My British Empire

Chapter 210: The Continuing Reformation (Part 2)

  Chapter 210 Continuation of the Reformation (Part 2)

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  In addition, Edward also changed the title belonging to the king from the title of "Supreme Leader of the Anglican Church" to "Supreme Administrator of the British Parliament".

   Moreover, under Edward's suggestion, the committee also passed a general rule that all those who serve as teaching staff must swear with their own conscience before God:

"His Majesty the King is the only supreme magistrate of this country...whether it is religious and ecclesiastical affairs, or secular affairs; within the territory of this kingdom, any foreign monarch, person, bishop, state, or ruler, in church or religious matters Shall not have, and shall not have, any stewardship, dominion, leadership, or authority!"

  In this way, the judicial tribunal of the whole church belongs to Edward, who will be able to supervise the Anglicanism.

Moreover, it also stipulates that anyone who refuses to swear allegiance to His Majesty the King will lose his salary and position; those who insist on the authority of the Pope will be deprived of their property, and if they do not change their position, they will be severely punished according to crimes of contempt and treason , to the death penalty.

   Of course, these are just the most important ones.

   There are many other clauses combined together to finally form this bill on the authority of the king, which is called the "Supreme Act", which was perfected and proposed by the Royal Commission, and finally passed in both the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

  The passage of the bill fully established the king's authority and management over the Anglican sect, making the somewhat dissociated Anglican sect completely under the king's control.

  Of course, these are not ideas of Edward alone, but have been improved by referring to Elizabeth I's Supreme Act.

  Looking at the ten or so pages of bills in front of me, these are the clauses establishing the king's authority in the church, including various requirements and punishment methods. Edward was finally satisfied.

  The king was satisfied, and then the members of the Royal Commission also seized the time to start drafting more Protestant measures.

  First of all, the committee members were deadlocked around a condition. The scene was very tense for a while, and the meeting had to be stopped.

   Regarding this, our Majesty the King is very curious about what bill is so important that the members of the Royal Commission are deadlocked to such an extent.

   After Edward understood, he silently drew a circle in his heart.

  The focus of the dispute among the members of many committees is whether to allow priests to marry.

   In this regard, conservatives believe that only those who keep their bodies pure can serve God, and those who cannot even protect their own purity cannot shepherd God's sheep.

  Moreover, they believe that only by fully devoting themselves to serving God can they approach God and understand the Lord's will.

  Actually, the main reason for this regulation is to prevent the teaching property from being swallowed up by the second generation of the teaching.

  Before the eleventh century, priests were allowed to marry. In the eleventh century, when the pope set an example, the church stipulated that the clergy were not allowed to marry.

  Of course, this method is quite effective, and it does prevent the teaching property from falling into the hands of the second generation of teaching.

   Even the now decayed Roman Church has not canceled this regulation.

   When it comes to Protestantism, it is quite different.

  You must know that the nobles in Protestant countries generally share the religious property, and their rights are greatly reduced. The priests have no religious property and most of the opportunities to make money, so it doesn’t matter whether they get married or not.

  So, Edward thought for a while, and decided to agree to let the priests marry.

  The reason is that most of the teaching property of the Church of England is currently in the hands of the Tudor royal family and nobles.

   Moreover, if priests are allowed to marry, there are many benefits!

   First, it can allow Edward to gain the favor of most of the English priests and collect a lot of people's hearts.

  The second thing is to bring England closer to Protestant countries.

  When Henry VIII just reformed, England was the beacon of the Protestant countries. After a while, those countries saw the true face of England and knew that it was just a change of skin but not a bone.

  These Protestant countries are a good counterweight to France, a chess piece of this Catholic country.

   With the help of the king, the committee members crossed this threshold very well.

   Next, a series of bills to reform the Catholic Church were enacted.

   Among them, they have made detailed regulations on various religious rituals, such as communion, anointing, confession, and even the location of the altar and the priest's priest's clothing, which is closer to the mainland Protestantism.

  For example, use the worship ceremony with the participation of the congregation, the public collective prayer ceremony and the pastor's public preaching. For example, the public participation in worship ceremonies and public collective prayers are adopted to facilitate the priest's public preaching, the cumbersome mass ceremony is changed to a simple communion ceremony, the Catholic transubstantiation is abandoned, and the symbolic meaning of the crucifixion of **** is adopted.

  A series of articles on missionary and religious rites, known as the "Second Book of Common Prayer", which is different from the "First Book of Common Prayer" led by Duke Edward.

  The so-called Book of Common Prayer, it is not the Bible, nor is it another book that replaces the Bible.

   It can be said that it is a book that teaches you how to understand the Bible and how to practice etiquette to worship God.

  The publication of the "Second Book of Common Prayer" laid the foundation for Anglicanism, that is, it severed the connection with Catholicism.

  You can even get married, the way of worshiping God is different from the robes, and you can’t get close to the Catholic Church.

   It’s like two twin brothers. Although both were born to the same parents, they look similar, but their habits and thinking are completely different. These two people are independent of each other.

  If we say that the book with the largest number of prints in this era must be the Bible. Its popularity is the largest. Every small church will have several Bibles.

   Moreover, when priests preach and preach, the Bible is a must.

  Edward also wanted to write the Bible and the Book of Common Prayer in English in a few years.

  This will certainly promote the emergence of English nationalism.

  The current European language is Latin, and the text is Latin. Basically every priest knows Latin, otherwise you can't even read the Bible.

   And when England has its own language and characters, then this country is unique and will definitely generate national centripetal force.

  The king of England is the best representative of this nation.

  Of course, it is inappropriate to write the Bible in English at present, because its writing and language system are incomplete.

  Besides, Scotland and Ireland have not been completely conquered, so writing the Bible in English will definitely not pass.

  So, you have to wait a few years before starting to act. Let's use Latin for now!

  (end of this chapter)

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