My Space-Time System

Chapter 215: Team Test (1)

Chapter 215: Team Test (1)

"How can I trust you?" Sach asked because one thing he couldn't risk was getting expelled and not fulfilling his goal.

"If you are still having doubts, when you become his team leader you wouldn't doubt my power again. Besides the coins and resources, I gave you should be more than enough to last you your entire lifetime if you invest properly." The deep voice said.

"Alright, consider it done." Sach said.

Just like before, thick smoke came out of the communication orb before turning to ashes.

Sach looked at the gold coins but this time he didn't have the urge to dive into it because a lot was currently on his mind.

'Why would you offer so much to kill a commoner?' Sach was trying to answer a question that has been on his mind since the last interaction.

'There can only be 1 option. He has a strong backer, but who can make such a powerful person wary?' Sach was having a question and answer session in his mind as he paced around his room.

"Prince Bryon." That was the only answer he could think of.

"How did a commoner get the attention of the Emperor's son? That doesn't matter right now, I have already accepted the request." Sach said to himself but that was when a thought came across his mind.

"What are the implications?"

He had already thought about this, but now he had discovered Blake was being backed by Bryon, it was a whole different matter altogether.

If he completes the task, it will surely be investigated and he might be killed by Prince Bryon's men or even silenced by that voice.

If he didn't complete, there was no way he would be alive because if he was dead there was no way to bring up the case later in the future.

If he decided not to carry on with the task, he would also be dead and there was nowhere he could run to.

"I am fucked." At this point, Sach stopped pacing around and sat down on his bed with tears in his ears.

"After everything I have gone through, I am going to die so soon. What will happen to all the dreams we had brother?" Sach cursed the unfairness of life.

Some were born with golden spoons while some were born with none at all, but the worst part of it was that those with nothing weren't given the ability to acquire 1. They were always stuck in a rat race for survival talk more of having dreams.

Sach lay down on his bed thinking about his past and imagining a future where he had accomplished his dream of being an S rank adventurer and being able to truly help commoners, but that was when he suddenly stood up and wiped his tears.

"If I am going die, crying won't solve the problem, besides there are people that need these more." Sach said as he put the gold coins and beast cores into his dimensional amulet before heading for the orphanage he grew up in.

If he ended up dying with so much wealth in his dimensional amulet there was a chance that the person who may come to kill him may take it.

So it was better to donate it to the poorly funded orphanage, besides if he completed the mission and didn't end up dying, the full payment would take him a very long way.

On the day of the Test.

The 1st year students were gathered in the hall waiting for the principal to arrive.

After 20 more minutes of waiting, Principal Lovren finally arrived but at the same time, so did the 2nd year students had been warped into the hall.

Immediately they appeared in the hall, they began taking their seats but the entire first years could clearly see the disgust in the eyes of the nobles.

It was disgust on both the commoners who were lower lifeforms and on the nobles because they had proven to be incompetent in handling the commoners.

"This test is aimed at assessing two things. For the first years, the test is aimed at assessing how well you coordinate yourself when being led by someone.

For the 2nd year students, it is aimed at assessing your leadership skills." Principal Lovren said.

"This test will be taking place deep in the Mina forest and will last for a week. Both classes will be tested in a different location. The location of the normal class won't be as deep as that of the elite class.

Each team will be a randomly selected team of 5 and the same will go for its leader. For the elite class, each of the 13 teams will be randomly assigned to a 2nd year student from the top 13 ranks." Principal Lovren explained.

"The aim is to hunt as many beasts as possible while trying to survive from them.

For each beast you kill a certain number of points are assigned to your team. A magic beast is worth 5 points, a chief rank beast is worth 50 points, an Elite rank beast is worth 200 points, a knight rank beast is worth a thousand points.

By the end of the week, the team with the highest points would be the winner." With that said Principal Lovren stepped back as Professor Gibson stepped forward.

With the names of all students inputted into an energy glass orb, Professor Gibson began assigning students to their teams and leaders.

"Team 6. Damon, Kade, Blake, Beyoni, and Ansgar. Team leader: Sach." Professor Gibson announced.

The newly formed team gathered and began introducing themselves.

'This is a mess.' Blake thought as he saw his teammates.

Almost everyone had issues with each other. Beyoni hated most high rankers, Ansgar hated Blake for shaming him multiple times, and also Kade and Beyoni for being commoners.

It was only Damon and Kade who he thought was reliable because he had no clue about the strength and weaknesses of?their team leader.

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