My Inner Thoughts Are Heard by the Entire Noble Academy

Chapter 280

Chapter 280

The students were very active during the break, playing and fooling around, not knowing what they were about to face.0

Shi Li thought Fu Huixing's suggestion was good, as she also hoped her classmates would achieve good scores in the college entrance exam and get into their desired universities.0

Fu Huixing's proposal resonated with her perfectly - it was an opportunity they shouldn't miss.0

Shi Li and Fu Huixing decided to go to the office to discuss the feasibility of this matter with their Class Teacher.0

So during the first period in the morning, both students and teachers noticed that while their bags remained at the window-side seats in the last row, the two people were nowhere to be seen.0

However, since their attendance wasn't mandatory anyway, no one bothered about them skipping class.0

The Class Teacher was lounging in his office when the two suddenly entered, giving him quite a fright.0

He stammered, "W-what are you two doing here?"0

They had entered with such intensity that it seemed like they were about to start a fight.0

Fu Huixing pulled up two chairs, and he and Shi Li sat down in front of the Class Teacher.0

The Class Teacher looked terrified, "What's wrong? Is something bothering you?"0

Shi Li pulled out a piece of paper from his desk, "We have a proposal."0

"Please, go ahead."0

"Since we don't have much to do now, we plan to help our classmates create study plans to improve their academic performance."0

Class Teacher: What a relief, I thought you two were going to announce you were dating.0

This was good news. Shi Li had personally tutored two students - Fu Huixing who had already secured early admission, and Gao Yun whose grades had improved significantly.0

This proved that Shi Li's teaching methods were effective, so of course the Class Teacher was willing to let her help improve the entire class's performance.0

Free labor shouldn't go to waste.0

The Class Teacher quickly nodded, "Sure, whatever you want to do. Just let me know if you need any support, don't hesitate to ask."0

His attitude was all they needed. Shi Li and Fu Huixing divided the class into groups, each taking responsibility for half the students.0

They spent the entire day in the office reviewing their classmates' recent test scores, even having lunch there when the Class Teacher brought them takeout.0

Shi Li and Fu Huixing spent several days creating personalized study plans for each student based on their individual circumstances.0

When the Class Teacher presented their work to the class, everyone was quite pleased.0

After all, these two had proven academic records, and none of the students were lacking in ambition - they all wanted to get into better universities.0

However, when they started following the study plans, something felt off.0

Particularly, some students noticed they had significantly more work than others.0

While it seemed reasonable that students with lower grades would have more intensive study plans, there were cases where students with worse grades had lighter workloads.0

After analyzing the differences, there was only one variable - who had created the study plan.0

Fu Huixing had designed their study plans.0

But Fu Huixing had no grudge against them, so there was no reason for targeting.0

Besides, who would target someone by giving them more study tasks?0

If they didn't know Fu Huixing liked Shi Li, they might have suspected he had a secret crush on them.0

Upon further inquiry, quite a few classmates were in the same situation.0

Having others share in the suffering made it more bearable.0

After following Fu Huixing and Shi Li's study plans for a while, the class was exhausted but still dutifully followed the schedule.0

The Class Teacher was very satisfied - this was exactly what he wanted.0

As a teacher without much authority, he had little influence in the class.0

But Shi Li and Fu Huixing were different - one ruled through intellectual influence, the other through physical intimidation.0

No one dared to disobey them.0

This was precisely what the Class Teacher had hoped for.0

The difficult days seemed endless.0

A third of the class chose to pursue art school admissions, and after October, half the classroom was empty as these students left for intensive training.0

Training wasn't easy, but the thought of escaping Fu Huixing's demonic study plan had everyone smiling as they arrived at the training center.0

But how could Fu Huixing let his dear classmates off so easily?0

No sooner had the students arrived at the training center than Fu Huixing sent over his special version of the cultural curriculum study plan for art students.0

The art students' angry version: Fu Huixing, are you the devil?!0

Of course, their anger was just momentary - who would dare express their fury to Fu Huixing?0

Though secretly angry, they still followed Fu Huixing's study plan step by step.0

Since entering senior year, Shi Li had resumed normal school attendance, monitoring everyone's studying, only occasionally taking leave for special circumstances.0

The suffering students could predict the dark senior year ahead, and they weren't wrong.0

