My Space-Time System

Chapter 330

Chapter 330: All within expectations.

Once Xander was recruited, the heat on him had reduced t top adventurers trying to capture him because of the enormous bounty on his head and the Ash corps who also placed the bounty on his head.

This was because they were afraid of the power of the league of assassins.

It wasn’t only because their members were way stronger than those on their level, but the league of assassins was at the pinnacle of the underworld meaning they controlled everything even though they rarely did.

So if anyone thought that they were strong enough to go against the league of assassins they should be prepared for the consequences that followed.

By becoming a member of the league, Xander was constantly receiving high-tier missions that not only increased his wealth but also refined further refined his skills and power.

Once he got to the peak of the hero realm, Xander decided to commence the final stage of his revenge, and that was killing his parents and all their legitimate children.

His parents were untalented mages who had been stuck at mid level of the hero realm for decades because they were too focused on parties and events.


This made Xander’s work easier. When his father had gone out to party, Xander had infiltrated his mansion and slaughtered every single soul including his wife before waiting for him to return before he easily subdued and took him to a hideout.

He did the same to his mother, killing her husband then taking both of them back to the headquarters of the league of assassins where he continuously tortured them for years, before killing them off when he advanced to the demigod realm.

During this period of advancement, Xander hadn’t taken any mission because he was training to master his new powers.

It was immediately he came out of training that Oliver Nystrom’s mission came in, and that led to the current situation.

“I never expected you to be the one to come for the master seal because I didn’t think you would accept such a low mission. ” Zola said with a smirk.

“I agree that it is a low-tier mission for someone of my level, but I didn’t accept it because of the money. If not I wouldn’t have charged a million gold coin above the artifacts market value.’ Xander said.

“I agreed to the mission because it involved messing with the Karius family. So why should I reject an opportunity to improve my portfolio by stealing and escaping from a peak demigod of one of the top 3 families in the empire?” Xander burst into laughter wiping off the smirk on Zola’s face.

‘Not only was his plan on stealing the artifact perfect, but he had also predicted my involvement, and from the looks of it he has a plan.’ Xander’s ability to make impeccable plans and predict the future weren’t to be underestimated especially with the life of his eldest son on the line.

One of Zola’s fear was that Xander had brought along another member of the league. If that was so, he might find it hard to escape talk more of saving Xavier.

With this series of thoughts, the peak demigod of the Karius family decided to take a different approach.

“Let’s get this over with, hand me my son and I won’t kill you.” Zola said in a stern tone.

“Trying to sound tough huh?” Xander chuckled as he continued speaking. “You should remember that his puny miserable life is in my hands. I can kill him and still escape or maybe kill you too.”

Xander’s statement confused Zola for a second, but he quickly discarded them because it was impossible for a nascent demigod to beat a peak demigod.



The sound of Xavier’s arm breaking and his scream following afterward echoed all around the corridor.

Unfortunately for Xavier, the vitality of a demigod was monstrous meaning he was still wide awake feeling the pains of every injury that had been inflicted on him.

“I wanted to know, is every house in the estate as reinforced as this?” Xander asked with genuine interest.

“I am beginning to lose my patience, tell me are you accepting my offer?” Zola said in an annoyed toned.

Xander ignored him as he began checking out his black-painted fingernails before answering. “It’s almost time, so why not?” Xander said with a smirk.

‘Time for what? This must be another bluff.’ Zola disregarded Xander’s statement and focused on the exchange that was about to take place.

“30 29 28 27 25... sorry I miscounted.” Xander apologized with a sinister smile that showed that he enjoyed what he was doing.

When he finally got to 0, Xander simultaneously kicked Xavier over to Zola while activating the clear gem ring.

“See ya!” Xander gave Zola a salute as a spatial tear opened behind him and he jumped backward to prevent any surprises.

‘I said you could leave, but not with the Master seal.’ Zola thought.

Immediately Xavier had been kicked over, Zola cast a high-tier water barrier to protect him while making a divine pronouncement.

“God says all held items should come to him!”

Immediately the divine pronouncement was made, a mystical force pulled the master seal out of Xander’s left hand causing it to fly towards Zola.

Divine pronouncements were only useful when fighting those lower in realm. Since the gap between each of the 5 levels of the demigod realm was enormous, it was more than enough to get the job done, but this was all within his predictions.



With the snapping of his fingers, 2 large explosions rang at 2 different parts of the Karius estate forcing Zola to lose concentration for a second, but that was more than enough for Xander.

The clear gem ring on Xander’s finer lit up, opening a spatial tear at the Master seal’s flight path causing both him and the artifact to disappear.

“Shit!” Zola cursed when as he and Xavier were the only ones left in the room.

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