My CEO Husband Can Hear My Inner Thoughts

Chapter 74

Chapter 74

"Go tell Xie Zhiyu that I'll be over a bit later."

Glancing at the person sitting on the sofa chatting with Qi Xinian, Qi Weiran instructed a servant.

The other nodded: "Very well, Sir."

"Dumpling, you should wear suspender pants less in the future, you know?" Yi Qingju said with a serious expression.

Qi Xinian looked down at his black suit with suspenders, puzzled: "Why?"

"If you keep wearing suspender pants, you won't grow tall when you become an adult."

[I'm not lying about this, the orphanage director said so when I was little]

Qi Weiran paused in his steps, a flicker of doubt in his eyes.

Orphanage director?

The child who loved suspender pants the most had a clear look of disbelief on his face.

Yi Qingju opened her mouth and continued: "Do you know why Sir is so tall? It's because he never wore suspender pants as a child."

[He didn't even dare wear high-waisted shorts, let alone suspender pants, or it would have strangled him]

Just regaining his senses from the words 'orphanage', Qi Weiran: "......"

I won't say a word until my lawyer arrives.

"Madam, the foreign language tutor is already waiting for you in the study on the third floor."

After finishing dinner, Yi Qingju, who was about to open her laptop for studying, was surprised when she heard the servant's words.

"They found someone so quickly." She closed her laptop.

When it came to private tutors, Yi Qingju couldn't help but think of the previous incident where Hei Meilu had possessed her body. Just yesterday, she saw him in the international news, having reportedly become the youngest professor in the history of a renowned university worldwide, with each of his published papers having a tremendous impact in his field.

As for Qi Weiran, whenever Yi Qingju mentioned this name, either directly or indirectly, he showed no reaction, as if he didn't even recognize the person.

[After Hei Meilu woke up, he wouldn't remember what happened before, and those who had 'interacted' with him during that period would gradually forget about it too, eventually losing all memory of him]

Yi Qingju breathed a sigh of relief.

[That's good, if the transmigrator had to bear the consequences of the misdeeds committed]

[Then this world would truly be beyond saving.....]

This was the last thing she said to Little Zizhi before pushing open the double doors in front of her.


The remainder of 'er' came to an abrupt halt as Yi Qingju caught sight of Qi Weiran.

The man with a striking nose bridge, on which perched silver-rimmed glasses, raised his head at her words. In the instant he saw Yi Qingju, the sharp look in his amber eyes behind the lenses melted away, leaving only a calm expression.

"Sir?" Yi Qingju called out.

Then, looking around in confusion, she asked, "Where is the tutor?"

Qi Weiran pointed at the seat across from him: "Sit."

Yi Qingju hesitated for a moment, then sat down. The man across from her pushed a porcelain white teacup towards her with his slender fingers, his low, magnetic voice sounding before her.

"From now on, I will teach you languages for an hour and a half every day at this time, except on Saturdays and Sundays."

"During this time, you don't need to call me 'Sir' anymore."

He paused, then enunciated clearly: "Call me 'Teacher'."

Yi Qingju stared blankly at the man in front of her. The warm light from the lamp beside him cast a glow on his side profile, accentuating his already superior features and making them appear even more profound. The amber eyes behind the lenses exuded a deadly allure.

[No way... this is how we're saving money?]

Qi Weiran: "......" Do you have anything to say?

Yi Qingju moved her lips: "Sir... won't this be a waste of your time?"

Qi Weiran shook his head.

"No, it won't be. Just pay me a tutor's hourly rate of three hundred dollars."

Yi Qingju: (⊙_⊙)

Yi Qingju: (⊙_⊙)?

Seeing her clearly dumbfounded expression, Qi Weiran felt a moment of exhilaration, like a long-oppressed slave finally able to sing out.

How did that popular phrase go online?

Oh, yes.

This is called using magic to defeat magic.

Yi Qingju moved her lips, taking a long time to find her voice again: "Sir?"

[Have you been possessed?! Which impoverished soul has taken over Qi Weiran's body?!]

As Yi Qingju's inner voice gradually turned frantic, Qi Weiran finally spoke with a calm expression: "I'm joking."

Yi Qingju: "......"

Just listen to yourself, is that even funny?

Since he had already joked to this extent, Yi Qingju couldn't really refuse him anymore.

It wasn't until the actual learning process that she realized Qi Weiran's capabilities were truly exceptional, able to excel in any field.

The teaching process was not as dry as Yi Qingju had imagined; on the contrary, Qi Weiran's teaching style even had a touch of humor.

[My lord, did Qi Weiran take a teaching certification exam?]

She had this doubt ever since the last time he explained the knowledge of choosing a park area to her.

As he was lecturing her on simple grammar, Qi Weiran curled his lips imperceptibly.

He did indeed take a teaching certification exam.

[Tsk, it's hard to imagine Qi Weiran reciting poems with a straight face in front of the examiners and jumping around]

Qi Weiran: "......" That was a preschool teaching certification.

"Let's go to City X together at the end of the month. Although it's a bit remote, the scenery there is beautiful."

"I have a friend buried there. If you're willing, you can accompany me to pay respects."

After the lesson ended, as Yi Qingju was organizing the things she had learned today in her mind, she suddenly heard these words.

Her initial reaction was to pause in surprise.

[If I'm not mistaken, that must be Bai Yueguang]

[You're calling something so important just a 'side trip'?]

Qi Weiran neither confirmed nor denied.

When Zhang Wei had asked him this question before, the first thought that came to his mind was the scenery there – Yi Qingju would definitely like it.

Yi Qingju pondered for a moment.

To be honest, she didn't really want to go, since the company was quite busy.

But if she left for a few days, she could take this opportunity to observe Xiao Hua's capabilities. Plus, according to her persona, she couldn't possibly refuse Qi Weiran's invitation, especially when it involved something related to Bai Yueguang.

"All right, Sir. Do I need to prepare anything?"

After considering the pros and cons, Yi Qingju agreed.

Tapping the desk with his slender fingers, Qi Weiran said: "Bring the supplementary books on the list I wrote earlier for you to memorize."

The lessons couldn't be neglected, after all.

Yi Qingju: "......" All right, Teacher."

After leaving Qi Weiran's place, she first put her notes and the book he had provided back in her room.

Seeing the notebook with a little pig pattern on top, also provided by him, Yi Qingju couldn't help but curl her lips.

"How childish, to actually like a notebook printed with little pig patterns."

Little Zizhi: [.......Is it possible that it's because the user is you?]

As she entered the bedroom, she suddenly paused.

"Where are the bedding and mattress on the floor?"

Yi Qingju asked a servant.

The servant, who was wiping a vase, replied: "The Sir had them removed."

What's going on, does he not plan to sleep in this room anymore?

Well, that's good news.

Putting on protective gear, Yi Qingju entered the pigsty and turned on the lights.

After all, she had to turn on the lights; it was too dark to see where her black pig daughter was.

"Xiao Hua, so many things have happened lately. It's been a while since we mother and daughter had a chat. Why don't we have a drink together on this moonless night?"

The big black pig remained unmoved, even turning its big butt towards Yi Qingju.

Yi Qingju: "......"

"Our feelings have grown so distant, haven't they?"

With that, she stood up with a sorrowful expression: "It's understandable, growing up with just a pig, I might as well chat with a rich old man about what's on my mind."

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