My Evil Genius Wife

Chapter 445

Chapter 445: Temporary couple!!

“What....what idea? See...If this idea has come out of your brain, then forget it. I will not do it. Because I can believe in a dog who talks but not in you.” Yuhan remarked suspiciously.

Because whenever this girl uses her brain, nothing good comes out of it.

” Aiyyaa!! You cannot do that. You already kissed me. If you reject me now, do you think I will let you off so easily? Hmm?” Jia Fei asked in a sweet and curious voice while smiling at him all the time.

Yuhan: “.....”

While Jia Fei was trying to use her cuteness charm on him, Yuhan was thinking otherwise.

Rather than being enchanted by her cuteness, he was more disgusted and scared. It would have been fine if she had smacked him on his head but her speaking to him in a honey-dripping voice was scarier than going inside the haunted house alone.

How can she say such words in a high tone of voice while smiling at him? That’s so not like Jia Fei!


“You...Stop talking like this. It doesn’t look cute at all.”

Jia Fei pursed her lips and scoffed in disbelief to see him getting disgusted by her acting cute. She had heard that men like cute types of girls.

How can he not like her acting cute? Does he not know how cute she is?

She cleared her throat and slammed her hand on the table, ” Stop acting as if I am trying to pull you into some voice-phishing scam.”

” The idea I am about to tell you is the most foolproof way to find out about our feelings.”

” What is it?”

Jia Fei closes her eyes and takes a deep breath before saying, ” Let’s do a one-month trial.”

Yuhan was speechless when he heard her words. He did not say a word for a minute and stared at her without saying anything.

Jia Fei grew curious when she heard nothing from him and when she opened her eyes to look at him, she found him staring at her in a daze.

” You....why aren’t you saying anything? Say something.” She urged him.

Yuhan releases a sigh before he drinks a few sips of water and again sighs heavily. “You’re not talking about a one-month dating trial, are you?” He asked calmly.

Jia Fei smiled and nodded seriously. ” That’s what I am talking about. See. If we date each other for a month, we can learn more about our feelings towards each other.”

” If we like each other, then we can continue being in a relationship. If not, then with mutual understanding we can break up with no strings attached and will go back to being friends like we’re now. Simple.”

” This way it won’t affect our friendship even if we broke up in the future. What do you say?” Jia Fei said proudly while looking at him expectantly.

Yuhan stared at her with a frown and couldn’t figure out what was going on in her head. How can she come up with the most stupid and cliche idea of all time?

” You’re mad. I am not doing this. What nonsense is trial dating? I am not doing it. Not even if you give me a million dollars in exchange.” He threw his hand in the air in disagreement.

” What? Why would I offer you a million dollars? Mr. Yao, I think you have a huge misconception about yourself. You’re not worth a million dollars. Why would I offer you money to date me?” Jia Fei was in disbelief by his over-confidence.

What made him believe that he is worth a million dollars?

” Looks like you’re forgetting something. I am Jia Fei from the Queens. My market value alone is 10 million dollars. Since the moment I joined HJ Entertainment, the largest brands in the world have been swarming to sign me up as their brand ambassador. That’s the power The Queens hold and still do.”

” You should be the one offering me money if someone were to do so. How dare you think that I will offer you money to date me?” She was offended by the way he worded his thoughts.

If someone is losing something here, it would be her. How dare he act as if she is dying to get into a relationship with him?

Yuhan was speechless when he heard her come back. He wanted to refute her claim, but whatever she said was right.

She is indeed the most amazing person he has ever met. Despite her popularity and celebrity status, she is so down-to-earth and does not misuse her celebrity status.

He cleared his throat and was feeling embarrassed after her lecture. ” Well, I didn’t mean it this way. However, it doesn’t mean I agree with that idea.”

” Have you ever heard of someone dating temporarily?” He asked seriously.

She nodded, ” Of course. People get into contracted marriages. We’re just going to date for a limited period and will assess our feelings after that. Simple!”

” I am not talking about dramas. Give me any realistic example.” Yuhan said.

Jia Fei scratched her head awkwardly and said, ” Well, we can be the first. Someone needs to start it for it to become a trend.” She said confidently.

Yuhan sighed exasperatedly as he was not sure from where she got so much confidence.

” If you don’t want to do it, then say so. It’s not like I am forcing you to date me. You don’t have any solution to this problem but keep finding issues with my idea.”

“If you think that it is such a bad idea, then let it be. Let’s pretend nothing happened between us and act like before. Are you fine with it?” She snapped at him irritatedly.

Yuhan pursed his lips and blinked nervously when she got angry and raised her voice at him.

Seeing her getting angry, he realized that she was serious this time. He thought that she was joking with him but seemed like she was seriously considering this idea.

Well, it isn’t that bad if he were to think about it. This will give them some time to think about their feelings and it will be better than getting into a relationship without any thoughts and ruining their friendship.

This trial dating period will help them to go back to being friends as usual if things didn’t work out in the end. Wouldn’t it be more beneficial than nothing?

“Well....If you think that it’s a good idea...then.... let’s do it.” He said while stuttering and avoiding looking straight into her eyes.

” What? What are you saying? I cannot hear you?” She raised her brows and placed a hand near her ear to listen to his words more clearly.

She was teasing him.

He pursed his lips and frowned at her before shouting, “Fine. Let’s do it. The one-month trial dating.”

Jia Fei was pleased by his reaction and clapped happily before giving him a high five. ” Let’s get along well, My one month boyfriend.”

Yuhan also chuckled to hear her words and nodded, ” Let’s do well, My temporary girlfriend.”

” OHH!! I LIKE IT.” Jia Fei exclaimed in excitement. This was the most exciting thing that has happened to her this year.

She is gonna make the best out of it.

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