My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 435: 435: Success or Failure Depends on This Move (Additional Chapter)

Yin Qin gave a self-deprecating smile.

He accepted Ji Baixing’s bowl and chopsticks.

What expectations could he have now?

Becoming friends with Ji Baixing calmly and peacefully was their best choice.

He quickly finished his breakfast.

Ji Baixing looked at his rushed manner of eating and laughed, “Are you in such a hurry?”

“I have a meeting later and a live show tonight. I don’t think it will go smoothly,” Yin Qin replied frankly. His budding feelings were swept away.

For him, tonight was a matter of life and death.

If tonight’s show doesn’t reach a certain rating, it would be tough for the upcoming ones to recover.

Ji Baixing was well aware of Yin Qin’s current predicament. She didn’t say much, “Drive carefully. Here are my car keys. You can go first. I’ll come later in the studio car.”

“Alright.” Yin Qin did not refuse.

After he had breakfast, he took Ji Baixing’s car keys and drove away.

His mind was filled with work while driving. He kept thinking about all the aspects of work he could think of. At some point, in his crowded work schedule, he suddenly thought of Luo Xiaolang.

He was anxious because he had not returned all night, and he was worried that Luo Xiaolang had been waiting for him.

He hastily picked up the phone to call her, not noticing that Luo Xiaolang had made a call to him before.

The phone rang for quite a while.

Luo Xiaolang finally answered, her voice heavy with sleep, “Hello.”

“Are…are you still asleep?” Yin Qin asked.

“Mhm,” she replied.

“Oh, I worked through the night last night. I was afraid you were waiting for me,” Yin Qin said.

He felt apologetic. He had genuinely forgotten to inform Xiaolang. The fact that she was still sleeping, made him believe she must have waited for him all night.

“I know,” Luo Xiaolang responded lightly.

“You know?” Yin Qin raised an eyebrow.

“Isn’t the reason you didn’t come back because you had work?” Luo Xiaolang casually said, omitting the details.

“Didn’t you wait for me last night?” Yin Qin asked, his heart fluttering as he asked the question.

“I did. But when you didn’t come back, I went to sleep.” She didn’t say what time she had waited until.

Yin Qin knew she must have waited for him.

He said, “In the future, if I don’t come back, I’ll call you.”


“I’ll be busy today and might be late tonight, so don’t wait for me,” Yin Qin warned her in advance.

“Sure,” Xiaolang replied.

“Then you go back to sleep for a while, I’m hanging up.”


Luo Xiaolang hung up the phone first.

She put down her phone and nestled back in her blanket.

She didn’t understand why the moment she heard Ji Baixing answer Yin Qin’s call, she felt so uncomfortable that after finishing the call at around 4 am, she didn’t fall asleep until about ten minutes before Yin Qin called.

She rolled over.

She felt she should not overthink.

Yin Qin quickly returned to the Milky Way.

Wu Meili really made one cup of coffee after another until they got cold, just waiting for their chairman to arrive.

She immediately greeted him, “Chairman, you finally arrived.”

“What’s the matter?” Yin Qin asked.

“No… I was just afraid that you wouldn’t come today…” Wu Meili replied.

“Escape from the battlefield?” Yin Qin raised his eyebrow.

Wu Meili paused and dared not admit it.

“Don’t worry, I’m not afraid of losing face,” Yin Qin said bluntly.

This, Wu Meili had to agree with.

“Black coffee, thanks.”

Wu Meili quickly made another cup of coffee.

Yin Qin sat in his office, turned on his computer and prepared for the meeting.

Wu Meili respectfully placed the coffee in front of Yin Qin. As she was leaving, she hesitated and wanted to say something.

Yin Qin looked at the computer screen. After confirming that nothing was missing and seeing that there was still some time left, he turned his gaze to Wu Meili. “Have something to say?”

“No, no. I just saw a news about you, Li Wenjun, and Miss Ji Baixing. I don’t know if you’re interested. I didn’t dare to ask, I didn’t dare to say.”

“So, you ended up saying it,” Yin Qin said, laughing while sipping from his coffee.

Wu Meili opened her mouth to say something and then hesitated again.

“Go out,” Yin Qin said.

Wu Meili didn’t dare to ask anything more and left the office.

Yin Qin continued to drink his coffee, casually picked up his phone and noticed the battery was almost dead. He plugged in the charger, and took his time browsing through the news.

“Yin Qin supports Ji Baixing, Creates a Scene on Li Wenjun’s Personal Show.”

The media always seems to enjoy tying him together with Ji Baixin, as if each piece of news about them together always manages to create a small buzz.

Does everyone desperately want them to reconcile or what?

He clicked on the news story.

The story read, “…Li Wenjun’s individual show themed ‘friendship’ was held at the World Trade Building with numerous leading figures in the fashion industry, high-end clients from high society, and journalists from various agencies attending. The show was very successful, with Li Wenjun’s blue-toned clothing gaining admiration from everyone. However, just as the show was about to end, Yin Qin appeared unexpectedly and made sarcastic remarks, alluding that the design inspiration came from Ji Baixin.”

Ji Baixin is also a professional designer and had been entangled in a love affair with Li Wenjun for several years but they are now separated. The reason for their breakup is unclear. Some say it was due to disagreements, others suggest that Ji Baixin still loves Yin Qin. Many versions circulate but none have been confirmed by the parties involved. One thing, however, seems clear: Yin Qin is still pining for Ji Baixin. Notably, Yin Qin is married, and not to Ji Baixin. It is unknown whether he would divorce his present wife for Ji Baixin.

