My Lady, To Defeat Scumbags You Must Start Early

Chapter 239: 237: The Layoff Turmoil, Xin Zaozao Schemes Against Mu Cidian (Second Update)

Chapter 239: 237: The Layoff Turmoil, Xin Zaozao Schemes Against Mu Cidian (Second Update)

Translator: 549690339

Xin Group’s office building.

The secretary knocked on the door of Mu Cidian’s office.

“Come in.”

The secretary pushed the door open.

For a moment, she thought she was seeing things.

Her workaholic manager was actually not on his computer but instead incessantly checking his phone, making him seem idle.

The expression he had while looking at his phone was also strange.

It couldn’t be described as good or bad. He just seemed to be looking at a piece of ordinary news, yet somehow, it didn’t seem that ordinary.

When the secretary respectfully approached, she saw a large photo on her boss’s phone screen. A photograph of the chairman and her fiancé kissing intimately. Today, the whole office saw it and everyone was gossiping in secret. Many people saw the chairman and her fiancé having a date yesterday afternoon, and today early morning, this sweet news came out, as if to taunt the single folks.

The direction of her gaze caused the man engrossed in his phone to look up.

The secretary was startled, she quickly withdrew her gaze, not daring to look again.

In her heart, she thought ‘I’m done for, I’m going to get scolded again.’

However, her boss had no reaction. He casually put his phone aside and asked her in a friendly tone, “What do you think of this picture?”

“What?” the secretary expressed surprise.

When did her boss become such a gossip?

“What do you think of their relationship?”

The secretary let out an internal sigh of exhaustion.

Did she have to guess the meaning behind her boss’s each and every word?

The relationship?

What relationship?

She replied hesitantly, “Do you mean, asking me what I think about the Chairman and her fiancé’s relationship?”

“Yes.” Mu Cidian responded nonchalantly.

The secretary breathed a sigh of relief. It had been stressful to guess someone’s intentions. She responded earnestly, “It seems like their relationship is good. Today, the whole company is watching the chairman’s drama. Ninety percent of all the women, including the married ones, are looking on with envy and jealousy.”

“Really?” Mu Cidian mumbled.

At that moment, the secretary felt as if he wasn’t really talking to her.

She very tactfully stayed silent. “What did you want to see me for?”

The secretary quickly regained focus.

Her manager’s recent unusual behavior had been making her very anxious. She said, “I just received news that there will be a senior executive meeting at IOAM called by the chairman. You are invited to attend on time.”

“What’s the topic?” Mu Cidian asked casually. “They didn’t specify, they only asked that all senior executives attend.”

“Alright, I understand. You can leave now.”

The secretary respectfully left, and as she did, she couldn’t resist glancing back at her boss one more time.

Was the boss seriously not planning to work anymore?

He picked up his phone again and continued looking at it.

When had he developed such a defeatist attitude?

10 AM.

Xin Group board of directors meeting.

All the top executives sat in the boardroom, looking at Xin Zaozao, who sat in the middle.

Since the topic of the meeting wasn’t declared, everyone was looking at Xin Zaozao with a confused expression.

Looking at the young and inexperienced girl they didn’t really respect, yet now seemed to be compelled to submit to.

Xin Zaozao didn’t keep them in suspense, she directly stated, “Today’s meeting is very simple, it has only one purpose – to discuss a restructuring of the current company organization. ”

“What do you mean?” the director of the marketing department Xu Chang couldn’t help but ask, “Is this about a staff change?”

“Yes.” Xin Zaozao nodded.

“Does the Chairman feel there is a problem with our current structure?” The human resources director Liu Qi seemed a bit upset.

Staff changes have always been handled by his department. Now that the chairman was personally presiding over the meeting, he was somewhat insulted, especially as he hadn’t even heard a whisper of this before.

Xin Zaozao explained, “The current structure isn’t a huge issue, it’s just that the Group hasn’t systematically assessed talent in a long time. To allow the employees to better fit their most apt roles, some personnel adjustments need to be made.”

“To which employees is the Chairman specifically referring?” Liu Qi began, then bluntly continued, “Pardon my slight insolence, but the Chairman, as someone new to the Group, may hold high office and wield authority, but I sometimes hope that you would listen to our opinion too. The management and control over human resources, promotions, and staff deployment are all our department’s responsibilities. The Chairman should consult our department’s opinion, rather than bluntly call a personnel adjustment meeting.”

“Director Liu has a point.” Xin Zaozao didn’t show any anger, and seemed very sincere. “When it comes to staffing, Director Liu is the expert. I, being new, indeed don’t know a lot. However, the issue is that the personnel changes this time will also include changes to Director Liu’s position. It is best to redistribute the personnel adjustment work in front of all the senior executives!” “What do you mean!” Liu Qi suddenly stood up from his seat, looking a bit agitated.

Mu Cidian watched Xin Zaozao closely.

He was seated closest to Xin Zaozao.

Besides the board of directors, his position was the highest.

