My Journey to Godhood as a Caterpillar

Chapter 182: Taking over the whole bazaar

Chapter 182: Taking over the whole bazaar

The three fogies had an air-tight defense as they stood back to back in the formation and Yun Jhin had to think for some time on how to break their defenses, the three were so wary and scared that if they didn't care about their face so much they would have started shaking. After all, an assassin who could kill God Realm experts so silently and quickly meant that his cultivation was way above theirs!

Yun Jhin's eyes were like a hawk's watching a hare, ready to swoop in and destroy his target with no mercy.

He started to charge some ki into his palm but he only charged it inwardly so they couldn't sense it.

The ki started to swell inside his arm as he continuously charged it from his body to the targeted body part.

After a short while, his arm swelled up to the point that it became as wide as him and it glowed with an unworldly green color. Yun Jhin took a deep breath as he aimed the attack in the middle of them directly in the small gap they had when they stood back to back.

A small green ball of energy left Yun Jhin hand as his arm deflated returning to normal proportions, however, it was still a little bit swollen and red due to the intense pressure the ki had put on his body, normally this wouldn't have happened but Yun Jhin's body still wasn't up to par for the use of his stronger techniques.

The ball was quite small but the trio still saw it, the moment it landed between them a big explosion shook their bodies as blood spurted from their mouths as their bodies absorbed the shockwave coming from the explosion injuring their internal organs in the process.

Their skin was also mutilated as bloody patches appeared on their backs which were then singed and cooked by the unholy fire coming from the explosion.

Yun Jhin took a better look at their situation and shook his head, the explosion was strong but the defensive capabilities of their formation reduced it to 40% of its total strength so they only got light injuries.

Yun Jhin saw as their skin healed back to normal while they all frowned and shook their heads to stop the ringing in their ears.

Suddenly one of them lost his balance and almost fell to his knees due to the injury he got to his inner ear from the explosion.

Yun Jhin didn't attack as he waited for a few seconds and it seemed he was right, the old fogie was acting up making him think that he got injured only for him to fall into a trap.

He could feel the formation gaining strength in the spot before the old man showing that they were preparing for their coup de grace attack.

The full-on attack from the fully powered formation would destroy Yun Jhin's body and injure his soul if it hit him head-on but hitting him was easier said than done, only Hell's willpower could immobilize him and that was when it was in its home territory and at its full power!

He threw a destabilizing wave of ki towards the spot where the energy was concentrated making it explode into a shower of rainbow fireworks which melted the old man who was kneeling there waiting for Yun Jhin to take the bait.

The other two paled seeing their plan being foiled in such an easy way, they were the ones who were connected to the formation and they could feel all of the changes in it so how could Yun Jhin feel them as well?

While Yun Jhin wasn't connected to the formation, the proficiency he had in the arts of formations made him easily understand the functions of the formation even though it was a newer model than what he was used to. While formation models could change the nodes and their uses would forever remain the same unless someone invited a new way to create formations.

The other two realized that they wouldn't end up well if they remained in the building... but if they left they would also lose the protection of the formation and their chances of death would be even higher, they didn't believe they would have enough time to reach their space ship and run away with it.

Their eyes were as small as coins as they felt despair inundating their minds, were they really going to die in this situation? After all the money they made? They only had a short time to live any way but dying by someone's hands and dying by old age was entirely different!

While they could take dying by old age as it wasn't something they could control they wouldn't want to die by someone's hands if they could help it!

The duo turned off the formation as they fell to their knees while they also started kowtowing smashing their bald heads on the floor of the building while shouting:

"Please let us live, we shall become your subordinates and give you all of our wealth!"

Yun Jhin suddenly appeared in front of both of them as he grasped their necks while sealing their whole cultivation base, it seemed they were really sincere as they let their guards down fully and Yun Jhin easily took care of their cultivation bases.

While Yun Jhin wanted to kill them, in this situation having 2 lackeys at the God Realm would be really good for the organization, even as reserve power that couldn't be used willy nilly.

However, making them obedient was another thing. A God's realm soul couldn't be controlled unless the person was branded before he became a God and there was also the fact that God's could break contracts quite easily... only Devil Gods would get huge repercussions for breaking contracts but that was their race inherent penalty due to the many benefits the race got in their early life if they survived it.

While he couldn't control their lives he could do something similar, he could plant a ki bomb in their souls that he could easily trigger as soon as he found them unpleasing to the eye, this wasn't an airtight method as they could remove the bomb with time or wear off the ki in the bomb simply making it unusable.

There was also the fact that if they got too far from Yun Jhin he couldn't detonate it anymore...

It wasn't as good as control over their souls but he could also make them come with him everywhere as his bodyguards just like Yuan Fang had that monkey tailed man and the blonde man with long spiky hair.

Yun Jhin put his hands over their faces as he forcefully inserted a huge amount of ki into them reaching their souls and creating sphere-shaped bombs that would detonate themselves whenever he wanted to as long as they were in range, the range was almost 2 to 3 planets long and most likely they would never get that far away from him.

Yun Jhin patted the duo on their shoulders as he said:

"Get up now and let's be friends from now on."

The duo smiled awkwardly as they felt their cultivation base being unsealed... they both let out a big sigh as they left and returned with all of the ownership certificates for their businesses and all of their riches.

Yun Jhin took a look through the certificate and riches and he could feel that they were enough for him to fully reconstruct the sect and repair the formation almost to 40% of its full power!

He would need 2 or more Bazaars like this one to fully repair the formation but its defensive ability under Yun Jhin's command would let him defend against 4 to 5 God Realm experts at the same time, but that was only if Yun Jhin used it personally anyone else and they would have problems with even 1 peak God Realm expert.

Yun Jhin looked through the certificates and found that they controlled over 60% of the actual businesses in the Bazaar be they medium-size or higher, from what he could see they controlled the slave market, mystical arms dealers, drugs dealers along with the normal pill shops, herb shops, and the other usual businesses, even dipping into the food and entertainment sections.

The other 40% or so were the shares of the other sects be they righteous or evil, they all had a share in the grey market and this was one of the biggest Bazaars in the neutral territory. It was actually quite impressive these 2 old men and the 3 deceased ones could hold over 60% of shares against the 5 strongest sects in the existence of the mortal realm.

"Ok so for now send these materials to the blood throne sect territory along with some men that are proficient in construction, only use trustful connections alright? You are also coming with me so after you are done pack your bags!"

The duo bowed while on the inside they were dying while thinking:

"You already enslaved us, can't you let us play a while longer? You are already going to put our old bones to work?"

Yun Jhin knew what they were thinking but he didn't care as he clapped which indicated that they should hurry as he wanted to finish reconstructing the sect so he could focus on his cultivation afterward, as long as he could create a proper organization the resources would be flowing in by themselves with the combination of the Bazaar workers beings his underlings, all he would do then would be cultivating!

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