My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 61: I Got Dirty

Chapter 61

In addition to the horde of students who came to enjoy the spectacle, there were also residents who had had their underwear stolen.

The on-duty police officer was slightly taken aback, were all these people here to assault Wān Wān? Being a cop for so many years, this is the first time he had seen so many victims come to file a report.

He had only ever heard his senior mention something like this. Back in the day at the rural police station when two villages got into a fight, the scene was quite spectacular. Over a hundred people were injured and brought in to the station altogether.

Thinking about it, his current situation wasn’t as intense as that.

At first glance there seemed to be over sixty people. Then there was the one being jostled and pushed forward - his face was bruised and clothes were in a mess; it was clear he had just been given a beating.

Indeed, when Auntie Sun had pinned him to the ground earlier and walloped him, this guy had wounds all over his body and two distinct handprints on his face.

On the journey to the police station, he bore the brunt of some harsh treatment.

Anyone and everyone seemed able to take a swing at him, there were so many that he couldn't even keep track of who had done what.

The seasoned police officer figured, the sixty plus people behind this kid were all well-dressed and had no visible injuries, this lad definitely hadn't been in a fight.

Who hit him was quite clear - surely, he had been beaten up by a mob.

The duty officer wondered to himself what this young man could have possibly done to warrant such a response.

Every one of these people were filing a complaint, each claiming to be a victim.

The cop had no choice but to take them into the biggest and only meeting room at the station.

This type of situation was usually a civil dispute, and the first thing that came to mind for the police was mediation.

Auntie Sun, as the representative of the victims, began to pour out her sad story to the police officer. From the ferocious rampage moments ago, to the current delicate flower, she needed only one step.

"Dear officer, you have no idea how tough it is for a widow like me to raise a kid. You know they say a widow's door invites trouble, that's why I never have much contact with men, I am afraid of the gossip."

Students of Class 1.1: ...

Neighbours who know Auntie Sun: ...

Originally, the students were quite puzzled how on earth this fearsome Auntie could attract a number of old men vying to spend money on her.

Now they understood.

The pervert who Auntie had just pinned to the ground and struck time and time again nearly had his eyeballs pop out in shock. “Auntie, what happened to the force you had just used on me when you pinned me to the ground? Now you’re acting frail.”

As police officers, they were used to dealing with all kinds of people, from nagging old ladies, to drunks. The officer patiently let Auntie Sun carry on.

"I never imagined, my sterling reputation, would be ruined by this pervert."

A thought flashed through the cop’s mind, "Oh my God, does she mean this lad molested an old lady?!”

"You have no idea how unreasonable he was, he stole my panties."

When Auntie Sun only mentioned herself and left out everyone else, the neighbours jumped into the conversation.

"This pervert didn't just steal Auntie Sun’s panties, he stole ours too."

"He stole panties from our house too."

Sneering disdainfully, the young pervert laughed. While laughing he accidentally pulled at his facial wounds, the pain causing him to grimace.

"Please, Auntie, what nonsense are you spewing, when did I steal your panties?"

Immediately, a pile of underwear was dumped onto the big table in the meeting room.

The next-door Auntie had dutifully been carrying that bag of things around. Regardless of how much her hand froze in the cold, she never loosened her grip.

"Officer, this is evidence. It was found on that pervert just now. You must take it to your forensics department to check for his fingerprints. I'm sure you'll find a match."

The police officer was just about to sip on his tea when he was startled by this woman's assertive action, and his cup halted mid-air.

"Miss, you're acting like this is some TVB detective film," the police officer chuckled. "Getting fingerprints from the forensic department… don't let your imagination run too wild."

Across from him, Shi Li had clearly seen the tremble in the old officer's eyes.

[Sympathizing with the officer for a second]

However, the police officer was mentally strong, quickly recovering his normal expression and continuing to sip his tea.

The officer had a pretty good idea that this was the real deal. The young man had been stealing underwear from people's homes.

The officer despised the boy. He looked so innocent, yet he could do such things. It was a disgrace to men everywhere.

Such individuals mar the reputation of all men.

With a slam on the table, the veteran officer said, "You better think this over. Stealing underwear is illegal. If you admit it now, considering your age and remorse, you may be dealt with more leniently. But if you keep denying it, it will be considered more serious."

The man across from the police officer remained defiant. "I didn't steal anything. It's all a set-up. I was the one who wanted to report them for abuse!”

"We all saw it. Auntie Sun found it on you."

"You're all neighbors. Of course, you would side with each other. Plus, you've all hit me; you've all broken the law. When we get to court, the judge won't listen to you."

The corner of the police officer's mouth twitched at the man's words, almost as if he was an expert in law. If he was, he wouldn’t have committed a crime in the first place.

Like a schoolgirl, Shi Li silently raised her hand, “We have a security camera installed on the balcony. It has a recording feature and has captured the whole scene. I guess that could serve as evidence?”

A man with a completely innocent look on his face suddenly changed his expression to a dark one as soon as he heard Shi Li's words, casting dark, ominous glances in her direction.

He tried to intimidate the pretty girl. Instead, he received more than twenty death stares.

While he hoped to instill fear in others, he was the frightened one, continuously feeling the threatening glares from everyone, as if they were about to grab weapons from their bags and start beating him up.

All present said: You’re guessing right. Our baseball bats have been itching for action.

Shi Li took out her phone and scrolled to the recorded footage an hour earlier. The officer then saw Auntie Sun, who was pretending to be weak, beating the man like a tough gal, almost like Wu Song.

Of course, the police officer also saw the footage that could be used as evidence.

The officer's tone became more formal towards the perverted man. He was no longer trying to mediate; instead, he started treating him as a suspect.

Tapping on the table, the officer demanded, "Bring out your ID."

"I didn't bring it."

It was normal. Who would carry their ID while stealing at night?

For the police officer, not having an ID didn’t stop him. "Your name and ID number?"

"Lu Jianquan."

Upon hearing the name, Shi Li scratched her head, [This name sounds familiar]

Everyone: No way, even this weird name sounds familiar to you. Let's hope he has nothing to do with any of us, please.

【Oh right, I just thought he looked a bit familiar.】

【In a few years, he'll become the runner-up in a rap competition, after which he'll be signed by Sun Yiling's family company.】

Sun Yiling, with her face in her hands: I feel stained.

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