It would only be more difficult than they imagined, definitely not easier.0

But proportional to their hardship was the improvement in their grades, with scores rising in each joint exam.0

Being able to visibly see their progress was actually a happy and fulfilling experience.0

Everyone even developed a somewhat masochistic appreciation for this feeling.0

Around winter break, the art stream students finished their training and went to take their exams.0

Some remaining students foolishly hoped they might get a break during the winter vacation.0

Fu Huixing proved through actions what dreams were made of.0

To those students who sought help, Shi Li could only kindly say, "He's doing this for your own good."0

They didn't dare approach Fu Huixing, only daring to seek help from Shi Li.0

They knew Fu Huixing listened to Shi Li, so if she agreed, they might get to go home for winter break.0

But angel Shi Li must have been influenced by devil Fu Huixing, as her usually warm 36.7°C mouth now spoke such cold words.0

The students could only solve problems through their tears.0

The Class Teacher was secretly grinning from ear to ear - if he had known Shi Li and Fu Huixing's collaboration would be this effective, he would have paired them up much earlier.0

The shock therapy worked extremely well. Before senior year was even over, the students had already felt what it meant to have their skin peeled off.0

In the end, it wasn't their own determination keeping them going, but rather their complex feelings of love and hate for Shi Li and Fu Huixing.0

Time flew by, and suddenly it was time for the pre-exam mobilization meeting in June.0

While everyone else looked energetic, the students from Class One sat there looking like scholars who had their energy drained by ghosts.0

Given their status as students, they looked even more like the scholars from ghost stories.0

This caught the attention of teachers and school leaders from other classes, who kept glancing back at them as if the whole class was on something.0

There had been cases where "smart drugs" were given to students to maintain their alertness during exam preparation.0

These so-called "smart drugs" just sounded nice - they were actually new types of narcotics.0

At first glance, Class One students' pale, haggard appearance really did resemble the effects of substance use.0

The school leaders were quite alarmed.0

Class One's grades had improved so rapidly - could they have gotten involved with something they shouldn't have?0

Class One students: Try it yourself and you'll understand.0

It ​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌‌​​​​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌​‌‌‌​‌‌​​‌​‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌‌​​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌​​​​‌‌​‌​‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​​‌‌​‌‌​​‌​​​​‌‌​​​‌​​‌‌​‌‌‌​​‌‌​​​​​​‌‌‌​​​​​‌‌​‌‌​‍was rare to have whole-school activities, and although Class One's subject teachers had seen their students' haggard appearance during classes, they hadn't thought much of it.0

But when compared with students from other classes, it was clear these kids were particularly worn out.0

The culprits weren't at school today, having agreed to rest at home together.0

During this period, not only were the students tortured, but the instigators Shi Li and Fu Huixing were also exhausted.0

They really didn't need to attend the pre-exam mobilization meeting, so they planned to come to school in the afternoon to supervise the students' final review.0

Finally about to send the students to their exams, these two were actually more nervous than when they took their own tests.0

Shi Li, Fu Huixing, and Rongrong would join the Class Teacher in monitoring the exam venues, each watching one location.0

The night before the college entrance exam, Shi Li tossed and turned like a real test-taker.0

Around 2 AM, just as Shi Li was finally about to fall asleep, she suddenly remembered something.0

Wei Wei's exam admission ticket would have issues on the exam day, causing her to be ten minutes late. Due to this tardiness, she practically ruined her performance in the Chinese language subject.0

The sleepiness that had been carefully cultivated instantly disappeared as Shi Li got up from bed to check her backpack, which contained signing pens, pencils, and erasers she was bringing for her classmates, as well as backup copies of the most important exam admission tickets.0

The school where Wei Wei was taking her exam happened to be the same examination site where Shi Li was assigned to monitor.0

Before going to bed, Shi Li checked that the spare admission ticket was packed in her bag, and at two o'clock in the morning, she sent a message to the class group chat:0n/ô/vel/b//jn dot c//om

[Good evening, everyone. Please make sure to check that you haven't forgotten your ID cards, admission tickets, and other exam materials before leaving in the morning. If you discover you've forgotten any exam materials upon arriving at the examination site, make sure to contact the school teachers at the venue immediately. The teachers will provide assistance to ensure everyone can take the exam smoothly. Finally, I wish everyone the best of luck in achieving good results.]0

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