My Ceo Husband is Sworn Enemy

Chapter 166: 166 He is the Light in My Life_1

Chapter 166: 166 He is the Light in My Life_1

Translator: 549690339

At this timing, there weren’t many people around.

The rider wearing a helmet turned around and quickly fled the scene, and the gang of punks following me saw me lying on the ground and scattered just as quickly.

“Help  ”

I tried with all my strength to shout.

But no matter how hard I tried I couldn’t make a sound.

I couldn’t move, and I could feel something wet seeping from underneath my hair, flowing down to my neck.

I was gradually losing the feeling of pain.

I was becoming numb.

I felt colder and colder, as if falling into an ice cave.

Am I going to die again?

No, I can’t die!

I can’t just die like this, I haven’t uncovered the truth behind the children’s deaths, I haven’t yet confronted Gu Yuanzhou for his actions.

I can’t let Ye Mengyan take over the company I’ve worked so hard to build.

I can’t let her reap the benefits of my hard work for the rest of her life.

I can’t die.

But right now, I don’t even have the strength to stand up.

At this moment, I truly realized that I was about to die.

The person I most wanted to see before I died turned out to be Ding Yinuo.

I don’t know why, but I just wanted someone who cared about me to hold my hand or hug me as I was dying.

As these thoughts ran through my mind, Ding Yinuo actually appeared before me.

“Ayun, Ayun  ”

He knelt on the ground, calling my name over and over again.

I looked at him eagerly, but I couldn’t speak. My mouth was open, my throat gurgling, and only blood was coming out.

Suddenly, Ding Yinuo’s eyes welled up with tears. He choked out,

“Don’t talk, don’t talk, I get it, Ayun, don’t be scared, you won’t die.”

I couldn’t nod, all I could do was let the tears flow

Out of the blue, I remembered what Wenya had once said.

If Ding Yinuo confessed to you first back then, would you have accepted him?

At this moment, I remembered what Ding Yinuo said when he was drunk:

“Ayun! I’m angry because I care about you! If it were any other girl, I wouldn’t give a damn about what they say. But it’s you. You don’t know how long I’ve been angry! I’ve been fighting with you for years, that’s how long I’ve been angry. Ayun, why don’t you understand me? All you see is that jerk Gu Yuanzhou  ”

“Ayun, I’ve lost you once. I don’t want to lose you a second time.”

If I really died, my biggest regret in this life would be not avenging myself on that scumbag Gu Yuanzhou.

The second biggest regret would be hurting Ding Yinuo

“Yinuo  ”

I opened my mouth slightly, wanting to express my thoughts.

But still, I couldn’t make a sound, only a feeble gasp came out.

“Don’t speak, I will save you, I can definitely keep you alive. Ayun, Ayun  ”

For the first time, I saw panic in Ding Yinuo’s eyes.

For some reason, I felt strangely calm at this moment.

Although I couldn’t feel the pain, my mind was still clear.

I could see him trying hard to save me. He took off his shirt to bandage the wound on my head, and he kept talking to me.

“Ayun, your lower back might be hurt, I can’t move you. The ambulance will be here soon, I’ll make sure they’ll be here within ten minutes. You have a head injury and you’ve lost a bit of blood, but it’s not fatal.”

The usually jovial him was now stuttering.


He was like a schoolboy meeting his parents-in-law for the first time, barely able to speak.

Seeing him, a mature doctor, panicking like this, I couldn’t help but smile.

Ding Yinuo, do you care about me this much?

At this moment, time seemed to stretch endlessly, and everything around me gradually faded into the background.

The features of Ding Yinuo, however, became clearer and clearer before me.

Perhaps because he was there, I didn’t feel threatened by death anymore.

Soon, the ambulance arrived. Medical personnel came over with a stretcher, and Ding Yinuo lifted me onto it and pushed me into the ambulance.

He was with me all the way to the hospital.

I held on until we got to the entrance of the hospital.

The lights at the main entrance of the hospital were like a lighthouse in the dark.

It was as if only after passing through that light did I feel safe. My eyelids were heavy and everything was going dark.

I couldn’t hold on any longer.

Just before losing consciousness, I heard Ding Yinuo’s voice, “Prepare for blood transfusion   What, not enough blood? Take mine! I’ll do the operation, prepare operating room three.”

I had no idea what happened afterward.

Maybe it was because of the surgery, I was given anesthesia.

When I woke up, I was lying in a hospital bed.

As I lay there looking at the ceiling, for a moment, I couldn’t tell if I was dreaming or had really survived.

Drips were flowing in from a tube in my arm, entering my body bit by bit.

I tried to move a little, but a sharp pain shot through from my arm. Suddenly, a voice rang out,

“Ayun, don’t move!”

It was then that I noticed that there was another person in the room. It was Wenya.

The moment I opened my mouth, my voice was hoarse like it had been sandpapered, coarse and raspy.

“Am I alive?”

Wenya quickly came over to adjust the IV tube on my arm, preventing the needle from falling out.

“Yes, you’ve been unconscious for three days!”

“Why can’t I sit up, what happened?”

“You’ve injured your head, fractured your left arm, and your internal organs are damaged   Luckily, Ding Yinuo performed the surgery. I heard that the operation took twelve hours. At the time, you didn’t have enough plasma, he donated blood for you. After the operation, he fainted on the spot.”

As Wenya was rambling on about what happened after I blacked out,

I carefully thought about it. In fact, I wasn’t entirely unconscious.

I seem to have had moments of clarity, but I didn’t open my eyes then. However, I could distinctly hear Ding Yinuo’s voice yelling my name.


“Ayun, you need to rest for a few days. Your internal organs are recovering well. But your broken left arm, and the wound on the back of your head, they’ll probably need another half a month to heal.”

“Wait, Wenya, where is Ding Yinuo? Where is he? Did he regain consciousness?”

“Now you’re worried about him? He’s been quietly pining for you for years, and you’ve always ignored him.”

Wenya spoke like a wronged woman, defending Ding Yinuo.

I wished I could kick her. Instead of answering my question, she was just going on and on.

“Where is he?”

“Want to see him?”

“Of course, I want to  ”

“How much do you want to see him?”

I knew Wenya was teasing me, but I really wanted to know Ding Yinuo’s condition now, so I went along with her. “Very much, very much!!”

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