My Wife Is A Killer

Chapter 31: Episode 31 Wolf Mountain

Chapter 31: Episode 31 Wolf Mountain

Episode 31 counts if you still have a little conscience, don't resign I Li Tian complained.

Tang Feifei smiled, handsome guy, hey, don't be angry.

I really didn't mean to hide it from you last time, it's just that you're so funny and too simple.

Hearing Tang Feifei say this, Li Tianzhen felt that he was really stupid at that time, but he didn't even see it, and he really pretended to be a hero to save people, which was really a shame.

Li Tian, who was a little embarrassed, said to Tang Feifei, Okay, now I'm not angry with you anymore, and you and I know your identity, from now on, we don't owe each other, we go our own ways, you continue to be your daughter, how about I continue to be my hard-pressed little security guard?

To be honest, Li Tian really didn't want the girl in front of him to disrupt his peaceful life.

After thinking about it, Tang Feifei stared there with both hands on his waist and said, Li Tian was forced all of a sudden, I said, Miss, we are not people with a grade of life, please let me go?

I'm just a little security guard, you go to yours, rich friends, okay?

Hey, no, Brother Fei Fei said with a smile, Miss Ben just wants to play with people like you.

Besides, surnamed Li, have you forgotten what you promised me?

Fei Fei said suddenly.

When Fei Fei said this, Li Tian couldn't help but be slightly stunned, when did I promise you, you dare to forget.

Fei Fei was angry all of a sudden, and Li Tian thought about it for a long time before he remembered, did you mean to let me pretend to be your boyfriend.

Li Tian opened his eyes wide, looked at Tang Feifei and said.

Tang Feifei playfully blinked his beautiful eyes like autumn water, smiled and nodded, just remember.

Oh my God, kill me.

Li Tian shouted, the reason why he agreed to this girl at that time was because Li Tian didn't know the identity of this girl, but now, she is the daughter of the president of Tang's enterprise, the daughter of her boss, and she is a security guard at the bottom of the company, and she actually pretended to be someone's boyfriend, isn't this holding a knife and putting it on her neck to find death.

What a fuss.

Fei Fei said unhappily.

Li Tian said with an embarrassed face, I said Miss Tang, you are not sick, you are sick.

Fei Fei gave Li Tian a blank look.

Li Tian continued, if you are not sick, why do you have to find me to be your boyfriend?

To be honest, I really don't understand what you rich people are doing sometimes.

That Feifei glared at Li Tian fiercely, how could he tell this guy everything about his own baby kiss?

Don't talk nonsense, do you do it or not.

Fei Fei said.

Li Tian frowned, don't do it, if you don't do it, I'll quit you now, and I won't let you work here, etc.

Li Tian shouted.

Fei Fei turned her head and looked at Li Tian with a wicked smile on her face, what's wrong, I regret it.

Promise no.

Li Tian felt a feeling of being forced to become a prostitute, and nodded depressedly, okay?

People are from you, hehe.

Fei Fei laughed all of a sudden, but a certain man cursed Feifei 18,000 times in his heart.

I want to ask you, why did you let me pretend to be your fake boyfriend, is it because I'm simple, or because I'm handsome.

Li Tian said to Na Feifei with a smile.

Brother Fei Fei smiled and said, because you are simple.

Li Tian secretly scolded himself and got into the car, and Na Feifei said as he walked towards the red and gorgeous luxury car parked over there.

Li Tian was stunned for a moment, where had he ever seen such a beautiful sports car, looked at the red shiny sports car and said, let me get in the car, eldest sister, I'm at work.

Li Tian said, I approve you to rest today, and your salary is not allowed to be deducted.

Someone said that Fei Fei was too lazy to talk to that poor ghost, and he had already stepped over, so Li Tian was already very bored standing guard, and at this moment Fei Fei asked him to take the car, of course he was happy in his heart.

trotted over and opened the car door, how could Li Tian, who was sitting on it, sit comfortably?

The soft rubber seat that can be stretched freely makes Li Tian stunned, how much does this car cost?

Li Tian couldn't help muttering in his heart, surnamed Li, let me tell you, since my father bought this car for me, no one has ever sat in it except me, you are the first, right?

I'm so honored to sit down.

As soon as the words were finished, Feifei stepped on the accelerator, and then the steering wheel quickly twisted the luxury car, and a domineering U-turn was thrown over directly.

And Li Tian, who was sitting in the car, trembled slightly, looked at Feifei, and couldn't help but think in his heart, wow, this girl's driving skills are really strong.

The bright red luxury car driving on the bustling streets of Kyoto City, undoubtedly a red leopard, coupled with Feifei's superb driving skills, this luxury car shuttles through the steel jungle like a beast.

