My CEO Husband Has Some Issues

Chapter 38 - 38: 38: Have You Studied My Illness?

Chapter 38 - 38: 38: Have You Studied My Illness?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The phone instantly quieted down as if it had seen a ghost.

It took quite a while for the person on the other end to mumble a response, “Hey! My phone was just taken away by my assistant. Hello, is this Miss Rong?

I’m Cui Jiangjing.”

His voice sounded exactly like the assistant’s!

Lying through his teeth!

Rong Yan held the phone and said, “This is the situation, Mr. Li is here with me right now, and he seems to be in a lot of discomfort. You must be a doctor, right? Could you see if it’s convenient for you to come over now?”

At first, Cui Jiangjing wished he could find a hole to crawl into, but now he immediately became serious, “What?”

“I have time. Where are you? I’ll be right there!”

Rong Yan gave the address and apartment number of her small apartment.

“I’ll be there in 20 minutes.”

He was still at the hospital, and with Rong Yan’s location on the opposite end of the city, 20 minutes was already breakneck speed.

“Please take care of him until I get there,” he added, not forgetting to ask Miss Rong for a favor.

Rong Yan nodded, “You don’t need to say it; I already know.” Now that the man was in her house, just like she said, if she didn’t take care of him, she would be the first to face trouble if anything happened to Li Shengxiao.

“Thank you, Miss Rong.”

The call on the other end of the phone ended.

Having contacted someone, Rong Yan breathed a sigh of relief. She put down the phone, turned around, and went back to the side of the sofa. The man lying on the sofa still had his eyes tightly shut, his thin lips pressed into a straight line. It was evident that he was enduring great pain, with his left hand on his

forehead and his breathing rapid.

She stood by his side for two minutes but eventually couldn’t bear it and said to the person on the sofa, “Li Shengxiao, you can hear me talking, right?”

“Let me give you an acupuncture treatment. Although it won’t control your pain, it should make you feel a bit better. Later, you’ll need to cooperate with me and try not to move, okay?” Rong Yan negotiated with him.

Giving acupuncture isn’t like doing something else; one careless move could be fatal.

So, during this process, the patient must cooperate.

The person on the sofa didn’t make a sound, still maintaining an agonized posture as if he was using all his energy to control himself!

Feeling helpless, Rong Yan went back to her room to find her needle box and returned to the living room. Rolling up her sleeves, she began to handle his arm, preparing it for the needles.

The needles used in Chinese medicine are very fine and long. She inserted one after another into the important points on the man’s arm.

After filling his hand with needles, she decisively unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt and inserted a needle into his exposed, honey-colored chest.

“Hmph.” Li Shengxiao grunted, his lips pressed even tighter.

Rong Yan dared not stop, speeding up her pace while comforting him, “It’s a bit painful now, but it’ll get better soon. Hang in there.”

The soothing voice, like a breeze brushing past the eardrums, helped to gradually bring down the body’s heat.

Li Shengxiao slowly opened his eyes, and the snowy white profile of the person beside him entered his vision, becoming an unparalleled scenery!

Rong… Yan!

10 minutes later, Rong Yan finally removed all the needles. A light sweat had broken out on his body, and his pain had eased significantly.

After putting the needles away, Rong Yan fetched from the fridge the herbal medicine she prepared for Little Baby and warmed it up in the microwave before bringing it out.

She helped the man sit up from the sofa and handed him the bowl, “Here, drink this.”

She patiently explained, “This is also a medicinal concoction for conditioning your body. It has alleviating benefits for your symptoms.”

Li Shengxiao felt much better and took the bowl, tilting his head back to gulp down the medicine.

After he finished drinking, Rong Yan quickly offered him a fruit candy she had prepared earlier.

“The medicine is quite bitter; eating a candy will make it much better!”

Li Shengxiao, having his first experience of being offered candy after medicine, took it without unwrapping it. His deep eyes fixed on the person beside him.. Suddenly, he asked, “Have you studied my condition?”

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