My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 243: 241: Unveiling the Identity of Ji Baijian (Second Update)

Chapter 243: 241: Unveiling the Identity of Ji Baijian (Second Update)

Translator: 549690339

“Ji Baijian, who are you?” The room was filled with the clear voice of Song Zhizhi.

She just wants to know, who is he?

He should clearly tell her who he truly is.

“I am Ji Baijian.” Ji Baijian stated clearly. Song Zhizhi suddenly chuckled.

She gazed at Ji Baijian.

So, he still wouldn’t tell her.

He still wouldn’t reveal who he really is.

She had struggled so much internally, always feeling that she was pushing Ji Baijian into a corner. She had thought of accepting him even if he was a murderer, as long as he told her everything.

She stood up, preparing to leave.

She believed that they could not have a proper conversation anymore.

She could choose to pretend to know nothing and leave on good terms.

As she was about to depart, he seized her.

Song Zhizhi struggled, unable to break free.

Ji Baijian had surprising strength.

Ji Baijian ordered, “Sit down.”

Song Zhizhi still stood.

“Sit down.” Ji Baijian’s voice grew slightly icy.

Song Zhizhi angrily turned to glare at him.

“Sit.” Ji Baijian’s tone softened, “With my current condition, I can’t chase after you.”

Song Zhizhi reluctantly sat back down.

She even felt that Ji Baijian was terrified of her leaving.

That’s why he was gripping her hand so tightly.

She heard him say, “I am indeed the first child of the Ji family, truly the son of Ji Yunlei and his deceased ex-wife. However, my birth carried the memories of my past life.”

Song Zhizhi was taken aback.

Ji Baijian straightforwardly said, “You can probably call it reincarnation. You reincarnated in your own body, but I reincarnated into someone else’s. This is why from birth, I was better than others, I knew everything!”

“Your past life?” Song Zhizhi couldn’t quite believe it.

She thought she was the oddball of this world, never imagining that there would be another freak like her.

Ji Baijian said, “My previous name was Ye Shengheng.”

“That name…” Song Zhizhi seemed to have heard it somewhere, then realization hit her, “The Ye Family?!”

“Yes,” Ji Baijian said, “The tenth generation eldest son of the Ye Family.”

“The one rumored to be the most intelligent but also the most useless?” Song Zhizhi arched her eyebrows.

Ji Baijian’s face darkened a bit.

“And with a short lifespan.” Song Zhizhi added salt to the wound!

Since she had been working under Ye Family’s commercial management, she was somewhat familiar with Ye Shengheng’s name. She saw it when she was going through Ye family’s records. The youngest and most good -looking head of Ye Family was Ye Shengheng, but his tenure was very short, just one year. The record said he died of an illness, although it did not specify what kind. Anyway, he died and subsequent generations did not think highly of him or draw much attention to him.

She stared directly at Ji Baijian, looking straight at him.

Ji Baijian said, “Are you afraid? Scared of my persisting spirit?”

Song Zhizhi shook her head. What’s there to be afraid of?

She’d died once too.

She just found it somewhat unbelievable.

How could Ji Baijian be Ye Shengheng?

So… Ye Taiting… isn’t that his cousin?!

Understanding the relationship, Song Zhizhi was even more stunned.

Ji Baijian is really old.

If he had lived till now, he would be in his seventies or eighties, nearly on his deathbed!

She suddenly remembered Ji Baijian always called her a kid and said the first time he saw her, he thought she was just a bratty child.

With this in mind, Ji Baijian could practically be her grandfather!

Who exactly did she marry?!

“Continue.” Song Zhizhi calmed herself down.

Ji Baijian started again, “I died at 22. I inherited the leadership of Ye Family at 21. In that year, my grandfather was still in power. He was on a business trip to another country for the first time to open up the world gate of international trade for Yanshang Country. On his way back after successful negotiations, his private plane exploded mid-air, crashed, and not even a corpse was left behind. At the same time, my parents were imprisoned by Ye Taiting’s father, forcing me to assume the position of successor.”

“You only held it for a year.” Song Zhizhi said.

“Because I died a year later.” “Died from the disease?”

“No, he killed me.” Ji Baijian answered.

Song Zhizhi had guessed it already, “It was Ye Taiting.”

“It was the entire Ye Taiting family.” Ji Baijian said, “Ye Taiting’s father and my father are brothers. My father is the eldest and his is the second. There were only two brothers. When it was time to choose a successor, my father was chosen, and despite displaying outward obedience, Ye Taiting’s father was extremely dissatisfied internally! He refused to accept the fact that they were brothers of the same parents, yet he couldn’t enjoy the family’s honor or become the successor. So, he harbored a rebellious heart.”

Song Zhizhi listened quietly.

Listening to him continue, “Do you know about the Qian Family?”

