My Space-Time System

Chapter 334

Chapter 334: This won’t be easy.

The students had completed their training and were now officially taking part in the beast tide as defenders of the wall for now. Meaning every beast they killed would now act as the 60% of their overall points.

When the teams reported to their different positions on the wall, they noticed 3 things. The first was that the number of beasts outside the wall had doubled, easily surpassing 700.

The second was that every team had a member of the ash corps assigned to them as a supervisor to help them out when needed and to make sure nothing went wrong, especially with each team. They couldn’t afford the students to be stupid at such a time like this.

The last thing they noticed were the volunteers and adventurers who were about to begin their training and from the looks of it, they were heading outside the wall.

“I have always wondered what the position of the adventurers would be since not everyone can stay on the wall.” Blake said receiving nods from his team.

The city walls had 2 barriers protecting them. The first was the orange city barrier that covered the entire city and prevented aerial attacks. It was powerful but just had only one function.

The second shield was a purple barrier from the city wall itself. It came in form of a purple wall that stretched far above the top of the wall, protecting the defenders. Although attacks below the king beast rank wouldn’t put a dent on its surface, the barriers were necessary for preventing an emperor rank beast from destroying the wall.


Also, it had the ability to accumulate and reflect damage taken by both the barrier and wall. The more damage it took, the greater the damage reflected.

When the adventurers, noble family members, and volunteers made their way out of the wall’s barrier and began positioning themselves in different groups.

Those with high defensive capabilities like geomancers and also those good at close combat were positioned directly in front of the city’s orange barrier, and behind them were beast tamers and photomancers.

The second to the last set of people were array experts that had the support role, while the last group was up on the sides of the wall. They were ranged fighters that had the job of bombarding the beasts with destructive spells.

They were positioned in a way that was self-reliant, and their overall goal was to reduce the damage dealt to the city barrier from the beasts at the forefront, while the cannons and those at the top attacked from the mid to the back.

“You will get your chance to get points in the afternoon, so just watch and learn from their training.” Major Reeves said to the teams.

Once all the groups were ready, the city barrier was taken down and the beasts began frantically rushing at the humans.

The geomancers terraformed the ground in front of them to quicksand, slowing down and trapping some of the beasts, giving the Photomancers time to act.

Blood vines!

Hundreds of thorny plant vines erupted from the ground restraining the unfortunate beasts that had been captured and using them as blood banks to strengthen themselves.


Soon spells began raining down from those hanging on the wall and killing multiple beasts at the same time, greatly reducing pressure at the frontline. Using the opportunity of the momentum of the swarming beasts being reduced, the close quarter combatants engaged the beasts.

“Their teamwork is so seamless that those in charge of arrays and beast tamers have nothing to do.” Castiel said.

“They make it look like they are fighting 80 beasts instead of 800.” Brian couldn’t help but comment making it look too easy.

“When you have years of experience of fighting with people, you wouldn’t even need to think for seamless teamwork like this.” Luciano said.

In less than 10 minutes, all 800 beasts had been killed and the city barrier at the southern wall was back up. The adventurers, noble family members, and volunteers had returned to the city, concluding their training for the day.

Ash corps were charged with bringing the beast corpse back into the city causing the view outside the wall had become very peaceful and free from beasts, giving the students no reason to constantly keep patrolling.


By mid-noon, the number of beasts that had kept on making their way to the city barrier was a little bit below 200.

“Before the main event will begin, the afternoon would be your chance to get points. Note, while outside farming for points, the job of the ash cops assigned to each team isn’t to save you from the beasts, but from yourselves.”

“They would protect you from the stupid ones, but it doesn’t mean you wouldn’t be punished for being stupid.” Major Reeves said while looking at the 2nd year teams. “Good luck in farming points, and try not to die.”

His short speech confused a lot of people while making the rest frown.

“We are going outside the wall just like the adventurers?” Brian asked with a confused expression.

“I think you should be more worried about the last part.” Castiel said with a frown on his face.

The only job of the assigned ash cop members was to prevent them from scheming against each other, meaning if one of them was in danger they wouldn’t help them. That was the major problem, but not all of it.

It was a free-all, meaning lawless acts like kill stealing would be used especially against them to reduce the large margin they had over other teams.

Apart from kill stealing, there was a chance that they would somehow redirect the beasts to them getting them overran and possibly killed in the process.

“This won’t be easy.” At this point, Blake was wishing he was allowed to kill anyone that may prove to be dangerous to them.

“Proceed to the elevator.” Major Reeves said to the teams that were still complaining.

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