My Space-Time System

Chapter 308 - Mana Cannon Lesson.

Chapter 308 - Mana Cannon Lesson.

"If you had noticed, we had completed both the 2 and 3 lessons, meaning we would be going to treat the 4th lesson right now." Major Reeves announced.

At first, the students were confused and were wondering if they had lost the ability to count properly, but they soon began thinking back to the exercise.

According to Major Reeves, the 2nd lesson was meant to teach them how to prevent beasts from making their way onto the top of the wall, while the 3rd lesson was focused on teaching them damage control and how to remain calm in situations where beasts managed to come to the top.

Thinking back on what they had done earlier that day, they realized that they had done both of the lessons at once, but the question was why?

"You all have the same question on your minds, but before I answer that I want you all to go to the edge of the wall and take a look for yourselves." Major Reeves said to the teams.

Blake and his team moved to the edge, and they were surprised to find out that in such a short space of time, the number of beasts at the bottom of the wall had even surpassed the number they had just killed.

Once they were done, the students returned to their positions and Major Reeves continued speaking. "As you all can see, we don't have much time left before the main event begins. Meaning we have to speed up training or you guys wouldn't be allowed to stay close to the wall by that time."

'Isn't that what we all want? If there are no exams then we all will be passed.' Brian said through the mind link.

'Although we will be missing out on a lot of points, I would prefer canceling it to taking so much risk.' Blake replied.

After seeing the amount of artillery on the wall, Blake could only imagine the 'main event' to be an endless sea of beasts attacking the wall. There was a very high chance that mishaps could happen and that could lead to a lot of deaths.

"The 4th lesson would be learning how to use some of the magical devices on the wall. There are only 2 devices you are authorized to use, the magic cannon and the mini magic towers, but only when necessary." Major Reeves said. "Luckily both have similar mechanics and function meaning you just need to learn one to know both."

With that said, Major Reeves led the teams straight to the mana cannon floor, where he began explaining how to use them.

To activate the mana cannon, all one needed to do was pour mana into the blue crystal located at the right side of the cannon.

Once Blake had poured in mana, the inscriptions on the body lit up with the light blue color of mana. 3 holographic displays appeared, the 1 at the left was a single target attack while the other 2 were AOE attacks.

The single-target attack was a beam of mana the size of the cannon's muzzle shot out in a straight line.

On the other hand, the first of the AOE spell was a charged large ball of mana that would explode at the user's will.

The 2nd AOE skill was another charged ball of mana but when fired into the air, it would break apart and rain down mana spears on the target. The number and power of each spear could be controlled by the user, the more spears they were the less power, and vice versa.

"The blue crystal creates a connection between the user and the mana cannon, making controlling its powers similar to controlling your spells." Major Reeves began explaining how to use the cannon.

"For the execution, it would be an exercise where everyone would be graded individually, but all the points will be combined at the end." Major Reeves stated. "As for the grading system. The exercise will be graded over 2 points, 0 points if you don't fire the mana cannon at all, 1 point for firing, and 2 for excellent control."

With the rules explained, all the students took their positions on different mana cannons, and that was when Major Reeves spoke. "If anyone tries to sabotage another person they will be sent back to the school immediately."

'Just like Instructor Zirrack, although he looks mean he keeps making a good impression.' Blake couldn't help but nod when he heard Major Reeves.

His main worry was that the other teams especially the second years would try to sabotage their team now that they were separated, but it seems he doesn't have to worry anymore.

"Activate the walls." They had no idea who Major Reeves was talking to because they were the only ones in the room, but that was when the wall lit up with a blue hue.

Right before their eyes, the wall began moving apart creating a space for the muzzle of the mana cannon which simultaneously began moving forward.

'Damn!' Blake was astonished by the series of event that were going on, but from the looks of it, it wasn't over yet.

Once the muzzle had reached the edge of the wall, the walls turned invisible giving them a clear view of everything and the blue light of the mana cannon increased in intensity as it created a connection with Blake.

'Holy fuck this is way better than what I read in the books!' Blake was blown out of this world when he began seeing holographic names and rank over the heads of every beast below them.

"The walls and mana cannons are both connected to each other. The walls has many functions, but the main one is sending info from the core to the mana cannon which relays it to the user. While the cannon conveys instructions from the user to the wall.

That is why you can zoom in at your own will and even see the basic or full info of all the beasts below."

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