My British Empire

Chapter 462: Anglican Cleansing Movement

  Chapter 462 Anglican Cleansing Movement

  When everyone was shocked by His Excellency the archbishop's speech, the young king showed no expression, but showed a smug smile.

   On religious issues, how could His Majesty the King not consult with the Archbishop of Canterbury in advance?

  After the Archbishop of Canterbury finished speaking, the scene fell silent, and the other bishops were too shocked to speak.

   Afterwards, everyone caught a glimpse of His Majesty the King, and then nodded in agreement.

  The first content is so easy to pass


  After the Archbishop of Canterbury sat down, His Majesty the King nodded slightly towards him, and the two smiled knowingly, everything was kept silent.

   "The reason why I called you here this time is not only about the affairs of Rome, but also to ask you about the situation of the Anglican sect in various places!"

  His Majesty the King took a sip of tea, glanced at them intentionally or unintentionally, and said slowly.

   "Archbishop of York, you talk about it first!"

  The bishop of York, who was named, squeezed out a smile towards the king, and said with a straight face, word by word:

   "Currently, in all parts of England, Catholicism and other Protestantism have become weak under our suppression.

   If conservatively estimated, the number of people who often go to church to pray and mass has already occupied six floors of the population of England. Anglicanism has become the main belief of the English people! "

  England has been reforming for decades, and most of the population has accepted Anglicanism, so there is no need to urge it anymore, and the rest of the time will come naturally.

   "The same is true for Wales. Most nobles and commoners have fully accepted Anglicanism, and Catholics are no longer a threat!"

  The Archbishop of Wales spoke softly in a gentle tone, and the voice hit his ears, as if an old man was exhorting him, which was extraordinarily kind.

   "Of course, most of the Scottish Catholics have already accepted Anglicanism. The remaining members are just dregs. They will return naturally in a short time. Please rest assured, I will definitely let them have a real home!"

  As soon as Archbishop Hobbs stood up, he felt a little out of breath.

   It has not been a few years since the Scottish Reformation, and most ignorant civilians still believe in Catholicism. The belief habits that have been around for hundreds of years are not so easy to change.

   Therefore, Bishop Hobbs quickly patted his chest and promised loudly, trying to prove the strength of himself and the Church of Scotland.

   Regarding this, Edward was noncommittal. Anglicanism is the sect most similar to Catholicism in Protestantism. Except for the leaders and some ceremonies, the rest are basically the same.

  So, to convert Catholics, of all Protestant denominations, Anglicanism is the easiest sect.

  In the process of transformation, the biggest resistance has always been the teaching staff. As long as the teaching staff cooperates, ignorant civilians can easily change.

  Therefore, during the period of Henry VIII, decrees were issued more than once, requiring the priests to be loyal to the king, change their positions in time, and strictly prohibit flirting and flirting with Rome.

  So, as long as the bishops of the Church of Scotland have their heart towards the royal family, then in a few years, the whole of Scotland will be like England.

   "Ireland's situation is a bit special!" The Archbishop of Dublin's tone was more hypocritical than that of Scotland's Bishop Hobbs, and even his back seemed less straight.

He looked around for a while, and then continued: "Except for the Dublin area, Ireland is composed of Calvinism, Catholics, and other sects. Although the Anglican sect occupies the main advantage, it will directly transform the entire island of Ireland. Please Forgive me, Your Majesty, there is nothing we can do."

   In the end, he looked at His Majesty the King with resentful eyes. The complaints inside were like an abyss, and the young king smiled embarrassedly.

  Ireland is the largest sewage outlet in the empire. Heretics, criminals, and even mobs who disobeyed the rule, and there are a large number of Celtic tribesmen. It can be said that the society is extremely complicated.

  Under such circumstances, it is not bad for the Anglican sect to maintain its advantage. If the real situation is followed, the Catholic Church has a real advantage.

   And His Majesty the King, who caused such a complicated situation, naturally cannot force it, the environment does not allow it!

   "That being said, Ireland is an important part of the United Kingdom after all, and Anglicanism is the state religion of the United Kingdom. Of course, Ireland cannot lag behind too much!"

  The Archbishop of Canterbury replaced His Majesty the King, faced the Archbishop of Dublin, and spurred.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Holy See, I will fight for it!" The Archbishop of Dublin took a light breath and agreed.

   "Well, this is the best!" His Majesty the King nodded and agreed.

   "Everyone, there is no doubt that the state religion of the United Kingdom is Anglicanism. It is your unshirkable responsibility to convey the glory of our Lord!"

   "I hope you will take it to heart!"

  Finally, His Majesty the King made a conclusion and concluded.

  Suddenly, just when everyone thought the topic was over and the atmosphere fell silent again, His Majesty the King began to speak again.

   "Last year, more than a dozen bishops and more than a hundred deacons in the church committed corruption and betrayed the faith of our Lord, and were dismissed and sentenced!"

  His Majesty the King opened his eyes wide, looked at these serious and surprised archbishops, and said sadly.

   "The behavior of these people will never be forgiven!"

   Although the bishops showed shock on their faces, they didn't take it seriously in their hearts.

   What happened to some gold coins? As the Lord's shepherds, these gold coins are not enough to cover their contribution.

  But His Majesty the King said no, and in recent years, he has stepped up the corruption valve. Whether it is righteousness or reason, the archbishops should cooperate.

   "In order to eliminate or reduce this kind of behavior, I propose to set up a synod of archbishops to supervise the entire church, and to start meetings at the end of each year.

   Moreover, three levels of the annual income of churches across the kingdom will be handed over to the Archbishop Conference for the development and growth of the entire Anglican sect!

   And everyone sitting here will be one of the members of the Archbishop Synod! "

   "Do you have any comments?"

  Hearing the words, the bishops bowed their heads and began to meditate.

   What His Majesty the King said about monitoring corruption is pure fart. The most important thing is to make more money, and to make money through the Archbishop Conference.

   But this conference of archbishops is also beneficial to them, and they can use their supervisory power to expand their power.

  Although they are archbishops, they actually only control the area at hand.

  For example, the Archbishop of York only controls the Diocese of York, and only has the right to suggest, not control, the bishops of other dioceses.

  After thinking about it, all the bishops nodded in agreement, and the Anglican sect carried out another cleaning campaign, and made a lot of benefits for the king.

  ps: I recommend a foreign history master, "The Age of Dawn of Conquest of Heaven" by Solid Bear. The writing is good.

  If you want to return the book shortage, you can search for Yuexian, the starting point book shortage list, there are all kinds of books.

  (end of this chapter)

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