My Space-Time System

Chapter 314 - This Should Be An Interesting One...

Chapter 314 - This Should Be An Interesting One...

"As for the team that has kept on impressing me, they will receive a 5/5 grading." Major Reeves said turning to Blake's team.

"For the fact they were given a target twice as difficult as the rest, even if they were to fail they would have gotten nothing below 3 points. Compared to other teams, their defense was impeccable and the offensive team wasn't lacking either.

"Although they saw that their main attacking power was temporarily gone, they kept the octopus elephant busy to prevent it from going after the defense. As for the main attack…" Major Reeves said pointing at Blake. "That level of ingenuity was outstanding, and the execution was superb. Well-deserved 5 points."

After the analysis, the teams moved over to the 2nd phase of the exercise which involved killing all beasts in their assigned area.

"What is the plan?" Castiel asked when the team hurdled up.

"Apart from setting up a pillar and getting more proficient at maneuvering with these things, there is really no plan." Blake said. "Besides Tessie had already taken care of most of the beasts for us."

Once again the students were instructed to move to their positions on the wall, before signaling the start of the second phase of the exercise.

A few hours later the reports of all the teams were being reported to Lovren by Professor Gibson.

"The position hasn't changed much since the last report. The 2nd year teams are actually stepping up, but it is already too late." Professor Gibson said. "They are down to their last lesson and apart from the northern gate, the other 1st year teams are led by a large margin."

"So why are the results differ in the northern gate?" Principal Lovren asked as he adjusted his monocle.

"The teams at the northern gate are comprised of mostly those below the 20th rank and they are up against the rank 10's team." Professor Gibson replied.

"Well, that makes a lot of sense." Principal Lovren nodded when he remembered Sach was assigned to the northern gate.

After the team test and his meeting with Rayzer, Sach had gone through a major change. Not only was he no longer bootlicking, but he had begun aggressively opposing. He had been given the 13th rank to get into the team test and to assassinate Blake, but after that, he didn't give back the rank to the rightful owner.

This caused the original owner of the rank to challenge him for the rank. Since he was no longer bootlicking, Sach stopped hiding his true strength and easily defeated the challenger, further cementing his position. He went ahead to keep challenging those above him until he finally challenged defeated the rank 10.

His actions prompted chain reactions that made nobles not want to have anything to do with him. This forced him to make form a team of commoners, but their overall strength wasn't as strong as those of the nobles.

"What of the normal classes, how are they fairing?" Principal Lovren asked.

"So far all the resources have been distributed to their designated locations, and there have been no reported deaths, only a few who had been injured." Professor Gibson answered.

"Any mental breakdowns when they killed or saw dead gang members?" Lovren asked with his face devoid of emotions.

"Very few students were not affected at all, the majority were slightly affected, while close to a dozen had serious mental breakdowns."

"Let me guess, all the least affected students were commoners, while the most affected were all nobles?" Principal Lovren asked.

"You guessed correctly."

Unlike the elite class that was comprised of both special commoners and nobles who had a lot of experience from both in and out of school, the normal class was totally inexperienced.

They had just recently gotten over the fear of being petrified when they faced beasts, but the school didn't plan on giving them any breaks because they were now killing humans.

"It isn't much of an issue. When they get to the point where they have to choose between recovering or failing, the body would surely be forced to recover." Principal Lovren stood up and adjusted his monocle as he looked out the window.

At one of the mansions in the Nystrom estate, Oliver Nystrom was in his safest rooms in the mansion with a one-time use communication orb that appeared in his bedroom.

"This means they can kill basically anyone below the angel realm." Oliver could vividly remember how shocked he was when came out of the shower and saw a parcel with the dark-purple stamp of the league of assassins on his bed.

He was partially correct. The league of assassins was just like the adventurer association, but unlike them the least rank of their members was A rank. Every single member was badass in their different fields, some were good at stealing from demigods, planning and killing even Angels.

Not just anyone could contract an assassin from the league, talk more of joining. They only went for extremely difficult missions and even those people would consider as impossible.

As the best beast tamer in the city, Oliver had been seen as worth their time. So when he had requested to contract an assassin through one of his contacts they had sent him a way of communicating with them.

He had mentioned it was a robbery, so the league had sent him the best A rank thief.

"I am Xander of the league of assassins, what do you want me to steal?" A holographic figure appeared but it was scrambled.

'The voice sounds like that of a kid. Is the most wanted thief in the empire a kid?' Oliver thought before replying to the assassin.

"A beast tamer artifact named Master seal. It was recently sold in the adventurer association auction and it was purchased by Xavier Karius." Oliver explained.

"Hmm… This should be an interesting one, don't you think?" The scrambled figure said in an excited tone, that left Oliver confused on what to say.

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