He speculated, Xin Zaozao should want to reassign him the most.

To kill the chicken to warn the monkey.

Knowing full well that HR was under his control, she decided to strike there first.

“Director Liu, don’t be agitated.” Xin Zaozao was very calm now, “I have seen your resume in the company. Director Liu, you have worked in the company for thirty years now, rising step by step from a clerk to the position you hold now. It’s very inspiring, and you’re even one of the best examples for new employee training. There’s no need to doubt your ability. However, Director Liu, this year you are fifty. By standard, you would only retire in another five years, but I saw from last years health check-up report that you seem to be in poor health. Not mentioning the usual high cholesterol, blood pressure, and sugar levels, you seem to have professional neck and disc herniation problems. You even seem to have internal rheumatism.”

“This doesn’t affect my work.” Liu Qi said firmly.

“I know of Director Liu’s deep devotion to the company, but the medical advice from last year’s check-up report clearly states that the patient is advised not to sit or stand for long periods and not to be overworked. You are a high-risk group for a sudden death.”

“What are you trying to say!” Liu Qi looked pale.

“Although the Xin Group is a listed profit-making company, the company’s mission is primarily to care for its employees. It’s no secret that Human Resources is a physically and mentally challenging job. Considering Director Liu’S current condition, I am really worried that your body will not be able to take the strain…”

“I don’t need your concern. I’m very well.” Liu Qi cut off Xin Zaozao’s words.

Xin Zaozao insisted firmly, “The medical check-up report gives me a reason to doubt whether your physical condition can undertake this work!”

Liu Qi looked terrible.

“So, considering the above, I hope that Director Liu will not personally be in charge of personnel adjustment work this time.”

“Are you trying to fire me?” Liu Qi sarcastically asked, “The Group’s rules don’t state anything about firing an employee due to poor health, even the laws of Yanshang Country don’t state that!”

“I am not firing you, but merely assigning you to a slightly more leisurely job. I heard that there is currently a vacancy for a department head in logistics vehicle management, which was previously overseen by the General Affairs Department. Now, I’m giving it to you.”

Liu Qi was furious, “You want me to manage vehicle dispatch?!”

“It aligns with your expertise, Mr. Liu. You’ve managed personnel before. Given the complexity of human resources, I figure managing vehicles should be a walk in the park for you.”

Liu Qi was on the verge of exploding.

Only Zaozao could think of something like this.

Is managing people and managing vehicles the same thing?

“Mr. Liu, you have three high’s (high blood pressure, high blood glucose, and high cholesterol). You shouldn’t get too agitated. Doctors say that hypertension could lead to cerebral hemorrhage. Please try to keep your temper in check.”

Liu Qi was puffing up rage, glaring.

However, because he was only an employee and did not have any shareholder rights, he could only accept the company’s arrangements, even though he was far from resigned.

He had been with the company for over thirty years, weathering storms and pitfalls, and now he was being dismissed on a whim by a brash young girl. This was something he absolutely could not swallow.

Zaozao was watching Liu Qi very calmly, understanding his internal turmoil.

It was precisely because she knew that he would not accept the decision that she decided to publicly demote Liu Qi in front of all the executives without notifying anyone in advance. Her goal was to prevent Liu Qi from having ample time to refute her or even obstruct her arrangements.

Her motivation wasn’t because Liu Qi was so important that he had to be made an example of. Of course, she would definitely pull rank on the executives first. The one she was most displeased with was not Liu Qi, but the head of the marketing department, Xu Chang.

Xu Chang was responsible for operating the entire market, and his direct supervisor was Mu Cidian. Therefore, Xu Chang was essentially Mu Cidian’s right-hand man.

Her priority should have been to first reassign Xu Chang instead of making Liu Qi a scapegoat. She did this to…

Zaozao’s eyes flickered, and she announced loudly, “Due to Mr. Liu’s health condition leading to his job transfer, I have not yet thought of an appropriate candidate to take over his role. It is unacceptable for the human resources department to be without a leader, especially as internal personnel adjustments within the group are imminent. Any delay would only be detrimental to the group and disrupt employees’ concentration. After careful consideration, I have decided to delegate this task of restructuring to our general manager, Mu Cidian.”

As soon as she said this, the room was in an uproar.

Everyone knew that the chairman and the general manager did not get along—they likely couldn’t stand each other. So why would the chairman assign such an important task to the general manager?!

Those in the meeting room were all high-ranking executives, all veterans of the corporate world.

Zaozao claimed that she was making suitable personnel adjustments for the better development of the group. Yet, everyone knew the tactic well: new officials, when taking office, often start by making changes, replacing the old guard with their own people to ensure their longevity in power.


Why did the chairman ask the general manager to handle these changes? Was she not afraid that the general manager would only select his own people?!

This was truly baffling.

Perhaps only Mu Cidian knew the purpose behind Zaozao’s actions.

And he found himself somewhat impressed.

