My British Empire

Chapter 97:

  Chapter 97

   "Who made us richer than London? It's a sin to have too much money!"

  Before Old Cromwell finished speaking, a man in his thirties mocked himself.

   This is Adler, a Jewish banker who settled in London, a Jew. Although he has been in London for ten years, everyone still hasn't fully accommodated her.

   During this period, the Jews did not have a surname and were severely suppressed.

In the Middle Ages, it was mainly religious anti-Semitism, which originated from the hatred of Christians against the legendary Jews who killed Jesus. Christianity, not to intermarry heathen, etc.) and deepened.

Before and after modern times, economic anti-Semitism has been strengthened. The excuse is that Jews have relied on business and usury since ancient times to get rich (in fact, it is the traditional Christianity’s preaching of poverty and the prohibition of Christians from doing business, especially the regulations on usury) that forced the Jews to become rich. operating this way for survival), exploiting Christians to the bone.

  The reason why Adler came to London was because he asked Henry VIII for a debt. Henry VIII, who had no money, directly gave him a small mine as a loan.

  So he took root, came to London from the Netherlands, opened a bank, and brought the advanced banking technology of the Netherlands.

  Ten years later, Henry VIII's mine has not yet been recovered, but his bank has developed rapidly and has become one of the best bankers in England.

  Unexpectedly, by mistake, he went from a small banker in the Netherlands to a high-ranking person in London.

   But he was still uneasy. In the Middle Ages, Jews were deprived of property everywhere. That's why he was so sensitive to the king's request.

   "No one can take away our property, but Adler, a Jew, might not!"

  Salt merchant Bruno Adam choked on him with words, with a mocking expression on his face.

  After hearing what he said, Adler's face turned darker, and his worry became stronger.

   "Okay! We're not here to talk about this, let's discuss how to distribute the 20,000 pounds!"

  Old Cromwell glanced at the flesh-faced Bruce Adam, and then changed the topic.

   "Does it need to be said, let's directly mobilize the parliament to increase taxes. Those craftsmen and small traders have made a lot of money recently. I want to pay a little more tax, and they will be willing!"

  Coal tycoon John Thomas said directly without thinking, his words represented the aspirations of the people sitting here, and they didn't have the good intentions to pay the 20,000 pounds.

   "That's it, but what reason do we have to tax?"

  Adler couldn't help asking when he heard about the tax increase.

   "It is said that it is to build the city wall of London to protect those pirates who come suddenly!"

   "By the way, one more sentence is to congratulate His Majesty the King on his administration!"

  Old Cromwell sat there, took a sip of tea, and closed his lips with a soft sentence.

   "That's it! Maybe we'll make a fortune this time."

  The young wool merchant Fitch Kadir suddenly said something, with a surprised expression on his face.

  After listening to the wool merchant's words, everyone sitting there burst into laughter.

  ……The dividing line of evil……

The last canonization of the Duchy of Lancaster was on November 10, 1399. The new king Henry IV canonized his eldest son, Henry of Monmouth, Prince of Wales, as the Duke of Lancaster, and the Duke of Henry succeeded to the throne in 1413 as Henry V. At that time, the Duke of Lancaster merged with the throne again, and the Duke of Lancaster was abolished again.

  Although the Duke of Lancaster has not existed since 1413, the Duchy of Lancaster continues to exist and is also part of the royal family's property and is one of the king's immediate territories.

  It is also one of the only two principalities remaining in the UK in the 21st century, the other being the Principality of Cornwall. To this day, the Principality is still the source of income for the current Queen of the World.

  The British monarch traditionally adds the Duke of Lancaster to his title.

   Lancaster has more than 18,000 hectares, which is equivalent to the size of Hong Kong.

  The entire duchy has more than 30,000 people, of which there are only 5,000 freemen, and most of the rest are serfs, serfs of the Tudor royal family.

   Bringing more than a hundred people to the territory of Lancaster.

   "Sir, where should we go first?"

  Looking at the bloated Sir John on the horse, Baron Smith wiped his sweat and asked involuntarily.

   "Huh—huh—let's go to Anson Parish first! It's the largest parish in the duchy."

   As he spoke, Sir John picked up the water bag on the horse's back and drank it in big gulps. In this cold winter, the wind blowing his sweat made him look even colder.

   "Mr. Sir, we will speed up and we won't be cold soon! Haha—"

   As he spoke, Baron Smith couldn't help speeding up his pace, and with a whoosh, he ran in front of Sir John.

   "Reckless, rough man." Cursing, Sir John couldn't help clamping his legs, and the horse on his crotch also accelerated to follow.

   Soon, they saw a large white windmill spinning rapidly. This was the conspicuous target of the mill. Baron Smith knew that tonight, the place where they rested was lost.

   After being entertained by the host, Baron Smith and Sir John hurriedly started their journey again.

   On the third day, more than a hundred people came to Anson Parish, Anson Cathedral.

  Looking at the solemn and solemn Gothic white church, Baron Smith, Sir John and a group of knights dismounted one after another, preparing to go in and pray.

  The arrival of a group of people alarmed the bishop in the church. The nearly fifty-year-old Bishop Vaux wore a white cassock and came out to greet him in person.

  The old and dizzy-eyed bishop took a closer look at Sir John, the Minister of Royal Affairs, and hastily quickened his pace to meet him first.

  Looking at the old bishop who was stumbling over, Sir John also picked it up with interest.

   "Sir! God bless you, why are you here?"

   "Master Bishop, I am here this time to recruit guards at the order of His Majesty the King!"

  Sir John accepted the old bishop's greeting very calmly, and then stated his purpose.

   "That's great. Tomorrow morning is just the time for worship. After the worship is over, you can read His Majesty's decree!"

  His Bishop seemed to have encountered some happy event, and hurriedly gave him advice.

   "Thank you so much, my lord, may the Lord bless you!"

   Baron Smith on the side thanked him gratefully.

   "This is it?" His Excellency Bishop noticed Baron Smith at the side, and asked with some embarrassment.

   "This is Baron Smith, Chief of the Palace Guard!"

  (end of this chapter)

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