not an overstatement to say how much people used to New York's lifestyle would hate leaving in California.

Therefore, Samantha was really surprised that Chance started a new branch in San Diego for her.

It was evident from his actions that he shifted here to be near her.

She knew Chance was rich, that conference was enough for her to understand the status he holds.

He did not need to buy this flat next to her, he could afford a huge bungalow easily.

Her apartment was not cheap but there were more expensive places in San Diego with fully furnished places which he could easily move in into but he bothered to stay here so it was obvious it was for her sake.

On one hand Samantha was surprised and annoyed with his actions but on the other hand, she felt warmth spread through her. 

'I am so weird; how can I be happy and annoyed both at the same time' She scolded herself.

But she knew the answer as no one in her life put so many efforts to be with her.

So, she couldn't bring herself to scold him, "Do you need any help?" She asked him instead.

"Yeah, downstairs there is more furniture, it will be great if you can help me" Chance didn't reject her suggestion as there indeed was a lot of furniture he had to shift and how could he reject an opportunity to spend more time with the woman he came here for.

In the next two hours, the two brought all the furniture he bought upstairs to his flat and Samantha helped him set his house.

The two were very tired and they slouched on the couch they just set.

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