He had always thought that Zaozao had learned nothing growing up, always hiding in the corner and ignorant of the world. Yet her recent performances in the group had left him dumbfounded.

For instance, the first time she bid for the Commercial Management project. Even though the approach wasn’t entirely aboveboard, she managed to convince the board to allow her to bid, even accurately predicting the bid price, which was admirable. Even after he had obtained the bidding document, he doubted whether it was within Zaozao’s ability.

Then, Zaozao chose to get engaged to the Ji Family. Putting aside her feelings for Ji Baili, it was extremely wise of her to align herself with a powerful group to help navigate the unforgiving corporate landscape.

Now, she was starting to flaunt her abilities, spreading her wings, intent on completely taking over the Xin Group. The best way to achieve this was undoubtedly a changing of the guard!

The old saying – a change of emperor means a change of officials – remains relevant. She was already halfway there just by considering this. On top of that, she planned to make him take the blame.

He knew very well that Zaozao already had a list of candidates in mind for personnel transfers. She didn’t announce it herself, nor did she let the original head of the human resources department handle it. Instead, she asked him to do it. On one hand, she was putting on a show of authority for the executives, establishing her power while demonstrating that defiance was not tolerated, warning that Liu Qi’S fate could be their next if they crossed her. On the other hand, she wanted to make him out to be the villain and become the target of criticism. Most of the people in the group were his loyal supporters, and now he had to personally strip them of their power. Undoubtedly, few people would truly support him in the future, Zaozao wanted to ensure that he had no foothold in the group.

A double-edged sword, Zaozao was proving to be much more formidable than he had anticipated.

If it weren’t for the suspicion that someone was advising her behind the scenes, he would believe that Zaozao would indeed become very powerful in the future.

Able to hold his own.

In the meeting, Mu Cidian didn’t answer, and Xin Zaozao wasn’t in a hurry. She just looked at him.

Among the chattering discussions of other senior executives, Mu Cidian’s thin lips moved slightly,


He agreed instantly.

Xin Zaozao was rather surprised at this moment.

She thought for sure that Mu Cidian could guess her intention—after all these years in the company and growing to his current position, he was definitely not dumb. Yet, he didn’t hesitate to agree; she’d even modeled out scenarios wherein she had to coerce him publically, such as making fun of his indifference towards the group or his lack of daring to take responsibility, etc., a tit for tat approach.

However, at this moment, he had suddenly agreed.

Xin Zaozao was puzzled, and so were the other senior executives.

Weren’t they supposedly at the point of either ‘you die or I die’? But now in their work relationship, things were clearly harmonious. One person gave orders and one carried them out, there wasn’t the slightest bit of tension.

Sure enough, one cannot presume to understand the relationships among those at the top; guessing wouldn’t lead to understanding, only dissatisfaction.

Xin Zaozao quickly regained her composure and said, “General Manager Mu Cidian previously held full responsibility for the entire group’s operations, including Human Resources. He is more familiar and distinctively suited than anyone else to undertake this responsibility.”

“Alright,” answered Mu Cidian directly. You just want me to take the bullet for you, right?

I will take that bullet for you.

“In one week’s time, I hope you can provide everyone a satisfactory answer,” Xin Zaozao set the deadline.

“Alright,” Mu Cidian agreed again.

Even though everyone thought the timeline was too tight, it was a tough job to complete.

Especially since Xin Zaozao had specifically added a condition, “I hope the staff arrangement this time will be fair and reasonable, and no personnel moves will involve any extreme measures. It must be done convincingly.”

“I’ll do my best.”

“This meeting has concluded. Thank you everyone for your support. Meeting is adjourned.”

Xin Zaozao, averse to dawdling, announced the end of the meeting and left the conference room.

As soon as she left, all the other senior executives flocked to Mu Cidian, trying to curry favor with him, “Mu, the organization structure of the group is counting on you. I’ve followed you for so many years, and I’ll definitely continue to do so. But I hope you can spare me…”

Countless voices in Mu Cidian’s ear, the more complimentary they became, the more he felt the resentment towards him building.

He didn’t respond to anyone and rose to leave the meeting room.

Back in his office, he told his secretary, “Have everyone in Human Resources here for a meeting in ten minutes.”

“Yes.” The secretary was puzzled, but considering her boss’s unpredictable behaviors of late, resulting in some collateral damage, she thought it best to just obey.

At this moment, in the chairman’s office across the way, Yan Quan followed Xin Zaozao back.

Xin Zaozao asked, “Based on your understanding of Mu Cidian, do you think he will use any tricks this time?”

It came too easily; she ultimately could not let it go.

“Based on my understanding of Mr. Mu, he should be very clear about your intentions. But the fact that he gave you face in the meeting and agreed without hesitation makes his thoughts hard to decipher,” Yan Quan said respectfully.

Xin Zaozao nodded, “Let’s see what kind of game he wants to play.” Yan Quan nodded, hesitating to voice his doubts.

Perhaps, just maybe, Mr. Mu sincerely wants to help the chairman..

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