My system allows me to copy talents

Chapter 351 Japan u17 vs Poland u17 VII

Chapter 351 Japan u17 vs Poland u17 VII

In the first half, apart from using his skill fireball shot, he hadn't had any opportunities to display the potential of his skill lightning steps.

But right now, at this moment with an opportunity present right in front of his eyes, how could he let go of such an important opportunity?

Sure, given his position, the opportunity wasn't that great. And there was also a possibility of an outcome where he wouldn't make it to the ball in time.

Also, the opposing left-back himself was a great sprinter. Especially his solo runs, they were really impressive. Even the reason he was an attacking full-back was all thanks to those fast legs of his which allowed him to swiftly switch between offense and defense.

The audience upon witnessing this thrilling moment became extremely excited as almost every eye in the stadium focused on the two particular players who were competing for the ball while running like wild horses on steroids.

Others were also chasing after the ball. But none were as fast as those two.

Though, one had it rather easy while the other faced several obstacles on his way. With opposing players trying to block his way in an attempt to slow his speed, Hiro had to keep on constantly changing his direction which was hampering his speed.

Yet, he kept on accelerating like crazy every time he changed his direction.

It wouldn't have been possible for a human to constantly accelerate while changing his/her direction without losing his/ her speed. But with the use of his skill lightning steps which allowed him to achieve his top acceleration in less than a second, he could retain his speed nonstop no matter how many times he had to change his direction.

And most of the players of the opposing team had simply assumed that he could showcase that burst of acceleration only once based on the analysis of his previous matches.

Unaware of the fact that he could spam his acceleration nonstop as long as the skill lightning step was in effect, they made a huge blunder.

And this blunder was bound to cost them a lot.

Reaching the ball before the opposing left-back could reach it, he caught the ball right at the foot of the outline, barely saving it from going out of bounds.

And the moment he reached the ball the effect of the skill, lightning steps waned as well. But since he hadn't used his skill before in the first half, he used it again without any hesitation alongside his skill perseverance.

Sure, he was not exhausted yet. And sure the path in front of him was quite open. But still, he wasn't willing to take any chances.

Who knows if another opportunity such as now would come or not afterwards?

It's better to give your all now when you've got the chance instead of waiting for another opportunity that might or might not come later.

Spamming his skill lightning steps, he then sprinted towards the open goal.

Witnessing the sight of Hiro who was rushing towards him, the opposing keeper felt a tingling sensation as he vigorously rolled his eyes around him, trying to analyze his situation.

Polski won't make it. But his teammates won't make it as well. So, he'll have to come all by himself.

Looking at his teammates and the opposing players, he started to think as he deducted the possible situation he'd find himself in.

At this moment, he realized that neither would his teammates come to his rescue nor would the opposing players would come to Hiro's rescue. The fate of his team depended solely on him.

And, based on all those videos he had watched featuring Hiro, he knew how dangerous Hiro could be. Not only could he shoot a stunner, but he was also capable of cheeky shots.

A player of such caliber who excelled in both power and technique was a nightmare to face.

Still, he had to decide whether to confront him or stick by his post.

Alas, after much thinking, he concluded that it would be better to limit his opportunity by not allowing him any gaps than to wait behind for him to get close.

Leaving behind his post, he then rushed towards Hiro, intending to snatch the ball away from his feet before he could even release the ball. But that didn't mean that he wasn't putting his guard up to prepare himself for any possible cheeky chips.

Just in a few seconds, those two found face to-face against each other. The opposing keeper although a bit nervous didn't show a slight bit of nervousness on his face.

Similarly, Hiro appeared as cold as ice and as solid as a mountain. Not even a spec of fear or hesitation could be seen on his face.

Moreover, he didn't even look at the ball. Instead, he stared at the opposing keeper right in his eyes.

For some reason, Hiro's eyes appeared rather ferocious at the moment. It was like the eye of an apex predator, sharp and intimidating.

Would he try to dribble past me or will he shoot?

Concentrating on the ball, the opposing keeper thought as he tried to figure out Hiro's motive. Though he was intimidated by those cold stares of Hiro which appeared as if it could see right into his soul, he still retained his senses nonetheless and didn't black out.

He had to remain as rational as possible. And only then would he be able to stop this abomination of a man headed towards his way.

Their coach upon witnessing this clash was growing restless with every passing second. The condition of the players in their substitution box was particularly the same; restless and scared.

All of a sudden their pupils enlarged as some of them jerked a little, pulling back their heads a little. The reaction was almost similar to that of the feeling of falling off of a cliff in a dream.

And what caused them to feel such a feeling was a fourteen-

year-old boy who was way younger than most of them.

Appearing as if he was about to make his move, Hiro kicked the ball with the outside of his boot, sending the ball rolling toward the right.

The opposing keeper followed suit.

Hiro then stretched his legs, preparing to shoot. Though there was less than a 10 percent chance of the opposing keeper saving his shot from this angle, he still was about to take this chance.

Then, he swung his right foot toward the ball. Just at this moment, the opposing keeper launched his body, stretching his body to its utmost limit, trying to cover that tight angle where Hiro was probably aiming.

But he missed the ball or so he made it appear.

From the beginning, he was only acting so to lure the opposing keeper into believing that he was aiming for the tight spot.

And the opposing keeper fell for his plot.


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