My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 443: The Show Begins, Watch and Wait (Third Update)

Chapter 443: Chapter 443: The Show Begins, Watch and Wait (Third Update)

Ji Baixing had found her inspiration.

She never thought that one day it would be Yin Qin who gave her that inspiration.

Returning to her studio, she began furiously sketching her designs, pouring her whole heart into it.

Yin Qin could sense her current state, not wanting to disturb her, he left her studio.

After leaving, he headed straight to the Milky Way Corporation.

In the days he had been absent, Wu Meili had made many calls to him, saying that she had many things to report to him, and he had agreed to meet her at this time.

He entered his office.

Seeing his return, Wu Meili was overcome with joy and broke down crying.

She promptly followed Yin Qin into his office, saying, “Chairman, you’re finally back.”

“Sorry for keeping you waiting so late, you must be tired.”

“Not having you around is what’s tiring. I’ve taken at least a hundred calls a day about ‘Hall of Heaven’, I swear I’m not lying!” Wu Meili nearly wept as she said this.

“I see.” Yin Qin smiled faintly, “Have a seat.”

Wu Meili summarized and reported on the work that had accumulated during this period.

Yin Qin listened attentively.

He and Wu Meili worked for a full four hours.

When they finished, it was already past 2 AM.

He stretched his back.

He draped a coat over Wu Meili, who had already fallen asleep, left her a note asking her to come to work a little later the next day, and then he drove home.

Back at the villa, it was quiet as a grave.

Yin Qin carefully dragged his luggage back to his room.

The room was pitch black.

Luo Xiaolang no longer left a light on for him, and was already asleep.

Even when he returned, Luo Xiaolang did not wake.

He turned on a dim light, not wanting to disturb Luo Xiaolang. He entered the bathroom for a careful bath, then returned and lay down on the bed, close to Luo Xiaolang.

Luo Xiaolang had actually awoken as soon as Yin Qin had returned.

But she always felt like anything she did would be superfluous.

She just laid there, feeling Yin Qin’s arms around her, soon lulled to sleep by his rhythmic breathing.

By the time she woke the next day, he had already left again.

He had left to go to Ji Baixing’s studio.

Today was the last day, and tomorrow morning at ten, the results would be revealed to the nation via live broadcast!

He was somewhat worried.

He was not sure if Ji Baixing could design satisfactory work overnight.

Meanwhile, back at the Milky Way Corporation.

Weng Cheng asked his confidant in a cold voice, “Yin Qin arrived at the company after 10 PM last night, and left after 2 AM?”

“Yes,” his confidant replied respectfully.

“Did he come today?” Weng Cheng asked.

“No, but I heard he went to Ji Baixing’s place.”

Weng Cheng scoffed, “So this man will eventually meet his end at the hands of a woman.”

His confidant nodded, “Indeed, Yin Qin has been devoting all his time to Ji Baixing. The whole mess with ‘Hall of Heaven’ these past few days has turned everything upside down and just when I thought Yin Qin would handle it today, he still chose to go to Ji Baixing’s place. His secretary didn’t come in today either, the whole project team is about to explode. I’ve already managed to bribe a few people on the live broadcast team, they have a decent relationship with Yin Qin’s team behind the scenes, they’ll know when to turn a blind eye.”

“Good.” Weng Cheng laughed smugly, suddenly remembering something, he asked, “Oh right. Have the ratings for the last episode been calculated yet?”

“Yes.” His confidant seemed a little hesitant.

“What are they?”

“1.8. It’s ranked first in its time slot. The third best ratings for a variety show in half a year.” His confidant said, bracing himself.

Weng Cheng’s expression drastically changed.

He expected high ratings, but he didn’t think they could be this high!

“Loads of sponsors want to name ‘Hall of Heaven’, but it seems Yin Qin rejected all of them. I don’t know what game he’s playing,” his confidant said.

“Just showing off, what game could he be playing?” Weng Cheng said with ill-hidden frustration, “He’s only trying to inflate his worth to make others beg him. He doesn’t even need the money! No matter what success he’s had, the higher you jump, the harder you fall. I’m eager to see the miserable sight of Yin Qin tumbling from heaven to earth!”

“Yes,” his confidant replied with utmost respect.

At that moment, Yin Qin also saw the ratings for the last episode.