“I do. It’s the family of the current Secretary Qian. This family has always grown alongside the Ye Family. Therefore, when there were doubts about Yi Wenhan’s identity, I never suspected Qian Guanshu.” Song Zhizhi answered.

“Yes, the Qian Family has always been attached to and protected the Ye Family, ensuring their prosperity. Back then, Ye Taiting’s father, in alliance with the then Secretary of the Qian Family, murdered his own father, imprisoned his own brother, and then ultimately killed his own nephew!” Ji Baijian said it so lightly, but how much cruelty and bloodshed he had experienced, he did not mention at all.

Song Zhizhi felt somewhat uncomfortable as she said, “It seems like the Ye Taiting family is your nemesis.”

A major enemy indeed!

As she spoke, a shiver suddenly ran through her.

She said, “You said our enemy is the same!”


Had she discovered something?!

She had never suspected Ye Taiting before.

Ji Baijian gave a certain answer, “Yes, the one who wants to frame your family is Ye Taiting.”

“Why?” Song Zhizhi couldn’t understand, “What’s the point for Ye Taiting? He doesn’t have an heir, isn’t he just fully committed to finding a successor for the commercial management so that the Ye family’s centuries-old foundation can be preserved?!”

Ji Baijian looked at her lost countenance and smiled, “Think about it a little more.”

Song Zhizhi gritted her teeth, and in an instant, it dawned on her.

She said, “Yi Wenhan is Ye Taiting’s son!”

“Not too slow on the uptake.” Ji Baijian complimented.

“But I can’t figure out why Ye Taiting would do this?”

“So, I’m here to tell you.” Ji Baijian’s voice was naturally very pleasing to the ears.

This moment is particularly moving.

Ji Baijian began, “The Ye Family has always been brief, you should know that. For many years, the Ye Family had almost no branches, always a single twig, it’S rare that in my father’s generation there were two brothers! Moreover, it would be odd for the Ye family, as every generation has born only boys, without exception.”

As a result, despite finally having two children, their family was destroyed, and blood has flowed like a river.

“So, your Ye family really is a legend. Not only does it give birth to boys and not girls, but it also is a community of high intellects!” Song Zhizhi exclaimed.

Ji Baijian nodded, “Perhaps it’S a jealousy of genius that when it came to Ye Taiting, he was diagnosed with congenital sterility. Completely ending the bloodline of the Ye Family.”

It’s not jealousy of genius, it’s retribution.

“But wasn’t it said that Yi Wenhan is his son?” Song Zhizhi is increasingly confused.

It’s precisely because everyone knew about Ye Taiting’s physical situation that she had not suspected him. Ye Taiting had no heirs.

Furthermore, why would Ye Taiting pretend he doesn’t have any descendants if he does?!

What was the purpose of doing so?!

She feels the information is too much, and she’s having trouble processing it.

“Technology is advanced nowadays. Ye Taiting was not born unable to conceive, but his survival rate was extremely low and it was very difficult for him to impregnate someone. From the time his father took over as the head of Ye Family, they had always been treating him until the medical technology for in vitro fertilization came along. Ye Taiting would cultivate many reproductive chromosomes every month until one day, a woman helped him conceive.” Ji Baijian said, “You probably know who that woman is.”

“Nie Wenzhi.” Song Zhizhi answered.

“Yes. And by that time, Ye Taiting was already 50.” Ji Baijian said.

“Truly a late arrival.” Song Zhizhi laughed.

“Think about it, after decades of no heirs and no successors, suddenly announcing that there is a successor, what would those scheming people do?” Ji Baijian asked.

“You mean, the reason Ye Taiting hid Yi Wenhan was to prevent people from knowing about his existence, so as to ensure his absolute safety.”

“Of course not just that.” Ji Baijian said, “Ye Taiting was 50 years old when he had Yi Wenhan, and how much longer could Ye Taiting accompany Yi Wenhan? He was worried that after his death, Yi Wenhan would be too young, unable to properly control the Commercial Management Institution, and his position could be usurped. So he wanted to reorganize Commercial Management Institution before his death, remove all those with ill intentions, and open a broad road for Yi Wenhan.”

“Wasn’t Ye Taiting a bit too cruel? Just in order to pave the way for his son, he made so many people slaughter each other.” Song Zhizhi was angry. “And my father was the first to be a cannon fodder! He didn’t just make my father a target. Ye Taiting even put Nie Wenzhi beside my father, ready to take his life at any time! I suspect that Ye Taiting has also placed someone beside other chiefs?!”.

“Perhaps, but nobody gave your father such attention!”

“Why?” Song Zhizhi asked, “Why was my father treated specially?”

“This is why I didn’t want to disclose my identity to you for the time being. I don’t know whether Ye Taiting knew something hidden about your father, whether your father has some covert feelers that threaten him! Moreover, I don’t know how intense your father’s desire for the position of successor really is. Without figuring that out, I didn’t want to tell you abruptly. I admit there may be some selfishness, but I’m really scared that the competition between us will lead to estrangement. I’m afraid you’ll leave!” Ji Baijian was straightforward.

