My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 419: 419: Old man Yin shows off his affection, Yin Qin returns to the Milky Way (Second Update)

Chapter 419: 419: Old man Yin shows off his affection, Yin Qin returns to the Milky Way (Second Update)

Yin Family’s villa.

The next day, Yin Qin yawned as he stretched and descended the stairs.

Luo Xiaolang also got up from bed.

Little Tiger didn’t really demand for night feedings anymore, so Luo Xiaolang gradually began to resume her normal routine.

They headed to the dining room for breakfast.

At the same time.

Yin Bin and Qin Keqin came down from upstairs and went directly to the dining room.

Yin Qin looked at his parents and couldn’t help asking, “Is my sister okay?”

“What are you talking about?” Qin Keqin’s expression darkened.

“Didn’t you guys rush out so frantically last night, was it not to go to the hospital?”

“It’s not what you think.” Qin Keqin explained rarely, “Eat your food, finish up quickly and go to work for me. There are so many people at home waiting for you to support, you better be serious!”

“…” Damn, the pressure is suddenly so high.

Yin Bin bowed his head and continued eating.

Luo Xiaolang was also eating quietly.

The dining table, which should have been quite harmonious, suddenly became… uh, changed.

Yin Qin watched his parents, his parents who couldn’t stand each other and even found it hurtful to look at each other for one more second, what’s with all this display of affection?!

He watched as his dad peeled an egg for his mom and even proactively fed it to her.

Clearly his mom wasn’t too fond of it, but at that moment, she suddenly opened her mouth and started eating bite by bite.

As she was eating, his dad was blowing on the vegetable porridge in the bowl for her.

In the past.

His mum would have been repulsed by his dad’s saliva.

Now, what the heck is going on now?

He watched, dumbfounded.

Not just Yin Qin, even Luo Xiaolang found their actions to be quite different from usual at that moment.

Both of them were staring blatantly at them.

Feeling the gaze, it was rare for Yin Bin to glance at his son, his mind completely on his wife, he coldly said, “Eat your food, where are you looking!”

“What are you guys… planning to do?!”

“Why are you asking so many questions?”

“I’m freaking out! You two suddenly getting along so well, are you really the parents I’ve known? Have you both been possessed or something, should I invite a Feng Shui master to check if something’s wrong with our home… Ouch!” Yin Qin held his head.

He looked at his father with grievance.

He was serious, why did he hit him!?

“From now on, your mom and I will love each other, living happily ever after, you can just go wherever you’re not a bother!”

“Are you hinting that I should run away from home?”

“What are you thinking!” Qin Keqin was speechless, Yin Bin and Yin Qin’s train of thoughts were simply identical! She said, “You need to earn money seriously to support the family, you can’t go anywhere!”

“Mom, did you really reconcile with my dad? You’ve been in a cold war for more than 20 years and now you’re just fine?” Yin Bin looked skeptical and a little disappointed.

“Is that what a son should say?” Yin Bin coldly stared.

“You guys are really scary, suddenly getting along… so affectionately, you look like a couple who’ve just gotten married, Luo Xiaolang and I are not even as cheesy as you two!”

A single glance from Qin Keqin.

“Okay, okay, I won’t say anything.” Yin Qin put down his chopsticks.

He had eaten enough.

He said, “I’d better go to work and support the family, so I won’t be a third wheel here.”

No one paid any attention to Yin Qin.

Yin Qin was speechless.

He must have been picked up from somewhere.

He got up and left.

As he was leaving, he suddenly turned back and asked, “Mom, my dad didn’t threaten you in any way, did he?”

“Yin Qin!” Yin Bin looked serious.

“I’m just saying, don’t hold back, call the police if you need to!”

“You little rabbit!” Yin Bin was angry, “Can’t I win over your mom with my charm?”

“I didn’t say you couldn’t.” Yin Qin mumbled, “I’m just curious. Mom, you don’t think my dad is still capable…”

“Yin Qin, get out of here now!” Qin Keqin was about to be infuriated to death by her son.

“Okay, okay, I’m leaving.”