As expected, this episode would be even higher.

Such high ratings would cause an even greater backlash when problems arise.

He was just waiting for some people’s complacent scheming to backfire!

He put down his phone and watched Ji Baixing, who was still engrossed in design.

Ji Baixing had barely slept the entire night.

Because inspiration came so fiercely, she feared it would disappear in an instant.

She laid down her design drafts.

“What do you think?”

“Take a look.” Ji Baixing handed it to Yin Qin.

Yin Qin turned over his design draft.

“The color tone is grey. But it’s not a color of decadence, rather it’s a high-quality, sophisticated grey! It represents nobility, elegance, coolness, and cloaked in a sense of loneliness—that of abstinence. The matching clothes are not casual or business but meticulously tailored high-end suits and formal wear, which makes you seem both unattainable and magnificently noble. In this manner, the person is made to look invincible, perfect, solely to cover up their inner obsession, not wanting anyone to discover their inner darkness. This is my interpretation of ‘Unrequited Love’,” Ji Baixing said, looking right at Yin Qin.

Yin Qin nodded, “I think it’s great, the sense of design in the clothing is also quite strong. I have a premonition, that this sophisticated grey will be the trend for a long time at banquets.”

Ji Baixing responded with a slight smile.

In her smile, there was a hint of bitterness.

What Yin Qin was able to understand, it was all about the clothes.

Perhaps he could no longer understand, her heart beneath the clothing.

Ji Baixing perfected all her designs, before personally starting on producing the products.

Yin Qin spent almost all day with her.

It was 11 o’clock at night when Ji Baixing finally finished.

Yin Qin took Ji Baixing out for dinner.

As the two left,

Anna stepped into Ji Baixing’s office.

When she saw the magnificent clothing in the office, she was truly stunned.

She had seen Ji Baixing’s designs before and thought they were all standard, giving her little chance of winning, but this set of clothing was simply breathtakingly exquisite.

She hesitated for a long time.

Eventually, she took a photo and sent the design sketch to Li Wenjun.

She was worried that Li Wenjun might retaliate against her if he lost.

Li Wenjun’s design had also been completed.

He was fit-testing it on a model.

The moment he saw his phone notification and picked it up,

he was confident in his own design because he knew Ji Baixing’s designs. However, at this moment, when he saw the photo and the design sketch on his phone, his expression changed.

Just one day.

How could Ji Baixing possibly have improved so drastically?!


The clothing in front of him was completely outclassed by hers.

She had actually used grey, such an insignificant color, was transformed on her clothing into a sophisticated texture.

His face turned extremely sour.

The assistant was still helping him with the clothing, noticing his unusual behaviour, “Boss, what’s wrong?”

Li Wenjun came back to his senses, glaring at the clothing in front of him with a scowl.

The assistant frowned.

Li Wenjun said, “Redo everything!”

The assistant was taken aback.

Weren’t they quite satisfied with this design before?

It incorporated many people’s design schemes, and he thought it was superior to all his previous designs. The competition is starting tomorrow, and now they’re redoing it all?!

Li Wenjun gritted his teeth and said, “Find me grey fabric, we need this kind of material…”

Rather than losing miserably,

it was better to … take a risk.

He ground his teeth.

Anyway, he had previously claimed Ji Baixing used his designs; he could simply insist this was one of his previous design drafts. All he had to do was redraw the design draft and add an old date.

He smirked.

No matter what, he wouldn’t let Ji Baixing win.

At the same time, Yin Qin and Ji Baixing were dining at a café across the street.

Yin Qin took Ji Baixing’s phone, looking at the surveillance video on the screen monitoring Ji Baixing’s office through a miniature camera.

The videos could be replayed.

So they watched everything Anna was doing clearly and explicitly.

Both this time and the last,

it was all recorded.

They deliberately left to give Anna the chance.

Ji Baixing also watched the content! She couldn’t help but ask, “Is Li Wenjun really that stupid to plagiarize directly?”

Isn’t he afraid of falling into their trap?!

“He is that stupid.” Yin Qin affirmed confidently.

Because he does not want to lose, he will definitely do this!

He smirked.

Tomorrow they would just wait and watch the drama unravel!

Li Wenjun, this guy, has been arrogant for far too long!

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