My system allows me to copy talents

Chapter 389 Knockouts I

Chapter 389 Knockouts I

For a brief moment, an awkward silence enveloped the entire locker room after Shun declared his intentions in front of everyone.

A comical scene where he alone stood excited unfolded in the locker room. To tackle the situation, he didn't budge and instead turned to Hiro for help. Helplessly glancing at Hiro with his arms raised he begged for help.

He simply couldn't bring himself to act as if nothing had happened. So, he turned to Hiro for help.

Seeing his face, Hiro could barely hold his laughter. Yet, he also couldn't help but feel grateful for his gesture, 'Thank you for your help. You couldn't have made it more memorable than this... haha'

Then he yawped, trying to rally, "Yeah, let's show them what we're made of"

"Yeah, let's go"

"Let's go"

The whole locker room became noisy as everybody let their emotions out and rallied after Hiro, declaring their determination to win.

Unlike a moment ago, the scene at the locker room drastically changed. It was no longer gloomy. Right now, it was filled with the determination and ambition of the players.

"You were right in appointing him as the captain," one of the coaching staff said to Haruki, praising his decision to appoint Hiro as the captain of the team despite his introverted personality.

He couldn't feel more wrong about his opposition back then.

Manager Haruki who was standing just outside the door of the locker room couldn't help but smile upon seeing such an atmosphere in the locker room. More than being right about appointing Hiro as the captain of the team, he was happy to see his players raging with determination.

At this moment, he truly believed that they could pull off the unthinkable by defeating the mighty Spain team despite their reserves of talent in their team.

Previously though he had devised a strategy that could potentially allow his team to defeat the opposing team, somewhere in his heart he still doubted its credibility. But, now upon seeing the state of his players, he started believing in it.

Kazan on the other hand, remained as stoic as ever. Doesn't he get tired of wearing the same reaction every day, every time? One might even wonder if he had been born with that stoic face since he hardly smiled at anything or anybody.

'If only we'd have a striker that could match him' Kazan thought as he looked at Hiro who was mingling with his teammates at the moment.

Instead of being happy about the state of the team, he felt extremely pitiful. He knew that Hiro's potential was even greater than what he had shown until now.

'Takahashi Hiro, it's truly a pity that you can't even display your full potential in this team'

He didn't mean to demean other players by thinking such. But after witnessing previous matches of Hiro, especially the one against Argentina, he believed that Hiro's dormant potential had still left to be tapped in.

More than a goal machine, he believed he had much to show. Killer passes that could change the outcome of the game any moment, he possessed those and he was sure of it. But, right now there wasn't anybody who could receive those passes yet.

It was getting late. And, if they continued to wait on them, they might not arrive on the pitch on time. So, even though he didn't want to interrupt their moment, Manager Haruki had to step inside to remind the players about the match.

Clap!! Clap!! Clap!!

"Now, now, now. It's all great that you're motivated. But, you all got a match to play," Saying so, Manager Haruki stepped inside.

But since it was already noisy inside, most of them didn't even notice him for a while. And, only when some of the players caught a glimpse of him did they finally stop chanting. Finally, as they all stopped chanting one by one, the noise subsided.

Then as everybody shut their mouth, Haruki swept his gaze around them. He felt really proud to coach this set of amazing players. And, he couldn't be more happy about the state of his players.

Remembering their chants from a moment ago, he added some words of encouragement to further uplift them, "So when you step onto that field, leave everything out there. No regrets, no what-ifs. Give it everything you've got. And most importantly, enjoy it. This is your moment. Let's make it one to remember."

Getting lost in the heat of the moment, despite being fairly old, he raised his fist in the air signaling a gesture of unity and determination, "Together on three. One, two, three—"

"Together!" the team echoed, their voices strong and united, responding to his words of encouragement.

With that, they then headed for the pitch with a newfound determination and courage. Unlike before when they had no confidence to eye for the win, right now they were pulsating with confidence to defeat their opposition at all costs.

"What's with them? Are they trying to act tough?"

The opposing players who were already queued up at the tunnel couldn't help but question upon seeing the smug look on their faces. Not only had they arrived late, but they also appeared quite cocky for some reason.

And, the opposing team couldn't help but take notice of it.

Leading this pack of players pulsating with vigor was Takahashi Hiro, the captain of the team. Not the tallest, not the bulkiest, but definitely the most athletically built than anyone else in the team.

Especially those sets of shades of brown, it was glowing with confidence. And under the crimson glow of the tunnel, it appeared quite scary too.

"Takahashi Hiro" Alex murmured as he turned behind to look at Hiro.

"Seems like it's not going to be an easy match as we've expected," Simon chuckled.

Cracking his fingers, Shun shot a cold gaze at Simon. It's not that he meant to antagonize him or he hated him. But, since he knew about Simon's achievement, as a player who dreamt of playing for Madrid one day, he couldn't refrain from finding out whose better among them.

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