Song Zhizhi was silent.

Ji Baijian’s worry was quite right.

Since Ji Baijian is the real leader of the Ye Family, it’s natural for him to take back what belongs to him. If her father forcibly tries to seize it, then they would become opponents.

And it would be easy for her to stand on her father’s side.


She said, “Our family won’t snatch something that isn’t ours.”

Ji Baijian laughed, “I believe you.”

So, he told you the truth.

Didn’t you notice it?

Song Zhizhi felt a tremor in her heart.

Why could Ji Baijian trust her so easily?

When she was always doubting him?

She was lost for words.

Ji Baijian didn’t make it difficult for her either, he changed the topic slightly and said, “Ever since I was born, I knew that I was not like others. Carrying the memories of my previous life, I knew clearly my purpose for being born. And when our family were brutally murdered, apart from the full support of the Qian Family, there was also an Assassination Organization helping.”


“Probably, but I have investigated for so many years and still have not found out who the organization head who always obeys Ye Taiting’s command is. Every time we confront each other, they either flee or die, with only one survivor discovered …”

“Who?” Song Zhizhi asked.

“Nie Wenzhi.”

“She too?” Song Zhizhi was surprised.

“Yes,” Ji Baijian confirmed, “She should know a lot.”

“But she can’t say anything now.” Song Zhizhi regretted.

Ji Baijian pursed his lips and continued in silence, “Because I knew perfectly well that the person I had to fight against was too powerful, so during my growing up, I learned a lot of things. In addition to learning about the different knowledge and culture of now and then, I also needed to learn fighting, boxing, gunfighting, and I had to learn some medicine, computers, commerce, and so on.” “Is it difficult for you?” Song Zhizhi asked.

“Not hard.” Ji Baijian responded, “Just so happened that I was born with a high intelligence.”

Song Zhizhi was speechless.

This guy is just showing off, isn’t he?

“The theoretical things were not hard for me. Even though I had never touched a computer in my era, I could learn ten times faster than others, so within twenty-odd years, I was able to master what others could only accomplish in 200 years. The only thing that was somewhat difficult for me was physical fitness.”

“But you are very strong.” Song Zhizhi said.

“Because I spent half of my life doing these things, in my previous life I died…” Ji Baijian paused, “quite miserably.”

Song Zhizhi was really curious about how miserable he was.

She then remembered that in Ji Baijian’s previous life , all his relatives were murdered. She knew too well what that felt like. Luckily for her, she was reborn at a time when his family was still alive. Whereas for him, decades had gone by when he awoke. His enemies were enjoying everything his family once had, living a cushy life.

“Do you want to know?” Ji Baijian asked.

“Will you tell me?” Song Zhizhi was surprised.

“No. It’s not something to brag about, it would make me lose face.” Ji Baijian said frankly.

What the hell is there to lose face about this!

Being betrayed and having everyone killed while being oblivious of it, and he still cares about face?

“Anything else you want to ask?” Ji Baijian said.

There were too many things, it was time to bring up everything.

“Yes.” Song Zhizhi nodded.

Ji Baijian spoke up, “Go ahead.”

“The year you ascended to the throne, I heard you were incompetent, and madly infatuated with women?”

Rumors among the common people.

He had 3,000 beauties in his harem and died at 22.

“Do you believe it?” Ji Baijian asked. Song Zhizhi dismissed it, “Who knows?”

“When my grandfather died, my parents disappeared. The only one left was me, the heir. They deliberately didn’t kill me and let me ascend the throne, all with the purpose of using my incompetence to pave the way for Ye Taiting’s father’s perfect succession.”

“There were many benefits. First, they absolved themselves of guilt. The leader of the Ye Family died, his successor suddenly disappeared, leaving only the successor’s heir. Ye Taiting’s father let me take over, which showed he had no intention of usurping the throne. Second, amidst the accusations from the outside world and his continuing support for me, it showed once again that he had no intention of usurping the throne. Third, unfortunately, I died young which satisfied the public and they strongly supported the ascension of Ye Taiting’s father. The public also saw that he didn’t want to become the leader, but with the heir having died, the Ye Family couldn’t be leaderless for a day, so he reluctantly agreed to become the leader of the Ye Family. Everything was simply going along with the public’s wishes, he really never thought about the position.” Ji Baijian said indifferently.

It’s like he was calmly recounting a movie plot.

He raised his eyebrows, “Madam, is there anything else you are unclear about?”

‘You still haven’t told me, were you really infatuated with women?” Song Zhizhi asked, seeming very stubborn about this point.

“Madam means, have I, your husband, been involved with other women?” Ji Baijian enunciated carefully.

‘Yes, exactly! Did you really have 3,000 beauties in your harem?” Song Zhizhi was angry! How much clearer could she make it?! I care about whether you are clean or not!

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