My British Empire

Chapter 184: Internal and external financial division

  Chapter 184 Internal and external financial division

  ps: First update, ask for tickets, ask for subscription.

  The passage of these two proposals has not gone through any obstacles, and the parliamentarians will not oppose the king in this matter.

  Generally speaking, as long as the king does not violate the principle, then the parliament has always been under the control of the king, acting as an obedient institution to assist the king in England's control.

   After all, nominally speaking, the Parliament is the public opinion of England and the representative of the people of the whole country.

   Regarding this, Faris Alexander, the president of the Privy Council, kept smiling, calmly watching the members vote seriously and the speaker reading the votes.

   "Today's third proposal, this time it will be explained by the President of the Privy Council, His Excellency Faris Alexander, Your Excellency, Minister!"

  Standing on the podium in the center, the Speaker of the House of Commons, Sir Thomas More, opened his eyes slightly, dragged a somewhat hoarse voice, and announced loudly to the MPs behind him.

   Immediately, as Faris was on his way to the parliamentary stage, bursts of intense applause sounded in his ears.

  Faris was unmoved, and slowly stepped onto the podium with a friendly smile on his face.

   At this moment, the applause from below became more and more intense. This is the tribute from the members of parliament to the minister.

   Speaking of it, the members of the parliament are also pitiful. Although they hold power, their own privileges need to be protected by the king.

  During the period of Henry VIII, three privileges of parliamentarians were finally established.

  Free speech, immunity, and self-discipline.

   These three rights are guaranteed in the name of the king, but they make this group of citizens and knights who have never enjoyed privileges very happy.

  So, this is also one of the powerful ways for the king to control the House.

   Adjusting his emotions, Faris was still a little nervous in the face of the gaze of more than 300 people.

   "Good day, gentlemen of Congress! This time, on behalf of the holy and great His Majesty Edward VI, I am here to explain the specific situation of this bill to you and gentlemen!"

  Faris's voice is a bit thick and magnetic, but his attitude is very humble. Compared with the Duke of Somerset, he treats people calmly and without arrogance.

   Of course, this is also related to the identities of the two of them.

  Although Faris is the head of the Privy Council, he is not of noble origin, and some of the MPs below him are indeed knights, so their attitude is naturally much more humble than Duke Edward.

This attitude has won the favor of many MPs. In English society, they are a group of prostitutes with a higher status than farmers, but they don't have much rights, but they like to discuss state affairs. They are very satisfied with the peaceful attitude of the Privy Council President like.

   "First of all, according to His Majesty's request, due to the huge expenditure of the war, the royal family's finances are overwhelmed. For the safety and interests of the English people, His Majesty the King hopes that the Parliament will approve the re-imposition of royal subsidies in order to achieve the purpose of maintaining national security!"

  Faris’ demeanor was steady, his sentences were fluent, and his voice was very resonant, every word and every word reached the ears of the congressmen sitting.

  After such a long paragraph, the congressmen below also exploded with a 'bang', and the congressmen whispered to each other and began to discuss.

   Speaker Sir Moore did not stop this. These are just common practices, and this is the case before every bill is passed.

  The MPs showed no surprise at the proposal to levy subsidies, nor did they have the slightest intention to stop them. They were just curious that His Majesty the King had not collected subsidies until now, which was beyond their expectations.

  Faris glanced at the congressmen who were discussing, and turned his eyes away from Sir Moore. Immediately, Sir waved the small hammer in his hand and knocked on the podium, making a sound of 'dong dong'.

   "Quiet, be quiet, gentlemen!" Seeing that Sir More had knocked the hammer to death, the MPs immediately fell silent and sat obediently.

"But this subsidy is different. His Majesty the King believes that the next war will be continuous. In order to avoid the trouble of reconvening the parliament, His Majesty the King hopes that the time for the subsidy collection will be fixed permanently. Of course, wait After the war is over, the king will automatically cancel it!"

   A sentence came out of Faris's mouth, with a pure London accent, matched with his leisurely expression, as if telling the congressmen, this is a trivial matter, everyone agree quickly!

"Wow--" After Faris finished speaking, the members below began to boil like boiling water, and the voices of the members became louder and louder, and their favor for the minister quickly disappeared, replaced by anger.

  Faris felt that the group of congressmen below was about to be ignited. If he was an ordinary person, he would have been beaten to death with a stick.

  Unfortunately, he is the head of the Privy Council, His Majesty's highest adviser, no member of parliament dares to attack him, no one even dares to question him.

   After all, this is not the later parliament, and the councilors are just ordinary citizens and knights. After making a move and questioning, think about the consequences!

  Although this is the case, the congressmen have made up their minds to abort this proposal, even if it offends the king.

   After a while, the members below fell silent, and the atmosphere was a bit heavy.

  Faris could also guess the mentality of the congressmen at this time, smiled and continued:

   "For this reason, His Majesty the King promises that he will not use any subsidy, not even a penny, except for customs duties and tithes!"

   "Moreover, the subsidy will be managed by the Ministry of Finance, which is formed by the merger of the Privy Council's Financial Revenue and Expenditure Management Office and the Finance Department. The parliament can supervise the review of the Privy Council's financial budget at the beginning of each year, and usually has supervisory power!"

   "If His Majesty the King uses a silver coin from the Ministry of Finance, the Parliament has the right to terminate the collection of subsidies!"

  In fact, Edward really racked his brains (me too) on how to seize the taxation power. Finally, he thought that he could split the royal finances and the Privy Council finances, that is, the inner court and the treasury were divided into two halves, and each had its own management.

   Regarding this, the congressmen reluctantly accepted a little bit, but they are still not used to throwing away this bargaining chip that can blackmail the king. More importantly, they only have the right to supervise in the future, and they have less power in their hands.

   Regarding this, the congressmen are still a little dissatisfied. The parliament was established to control the royal power. If the king gets the permanent right to expropriate the subsidy, even if he doesn't use it any more, the royal power will definitely flourish.

   What's more, if the subsidy is permanently collected, it will definitely damage their interests, but if the king no longer collects taxes randomly, it can be reluctantly accepted.

   "Everyone, His Majesty the King asked me to tell you that it is an irrational act to go against the King's will!" Seeing the hesitation on the faces of most of the congressmen, Faris finally added.

  As soon as these words came out, the faces of all the councilors changed, and they thought of the Tower of London in their hearts at the same time.

  (end of this chapter)

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