And Li Tian, who sat in this kind of luxury car for the first time, experienced the feeling of galloping for the first time, looking at this Kyoto city full of desire and vanity fair.

Li Tian felt a feeling of blood boiling from the bottom of his heart.

Girl, where are we going?

Li Tian, who was sitting in the back of the car, asked Fei Fei in front.

Fei Fei didn't look back and said, you'll know later.

Li Tian didn't continue to ask, sitting in the car and looking at the scenery along the way, the luxury car quickly drove towards the suburbs of the city.

After arriving at the highway on the outskirts of the city, the flying car turned its head and lost the wolf mountain towards the famous wolf mountain on the right.

The famous mountains of Kyoto City are very dangerous and very high, a mountain road like a long snake winding directly to the top of the Wolf Mountain, and at this moment, Feifei, driving this red and bright luxury car, towards the Wolf Mountain quickly, Li Tianzheng, who was sitting in the car, wondered in his heart, why did this duck suddenly drive the car to climb the mountain.

Suddenly, my eyes lit up, and I saw that on the halfway of Wolf Mountain, on a flat green land, more than 20 cars were parked in turn, all of which had been modified, and the gray lines at the front of the sports car could not be seen.

There were two heavy subwoofers on top of the sports car, and there were a lot of men and women in front of the car.

In the blink of an eye, there were not hundreds of people, who were there to the sound of irregular music, dancing, drinking beer, and hugging, as if indulging in such a depraved atmosphere.

The scantily clad women in front of them, plump and about to explode, twist their hips and dance in the middle, while the strangely dressed men on the periphery screamed here.

Who would have imagined that Li Tiandu was dumbfounded when he saw that halfway up the Wolf Mountain was heaven on earth, especially when he looked at the few girls over there who were extremely exposed and kissing in public.

He couldn't help but swallow deeply.

What the hell is this crutch, what the hell is this?

Li Tian said with a sigh.

Feifei, who stopped the car halfway up the Wolf Mountain, turned his head to Li Tian with a smile and said, This is the paradise of the standard car group, how is it fun?

Standard car owners, no wonder these are modified sports cars.

Li Tian said in surprise.

After following Fei Fei in front of him to get out of the car, Li Tian looked at this group of people, these people were different from anyone he had come into contact with before.

They're crazy, they're thrill-seeking, and most importantly, they're all rich lords looking at them.

Li Tian frowned slightly, when Fei Fei came, most of those drag racing clans seemed to be very familiar with him.

Greeting him, Miss Tang is here, Miss Tang is here.

Fei Fei waved at them and smiled, which made Li Tian slightly shocked, he didn't expect that this girl had such a heavy weight in the hearts of this drag racing clan, only a few cars were parked behind a few strangely dressed men over there.

Raising a pair of three cold eyes to bet on this side.

Looking at Fei Fei, she was the eldest lady of the Tang family, and heard a bald man touching his head and asking, saying that there was a thin man beside him, but he was wearing a very conspicuous red shirt.

He nodded there and said, "Well, this little calf is so beautiful."

I guess the kung fu in bed must be good.

That Liao Bin blinked a pair of evil eyes staring at Fei Fei's body, and said with a smile, but the thin man next to him said, Ah, we can't afford to provoke it, there is no girl in the world that I Liao Bin dare not go on.

The bald man who called himself Liao Bin said evilly.

After Feifei came, he saw a sexy and tall woman running from the front shouting, Fei Fei Fei looked at it in a blink of an eye, and saw the girl who shouted at him, Su Ke Feifei, also ran towards the woman.

The tall beauty, with her long black hair falling over her soft shoulders, and her two slender legs were wrapped in tight jeans.

The graceful curve of the hips looks like it can fascinate a person, and a simple tight T-shirt on the upper body can hardly hide the deadly murder weapon on his chest.

The deep squeezed ravine, I don't know how many animals can be killed, he is Tang Feifei's college classmate and friend Su Kefeifei, you finally came out, I haven't seen you for many days.

Su Ke complained that it wasn't because of my dad.

Su Ke smiled, a pair of Danfeng eyes glanced at Li Tian behind Fei Fei at this moment, and couldn't help frowning slightly, this is Su Ke asked.

Fei Fei grabbed Su Ke's hand, secretly attached it to his ear, and muttered a few words, because the voice was too small, standing on the side, where could Li Tian hear it, he couldn't help but touch his nose depressedly, but it was Su Ke who heard Feifei say this.

The big watery eyes stared at Li Tian again, looking from his feet to his head.

Fei Fei asked Su Ke with a smile on the side, how is it?

Na Su Ke shook his head, I don't know, it's better for you to make up your own mind.

The words of the two came into Li Tian's ears, and Li Tianchi felt very depressed and couldn't understand what they were talking about.

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