There’s no need to be so fierce.

“I must have guessed it right.” He muttered while walking away.

Qin Keqin almost vomited blood.

Yin Bin quickly comforted her in a soft voice, “Don’t bother arguing with that kid, it would upset our daughter.”

Qin Keqin thought about it and decided not to be angry any more.

Yin Qin turned back to look one more time.

He saw his dad seemingly dissolve into a puddle of water!

It made him shudder.


It’s so bloody disgusting.

He walked out of the villa, headed to his car, sat in the driver’s seat, and drove off.


He was very happy deep down that his parents were able to be as close as they used to be. What child wouldn’t like their parents to be loving? He only paraded a nonchalant facade so as not to make it awkward for them.

He drove to the Milky Way.

After getting out of the car, he took a deep breath and walked into the Milky Way Building.

From now on, he was on his own.

He was actually resisting, but thinking that a family was depending on him, and his dad lost so much face for him, he couldn’t selfishly hide in his ivory tower any longer, he had to learn to fight back.


He wouldn’t rest until he took down Li Wenjun!

He entered the elevator.

There were many looks around him.

Coming and going.

He arrived at the executive floor, got off from the elevator.

He went straight to the executive office and ordered his secretary, “Bring all my previous stuff in.”

“But, Mr. Yin…”

“From now on, I am the CEO, taking over my dad’s position, there is no need for any doubt, just do as I say.”

“Yes.” The secretary nodded respectfully.

Yin Qin sat in the office, switched on his dad’s computer.

The computer password… he typed in the pinyin of his dad’s name plus the password.


She tried typing her own name’s pinyin and password.


He paused, then entered his mother’s name in pinyin and the password.

Access granted!

Yin Bin stared at the computer screen.

This damn thing is just showing off its dog food, isn’t it!

He picked up the mouse and started checking the files.

The secretary came in several times to help him move all of his stuff in, getting everything ready.

Yin Bin said to the secretary, “Inform all the directors. We’ll have a meeting at 3 PM.”

“Right now?”

“Mm-hmm,” Yin Bin nodded.

The secretary had no choice but to agree.

Half an hour.

The secretary appeared visibly nervous, saying, “I’ve just announced the board meeting, but many directors said they have other commitments and wouldn’t be able to make it at 3 PM, so…”

“No problem, tell them that today’s board meeting will definitely take place. If they can’t make it at 3 PM, it’ll be moved to 4 PM. If they can’t make it at 4 PM, it’ll be moved to 5 PM. We’ll keep delaying until everyone can be present.”

The secretary looked at Yin Qin.

“Do you need me to repeat it?” Yin Qin retorted.

The secretary hurriedly nodded, “Yes.”

The secretary left.

As she left, she had a feeling that Yin Qin had changed somehow. He had suddenly become much more serious, and this serious side of him had a certain charm.

Just goes to show, women do love bad boys.

She used to think he was nothing more than a wastrel, but today he seemed to have completely turned over a new leaf.

The secretary reluctantly called the directors again to relay Yin Qin’s instructions.

She had thought that the board meeting wouldn’t take place today.

But by 4 PM, all the directors had arrived.

The secretary hadn’t expected that. Based on her understanding, these directors shouldn’t respect Yin Qin. They were all loyal to Director Wei, and everyone knew that Director Wei and Yin Qin were only cordial on the surface.

Regardless, she had done her job.

Yin Qin walked into the boardroom.

The scene was noisy.

Yin Qin took the seat in the center.

Although Wei Cheng was currently in full control of the company, he was ultimately the largest shareholder. As such, he naturally had to sit in the middle.

Everyone paused for a second when Yin Qin arrived. They then resumed chatting without paying him any attention.

Yin Qin didn’t mind.

He just silently watched them, not saying a word.

The meeting room remained noisy, with everyone engaged in their own conversations.

About half an hour passed.

Some people started to notice something was amiss.

A director asked, “Yin Qin, you called this board meeting, yet you’re not saying anything. Are you playing with us?”

His voice was sarcastic, filled with anger.

