My Wife Is A Miracle Doctor In The 80s

Chapter 50 - 51 Hoping to Grow Taller

Chapter 50: Chapter 51 Hoping to Grow Taller

Translator: 549690339

She no longer needed to doubt whether Chen Zhong was going to teach her or not. It was confirmed – he was treating her like a disciple and instructing her, despite not having said it explicitly, his actions had made it clear.

“Grandpa…” Tang Yuxin put down her book in hand and ran over, pulling at Chen Zhong’s hem. She lifted her little face, blinked her eyes, and displayed a charming innocence. She was used to being young again, accustomed to starting over, and had also learned to adorably play cute and obedient.

“Grandpa, is there any medicine that can make me grow taller? So that Xinxin can be as tall as Dad?”

She asked in her milky voice.

Chen Zhong rubbed her head.

“Silly girl, if you grow as tall as your Dad, no one would want you.”

No way, Tang Yuxin thought. Future tall models were usually around 170 cm. Even if she genuinely grew that tall, she could still play basketball or be a model. Of course, she wouldn’t be unmarriageable. Several decades later, the number of men would exceed that of women,

There might be old bachelors unable to find wives, but there would never be any ugly women who couldn’t be sold into marriage.

“Grandpa, is there?” She scrunched up her little nose, even if she had to be as tall as a utility pole, she did not want to be a dwarf. She no longer wanted to wear high heels every day until her feet ached, or buy shoes with hidden heels. In fact, she wouldn’t mind adding a few more centimeters to her height. She didn’t want to have to pay ten yuan every time she bought trousers, just to have them altered, not only costing her money but also ruining the trousers’ style. And she didn’t want to end up treating an ankle-length dress as a nightgown.

“Let me think,” Chen Zhong stroked his chin. If he were an ancient person, that action might have given him a wise, composed air. But modern people were unaccustomed to growing beards, hence it just looked a bit strange.

“There is,” Chen Zhong patted Tang Yuxin’s forehead, “I can give you the prescription, which consists of a few herbs mixed together, and I can even help you boil it. As long as you take it, you’ll definitely grow taller. But you have to come and learn to read with me every day in the future.”

“I don’t want to go to school,” Tang Yuxin was actually thrilled inside, but she couldn’t let the old man gloat. He had already squeezed her spirit dry. She was worried that Chen Zhong would uproot her growth as a young sprout.

“If you want to grow taller, you must go to school,” Chen Zhong narrowed his eyes, threatening poor Yuxin mercilessly.

Tang Yuxin’s eyes turned red. She was now accustomed to being a child and could easily control her tears.

She looked really pitiful with tears dotting her eyes, and a large tear trickled down her cheek.

“Grandpa, can I still grow taller without having to write?”

“No,” Chen Zhong lengthened his face, just like when Tang Yuxin first saw him, aloof, haughty, and of course, bad-tempered.

Tang Yuxin nibbled on her finger and rolled her eyes at her childish behavior, realizing she had to play the whole card. She would have to give in deliberately.

She sniffled, “Then Grandpa, I’ll learn to write, I want to grow tall, I don’t want to be as short as Uncle Pingwa.”

Pingwa was a villager. Standing only 149 cm tall, he was short and fat and looked like a watermelon. He was over thirty and still couldn’t find a wife. Whenever the village children did not eat their meals properly, they were warned that they would end up like Pingwa – unwanted by anyone.

Of course, Tang Yuxin was one of them.

Recalling her past life when she was only 152 cm tall, just making it over 150 cm, Tang Yuxin felt like crying, even in her dreams.

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