After Yin Qin had disrupted Li Wenjun’s show, Li Wenjun accepted an interview with our news reporter and explained the situation. According to Li, Ji Baixin was frequently involved in discussions with him regarding design when they were together due to their common profession. He would often share his sketches with her. Today’s design revealed at the show was sketched and shared with Ji Baixin in the past. It was reported that Ji Baixin planned to use these designs for the costumes in “Hall of Heaven”. This led to a conflict resulting in Yin Qin’s extreme reaction. Li Wenjun stated that most of the design ideas from Ji Baixin’s studio last year were inspired by his concepts. He hopes that Ji Baixin will stop ‘borrowing’ his designs to avoid such awkward situations.”

There were many comments below the article.

Most expressed disdain towards Yin Qin, accusing him of being fickle.

Some people also mocked Ji Baixin, feeling that this woman, who once fiercely dumped Yin Qin, is shamelessly returning after seeing him married. Isn’t she ashamed?

Almost all of the news seemed to favor Li Wenjun.

Some people even ridiculed Ji Baixin for being shameless, criticizing her for continually using her ex-boyfriend’s designs.

Yin Qin put down his phone.

He finished his coffee and stretched languidly.

What he wanted now was exposure, good or bad, he would accept it all!

At 9:30 in the morning.

He sat in the conference room for a final meeting with the entire crew of the “Hall of Heaven” talent show. He spoke earnestly, “In terms of skills, you are all professionals, and I have no doubt about your abilities, even for a live broadcast. You all have plenty of experience. I only want to say one thing, tonight’s live show cannot have any problems, such as an unexpected interruption of the broadcast, errors in text editing, sudden malfunction of sound, sudden loss of lighting, etc. If anyone causes problems, I will hold them accountable. As for the consequences, not only will the Milky Way no longer welcome you but I will responsibly inform you, big-name film and television companies and even local television stations, you will not be welcomed.”

The atmosphere in the room was a bit stiff, no one spoke.

“I know my words may sound harsh, but it’s just to let you all know how important this variety show is to us! Of course, if you can complete the live broadcast without a hitch, I will distribute the promised rewards in full. Secretary Wu.”

“Yes.” Wu Meili pulled out several envelopes.

“You can take a look.” Yin Qin said.

Everyone opened the envelopes.

Each contained a check, bearing an amount that would excite anyone.

Everyone looked at Yin Qin in surprise.

“These are cash checks but they need my command to become effective. That is to say, if tonight’s broadcast goes smoothly, this money is all yours. If not, no matter how minor an issue, the checks will merely be useless pieces of paper with attractive numbers.”

Everyone looked at one another, then down again at the checks in the envelopes.

“I won’t take up any more of your precious time.” Yin Qin, who disliked dragging things out, stood up and bowed deeply, “I really thank you all for tonight.”

There was a moment of stunned silence.

Then a crew member said loudly, “Chairman, please be assured!”

Then, many others chorused, “Chairman, please be assured.”

Yin Qin smiled.

He turned and left.

Wu Meili followed behind.

Wu Meili sincerely admired her chairman. How had he thought to stimulate the crew members’ enthusiasm with checks? This check was far more substantial than any verbal promise. She used to think he was unremarkable, but now he seemed full of surprises!

Yin Qin returned to his office and told Wu Meili, “Have the project group members meet at 1 in the afternoon.”


Yin Qin couldn’t completely guarantee that the crew members at the scene would not be completely bought out and since it was a live show, any minor mistake would affect the overall quality of the program and directly influence public opinion. This was difficult to ensure at the moment. He could only be fully prepared, hoping that Weng Cheng, with his arrogance, might underestimate him and not interfere secretly.

At 1 in the afternoon.

Yin Qin held another meeting with the project team members.

The people in the project group were basically all his confidants.

He said, “We have done our best in the early stages, but now is not the time to relax. I can’t guarantee that the live broadcast will go smoothly. I am worried that many unexpected things will happen in the middle. Therefore, I have created an on-site division of tasks for you all. You don’t need to worry about the tasks you were previously responsible for, just focus on the tasks I will assign now.”


“Firstly, I need to inspect every corner of the on-site recording hall, including the technical broadcast department, etc., to ensure there are no blind spots in the 360-degree video surveillance. I need cameras in every area involved in tonight’s show. Xie Mao and Zhang Fan will be responsible.”


“Then, I need someone to monitor the surveillance room full-time to observe whether there are any problems in all areas involved in the live broadcast. If there is the slightest abnormality, report it immediately. Wen Huan and Qu Qiang will be responsible.”


“The rest of you need to have someone focused on every corner of the scene tonight, for example, the broadcast team, the director team, the sound team, the lighting team, the event team, etc. Keep an eye on the staff to ensure they can’t make any disruptive actions! The specific personnel can be found on the list in your hands.”

“Yes.” Everyone replied.

“The people in this conference room are those who have my complete trust. I hope that tonight, we won’t lose a single one!” Yin Qin instructed firmly.

“We will definitely do our best.”

Yin Qin nodded and stood up from his seat, “I’m counting on you.”

Everyone was solemn.

Everyone seemed extremely determined.

Yin Qin stood straight, “I won’t take up anymore of your time. Meeting dismissed.”

Yin Qin left.

After he left, everyone else also quickly dispersed, each thrown into their respective duties.

Yin Qin sat in his office.

At this moment, he suddenly felt drained, likely because he had arranged all work on his hands properly and couldn’t think of anything else to do, so he didn’t want to think anymore.


Success or failure depended on tonight!

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