The meeting room went quiet for a moment.

Yin Qin laughed, “Uncle Zhang, that’s not true. I saw that you were all busy chatting, so I was waiting for you guys. No problem, continue your conversation. We’ll start the meeting when you’re done.”

“You!” Zhang Qiang’s face darkened. “What was your father thinking, handing the chairmanship to you?”

Zhang Qiang’s disdain for Yin Qin was evident on his face.

“I too wonder if my father had gone soft in the head. But the fact is, I am indeed the chairman now. I’m counting on all of you directors to support me.”

“Can you stop wasting our time? Either spit out what you’ve got to say or call an end to the meeting! What a complete waste of time!” Zhang Qiang was visibly displeased.

Yin Qin remained calm, he smiled, “Are you done chatting?”

“Just spit it out if you have something to say!” Another director, He Quan, also sounded angry.

Yin Qin said, “Well, if you’re all done, I’ll say my piece. My father has transferred all the shares of the Milky Way to me. From now on, I am the chairman of the Milky Way…”

“Can you cut the crap? We all know this already, we’ve received the notice. Do you need to announce it here? Just showing off because you’ve never held power before?!”

Yin Qin merely laughed again, seemingly unfazed.

Wei Cheng, sitting to one side, had a cold smile on his face.

What could this little punk possibly do?!

He had originally planned to have all the directors ignore Yin Qin. But then, he thought that publicly humiliating Yin Qin would serve as a reality check and show him who truly held power in the Milky Way. Just because Yin Qin held the majority of the shares didn’t mean he could act high and mighty.

Wei Cheng looked at Yin Qin with a derisive smile, watching him not taking his job seriously.

Yin Qin said, “Since you’re all aware, I won’t dwell on it. But as a newcomer, my father hopes that I can achieve something and make a contribution to the Milky Way. So I want to make my mark here, and I hope you directors will help me.”

“We would certainly hope you can achieve something!” He Quan replied sarcastically, “We just fear you’re here to coast on the gravy train.”

“Uncle He, rest assured, I am serious about this.”

He Quan remained skeptical.

Yin Qin wasn’t bothered by this. He continued, “So, given that, what do you see as a suitable role for me?”

“What could possibly suit you?” Zhang Qiang also showed his disdain.

Yin Qin asked Wei Cheng, “Cousin, what do you think I should do?”

Wei Cheng responded with a sarcastic grin, saying, “Chairman Yin, in the company, let alone at such an important board meeting, please refer to me as Director Wei.”

“So you’re fond of the director title,” Yin Qin noted bluntly.

Wei Cheng’s face turned gloomy. “It’s a rule of the workplace, get some common sense.”

“Oh. Director Wei, what job do you think I should do?”

“Drinking, cavorting with women, playing video games, aren’t these your skills?” Wei Cheng replies bluntly.

The whole room burst into laughter at his remark.

Yin Qin kept his composure, saying, “Director Wei, that was the past. I don’t like those things anymore.”

“A capricious one, always fluctuating!”

“Since Director Wei doesn’t think I can do any job well, I do have one in mind.”

“Out with it,” Wei Cheng scoffed. He didn’t believe that Yin Qin could do anything worthwhile.

“The casting for the ‘Hall of Heaven.’ I remember that Director Wei said I would be in charge of the project. But in the end, I didn’t do anything.”

“Do you think you can handle it all by yourself?!”

“How would you know I can’t if you don’t give me a shot?”

“I don’t need to try. I’ve known you since you were a child, and I’m quite clear about your capabilities. You’ve never successfully completed anything!”

“A prodigal who returns is more precious than gold. Director Wei, are you afraid that my sudden rise in competence will steal your thunder?” Yin Qin raised an eyebrow. His tone was casual, but there was an unmistakable edge to his words.

Wei Cheng’s voice turned icy, “What a joke, have a good look at yourself.”

“If that’s so, then what are you afraid of?” Yin Qin returned the icy gaze.

Changing from his usual playful demeanor, his words now rang out with a powerful, compelling force!

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